The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 39 - love and affection

once Mo Shira and Yue Ling arrived at mountains lake, he parked his car and carried her in a bridal style inside his apartment, he is really happy that at least she chosevhim and confessed to him in the present of the whole family he is never going to be cold or arrogant towards her and above all he wouldn't be overly possessive towards her but that does not mean he won't be possessive at all he thought to himself smiling while carrying her inside.

when they reach the sitting room, Yue Ling began to wiggle in Mo Shira's arms...

Yue Ling: "drop me now I want to sit on that sofa, I can walk on my own" she said with pouted mouth

Mo Shira: "no dear I will carry you there myself" he said as he wink at her,

Yue Ling: don't think I will allow you carry me inside the bedroom blindly, I won't allow you touch me

with a smirk on Mo Shira's lips he said

"are you scared my love?"

Yue Ling: who is scared of you huh! I'm not scared at all, it's just that I don't want you to start crying and begging out of exhaustion and tiredness she said in stuttered words.

Mo Shira: "seems to me that you just took my place and it hurt my ego" he said in a way like he was really hurt,

Yue Ling: you should be hurt, who told you to be weak?

Mo Shira then threw Yue Ling on the sofa In a warm manner,

Mo Shira: this is really too much, why don't we just try it now and see who begs and cries huh! he said raising an eyebrow before walking towards her in a slow motion and rested his body on hers, " what do you think??

" i... don't... think.. it's a good idea" she said again stuttering.

"well I think its the best idea so far" he said smirking more at her

Yue Ling c.h.e.s.t began to beat fast as she felt Mo Shira's hand going gently down her dress and his hand are going upward down to her waist,

Mo Shira: oh so you've admitted to who is stronger okay that's good but I'm not done yet,

he said leaning his face closer to her and kissed her passionately like an hungry lion

Yue Ling: mmm! mhm, she tried to push him away but he wasn't letting her go so she just gave up as all her efforts are all futile,

she started responding to his kisses while her hands were on his back as he left her lips and went down to her collarbone kissing and putting some love bites thereby making Yue Ling m.o.a.n and rob his back in such a way that Mo Shira knows she was really enjoying it,

but unfortunately, Mo Shira stood from her and walked two steps away from

Mo Shira: hmm I think I should just listen to you we should not do it

Yue Ling: what!?

now that she is enjoying it and he knows she is completely wet he wants to stop,

Mo Shira: what's what, I just wanna obey you, he said smiling widely,

once they were done running round the house the both were breathing very hard

Mo Shira: I will go and get us coffee

Yue Ling: no you sit, I'll go get it

Mo Shira: can't I do something for my soon to be wife, I already said I will go and get it and that's final he said with a stern look on his face.


The next day at the office Yue Ling was sited in her desk doing some paper works in her computer, Mo Shira called her,

Yue Ling: hello Sir

Mo Shira: hmm, I'm expecting someone he is a very big client of our company and also owns other company,

Yue Ling: okay sir I won't stress him too much,

bin...bin the call ended.

as it is once they are at the office they behave strictly professional, not because they don't want anyone to know about their relationship but because they don't want to distract themselves from work.

after the call had ended, Yue Ling continued with her work, and...

"xiao Ling " someone called her,

the voice seems really familiar so she looked up only to see Daniel shaw, her highschool boyfriend,

he rushed up to her and pulled her into a big embraced,

Daniel: oh my Ling I missed you so much, I looked everywhere for you and I couldn't find you, I even went to country H and your uncle told me that you were dead, but something deep inside me did not believe it, I knew I would find you someday but not here, I really do miss you my love, he said in a breath still hugging her like he wants to suffocate her.

Yue Ling: Daniel calm down, and please let me go do you wanna kill me?

Daniel: you have no idea a much I miss you, you work here,

Daniel: hmm I ...

