The Devil's Origin

12. Tentacles

12. Tentacles

Well, thanks to widespread sensing, it's good to have more demons to mate with, but from which demons shall I call you? It was when I was so lost.

"What will you do today, Demon King?

"Hmm... right... I decide to mate with a lower race. Let's call the tentacles that live in the woods nearby."

Werk asked while feeding Vaugholf, a child who wasn't a puppy...

You were reluctant, that arm had a scratch.

"It can be difficult to call in tentacles. Those are unique species that live in dense forests. You will never leave the territory."

That was troublesome.

So I have to go that far?

"You want me to give you a ride?

That's when Alec came into the breeding room.

Even though he's flying around the world, he's going to give me and Velk a little bit of a hitch when he gets back.

Was it just when you were returning to Demon King Castle?

"Are you sure?

"If you get on me, it won't be long."

Verk didn't look good, but I left the guardianship of the Demon King's Castle to him. I decided to ride the back of the Red Dragon to the Intimate Forest.

The journey in the big sky was short but pleasant.

Maybe it's because you're putting me on board, or you seem to be getting a little attention to speed.

The guardian of the Castle of the Demon King is Werk with his right arm, and Alexiolas with his left arm outside the castle.

Good salt plum.

Alec fell asleep looking like a dragon when I had him put down in the depressed woods.

Deep in the woods using sensation, I go looking for tentacles.

I stepped on something I didn't do.

< < Demon King! This is like a tentacle nest. > >

In the dark woods, the darkness seemed to be deepening only in the place.

Looks like what I stepped on was part of my tentacles, and I crawled out from under my legs as I shifted... off.

But also, there are demons like porn.

< < Tentacles are eating stray organisms by dissolving them with their secretions. Now that the female individual is dead, it looks like only the males here survive > >

Secretion, you're scaring me!

I rush off and throw away my clothes so they don't melt away.

< < The Demon King is fine! You can rest assured that the liquid the tentacle males secrete during mating will not dissolve your body!

Just in case, as I speak of the demon king's obedience (this time it should be working because it's at a lower level than mine), I lay my hands on the tentacles that are dense as the mundane sound rings.

Looks like the tentacles found out I'm the Demon King.

I started stroking my cheeks with those lukewarm tentacles.

He tangles my body with a bunch of tentacles to ask me out as I go.

A badly sweet-smelling discharge began to drip from the tentacles.

That's the secretion you use when you mate.

Sweeter than fruit. It gets applied to the body when it's wet.

I can squeeze the tentacles that touched my lips like a gentle peek.

That's sweeter than I imagined, and my throat swallows naturally.

Melting sweetness. Yum. I could swallow as much as I wanted.

< < Of course it works with ecstasy!

I rushed to the voice of the system to spit out a sticky liquid that spread into my mouth.

Ecstasy effect! What porn!!

I think you can drink it when you cross tentacles.

The tentacles try to pour secretions into the back of the throat like a yawn.

< < Because there are more than 50 tentacles here. Trying to deal with the whole thing would be more convenient if your brain was fumbling, wouldn't it?

O, more than fifty......?

I wanted to pull back as much as I wanted, but the tentacles that wrap around my body won't allow me.

A long battle was about to begin.

The tentacles around my body lick my body endlessly as I apply that lukewarm secretion all over my body.

Stimulating the small nipples together, the tentacles turned from the lateral abdomen to the belly are held back, crawling through the back, and the legs are held up so that the thighs are boldly opened and spread.

I don't know how to personally identify the tentacles, but you're trying to touch me first, and the twisted tentacles are stuck in my body.

The ecstasy spit out of the tentacles ravaging his mouth was taken so much that he didn't want to take it anymore. My head gets confused.

My body hurts. Above all, the pain was the anus that was made to sweep through the entrance when muddy.

I want you to pierce it with that tentacle quickly.... Melted brains become thoughts you would never normally think of.



Inside, a thin tentacle came in.

About two tentacles of an adult finger drain through the rectum.

and puffy and viscous ecstasy are infused.

I can't even wait for the second tentacle to come in all the time.


Physiological tears overflow.

The pain also turns into pleasure in the thought dissolved in ecstasy.

Tentacles were increased until the third and fourth bottles.

The tentacles, which repeatedly inserted the juju, entered towards the back of one of the S-shaped colons just because they didn't need to break in first.

Puffiness and ecstasy are also infused.

Picking up only pleasure in its intense insertion, the tentacles are pulled out as they slip.

It was when I groaned at the loss.

In front of him, a tentacle about the size of an adult male arm with a spill was raised.

I shook my head in fear and sagginess when I realized it was the genitalia of my tentacles.

I hate it. I can't. That doesn't come in............

That's when I realized.

That's why it's an ecstasy.

To make that anger that pierces the female of the tentacles forget the pain.

I rambled, but I can't move around all over my tentacles.

It can be pushed against the anus, which was sore on the lost tentacles.

"No, no, no, no, no!!!!"

Such a scream could not reach a voiceless tentacle.

Chisels, smudges and their genitals are inserted.

The pain is also pleasant, even in the brain invaded by such ecstasy, the pain became painful and the nerves were mutilated.

Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken!

Its fury, which breaks the body, leads through the colon and pushes it so deep that its genitalia, which is puffy in the belly, floats.

The insertion is repeated and the genitalia floats in my thin stomach each time.

"Hino, no, no, no... ahhhhhhhh!! Ahhhhh!!!!"

You and your genitals grow larger in the deep insertion.


An incredible amount of semen is released into the back of the body.

When the genitals were drained, the apple and semen poured out.

It looks like a big hole has left a hole in my lower abdomen.

Big genitals stick out in front of me again.

More than fifty......

A dead smile spilled down my face.

By the time I was finally liberated, the sun had already gone down.

I have a hard stomach that swells up like a pregnant woman.

I felt like I was going to die, but my spirit wasn't.

Above all, I was desperate to have been conscious until the end.

"You look terribly delicious."

It seemed that Alec had come to see how things were going too late.

"There's an egg, you can't do it, Alec."

Aleci sounded terribly sorry for her tongue.

< < Tentacles and mating resulted in LV15 egg gain! I produced 40 tentacle eggs. > >

My chest seemed to swell at the effect of the ecstasy, which had not yet been cut.

Small breasts, tight chests that shouldn't be there.

When I touched the nipple just once, a white twisted liquid wetted the nipple from its tip.


Hey, what's this change? Even though I'm a man, I feel like breast milk.

< < Temporary effects of tentacle ecstasy. It should have had a liquid boosting effect to get the female breast milk out. But I think if you smoke it, it'll fit right in > >

Shh, suck it out......

"Oh, my God, you look like you're drooling."

Alec is tongue-in-cheek.

Tension chest hurts.

The pain seemed to grow.

I can't do anything about it myself. If…… then…….

"A... aleki... I want you to suck..."

I'm about to lose my shame, but I wanted to do something about my painful chest.

Aleki grinned with a fierce face.

Lift your thin body and your long tongue touches my chest.

When I teased him with my tongue about his rubbish and little nipples, he began to suck momentum.


The nipples tense in pain on the other side are flashed with Arequi's long fingers.

"Wow, sweet."

Alec sucks my nipples with her cubs.

Even though I'm a man, I have tears in my strange senses, like I've become a female.

This is also a temporary effect. So it's okay. It's okay. I was going to laugh if I didn't tell you that.

Chest pain managed to subside when Alexi sucked both breasts.

But I had no idea that after I went back to the castle and laid my eggs, that breast milk contained a late-breaking ecstasy that would end up being pushed down by Alec.

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