Mo Shira: I believe you came to see me Mr Daniel Shaw,

Daniel: "exactly, Ling I'm one of the share holders here" he said before walking towards Mo Shira, but then he stop to look at Yue Ling once more.

Daniel: hmm your lunch time is in two hours right? he asked while Ling just nodded,

" then I'll take you out for lunch okay, he said before he continued walking.

once they were sited in Mo Shira's office,

Mo Shira: you know her from somewhere? he asked with a raised brow while smiling at the same time, if Yue Ling was here, she would have definitely known that he was angry,

Daniel: oh Ling, she was my girlfriend in highschool you see, we've been together for years before she suddenly left without informing me and came back home, it really did break my heart you know, I looked for her everywhere, I'm really happy I saw her today, your company just made my day I tell you

Mo Shira: do you know you talk too much?

Mo Shira: your Ling, interesting, so tell me now that you've seen her what are you gonna do?

Daniel: I will apologize for what I did to her back then I will try and make her come back to me, I know she Loves me very much,

Mo Shira: good thing that you want to apologize to her,

Daniel: thank you So...

Mo Shira: Bad thing that you want her to come back to you

Daniel: "..."

Mo Shira: and very bad thing for you to think that she still loves you

Daniel: what are you talking about, I know she still loves me,

Mo Shira: how are you so sure about that, when she already loves someone else now,

Mo Shira: of course he does

Daniel: I'm going to deal with him, I'll make sure to break some of his bones and cut off his eyes and tongue so he wouldn't be able to see or say her name again" He said standing up with his expression really sour...

Mo Shira smiled seeing his face so dark,

Mo Shira: what if I say the man is sitting right in front of you??

Daniel: then I would still ... what? you!

Mo Shira: yes me, she is my soon to be wife, so tell me what are you going to do about that huh? he said smirking in a devilish way. ..

Daniel: Mo Shira, I have been looking for her all my life and I'm definitely going to get her back I promise you, he said before storming out of his office.

when he came our he went straight to Yue Ling,

Yue Ling: what happened why are you so angry she asked feeling so scared, she hates it whenever he gets angry, he is worse than Mo Shira, he becomes brutal, and that was one of the reasons she didn't tell him before coming back as it was way to escape him,

whenever he is angry he takes the anger on her, he would hit her make her wear short clothes that she is not comfortable with, he rains insult on her,

makes sure she sees him whenever he calls on her and would always hit her very hard till she fainted.

him and his friends were well known gangsters in school, they sleep with any girl they want and those girls wouldn't be able to say anything as he was not only notorious he was also very rich,

he first saw her at the canteen and fell in love with her, or let's say more like an attraction. and on that same day he declared her his girlfriend and she became really famous because of that, it didn't stop there,.

he would beat any man who comes close to her, most especially he aims at their eyes and sometimes tongue, so they wouldn't be able to call her name and Even see her,

it got to a point when he no longer let her walk around alone, he would always send bodyguards with her and her friends, who were also facing the same fate as her, as they were the girlfriends of his friends,

those body guards are not to guard them but to make sure no male will look at them, they were all possess with the women in their lives, and were obsessed with them,

the only thing he didn't force her to do then was s.e.x, as she had pleaded with him to wait till marriage, she promised him she was going to marry him after their graduation, but thank God she escaped him, and thought she won't ever see the monster again ...

(A/N: ohhhh this explains why our dear Yue Ling was afraid of Mo Shira at first when he forcefully kissed her, and why she over reacted when Mo Shira's client wanted to take advantage of her, poor Ling, she has really pass through a lot in her life, she deserves some happiness and peace of mind, and you Daniel or whatever your name is just live her alone,

Daniel: no author I can't she is mine

Mo Shira: just shut up and get out of here, you heard what the author said...

Daniel: I'm taking her with me, and you author stop taking his side okay

Mo Shira: are you talking to the author like that??


A/N: you both stop this nonsense, just ask Yue Ling what she wants just let her be for now.)

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