The Devil's Origin

13. Lizardman

13. Lizardman

< < Levels increased by 12 by mating with the Red Dragon! I've mastered the LV40 Demon King tune, the LV45 journey to death, and the LV50 thought interception! The ability of voiceless sounds and beast voices has been enhanced. I produced four dragon eggs. > >

If I was roaring at my sore chest and rectum, I could hear the system's energetic weather again.

Alec was satisfied with the intercourse or she slept feeling good holding me.

What kind of ability is thought interception?

< < You'll see what they think regardless of the LV! You can't use it against a race that remembers to interfere with their superiority!

Oh, that's convenient.

Try it on the red dragon sleeping in a way that looks perfect and pleasant.

(I want to fuck and eat and sleep...)

Your instincts are intact.

Though I thought it might be a little mean, I usually wondered what Verk was thinking and decided to take a peek.

Fly magic to Verk, who is supposed to be in the breeding room.

(Based on the amount of feeding this week, there are 30 copper coins, 2 silver coins, etc.) The family's reserves cover the bait, but we have to save it. Yeah, mostly I just want to get some new clothes. Given that, the budget available for this month is………)

Oh, I'm sorry. I left the whole accounting relationship to you.

When I cut the magic, it filled me with guilt.

This is too much of a blade sword. Let's not use it much on close opponents......

The next day, when I woke up, I decided to call in another new opponent.

The expedition was a little dusty, so this time it turned into a species that was likely to be summoned.

I decided to call in Lizardman.

After a while, it seemed that a long-lasting demon clan with a deep hood had visited Demon King Castle.

"Demon King, I am at your service."

When I took the hood, there were crisp eyes brave and beautifully looking… lizards.

This, I think, is probably beautifully shaped enough for a shock to run into the lizard world.

"Thank you for your hard work. I am the Demon King. Follow me."

"I will serve you until we have decayed."

A deeply dripping Lizard Man. Low and cool enough to paralyze your voice too.

"Let me reward you for your loyalty and give you a clan."

"Oh my...! Thankful happiness."

It drips deep again.

Um, I thought Lizardman was a more instinctive warrior system, but this is pretty gentleman...

I will now move to the mating room and make a mating with Lizardman (my real name is Kaios).

Kaios carefully takes off my clothes.

"Demon King, it is the ultimate in pleasure to be given you."

He kissed my leg when he knelt. From ankle to ankle to thigh, he slowly licks it with his tongue split into two strands.

Kaios never does what this one seems to hate.

Carefully caressed, he gently strokes his neck, nipples, armpits, etc. to try to bring out pleasure.

Kaios seemed to have gotten naked too, but when I looked at that abdomen, he had no penis and wondered how to do the mating.

"Demon King, if you will, can you stroke my lower abdomen?"

I gently touched the snake-bellied part of Tenor.

I don't know if I'm right, but I'm going to slowly rub it there.

"Oh, Demon King, thank you. I'm so sorry you're so small, but you have to work unattended."

When I heard that voice in my ear, I shrugged.

After stroking the snake belly for a while, the blur and genitals popped out.

Compared to Velk and Alec, it's prudent. It was - two baggy genitals.

Oh, it's a lie, isn't it? Why do you have two?

< < It's called hemipenis! Lizardman or Anaconda can mate with two at a time!

I don't need that knowledge... staring at you and your penis.

"Oh demon king......"

Kaios stares at me by surprise.

Caios caressing my body with a reptile-specific touch.

"Is this the right place? Or here? Your body is sweet everywhere...... Oh, I can't wait to taste it...... Demon King, our intercourse is painful. But I don't want to hurt you..."

A twitch and pleasure arise from the back of the body in its senses.

The tip of the tongue, divided into two strands, creates an unusual feeling when caressing the inside of the mouth.

"Oh demon king...... you have a good mouth. I get a really cute gasp when I breathe in my mouth. I know there are many demon kings out there, but I am truly happy to be alive in your time. Oh, does this little bud pick up pleasure, too? Then let me fully solve it here too."

I wonder what it is. This embarrassment.

My brain is going to get flat in the goodwill whispered in my ear with low tenor.

< < This is the word attack!

I don't need a commentary!

"The Demon King's Chrysanthemum is truly honest with pleasure. See, I started opening my buds. Do you know how many fingers are in there right now?

"To, two... eh"

"Yes, you're a good boy. Don't shrink. Yes, I'll put another bottle in."


"Oh, I'm sorry. It's okay, exhale. Yeah, I'll get used to it right away. Until then, I will caress your son."

Kaios stops rubbing my anus, and now he's going to apply a caress to his previous penis.

The insertion was repeated again when the brain relaxed into the pleasure.

"Oh, Demon King, may I? My fools are making a scene about wanting to get inside you."


Your permission, Demon King.

"Yu... forgive..."

I'm also too ashamed to be put out in my mouth to be told that if I had a hole, I'd want to cage it.

One of the scratches and penises came into my body.

"Knock... this tightening, it's like a virgin... oh, I didn't know being in you would involve so much pleasure..."

A penis about the size of a human being is struck.

Though, Kaios seems to suffer.

Could it be...

"Also, you want to put another bottle in... you won't tell me...?

"Oh, has the Demon King understood my shallow wishes… I feel good enough as it is now, but I can't feel your body temperature. One crack is running out"

That's what you want to get in...

It's also hard for this one that Kaios, who has been gentle with me, seems to be spicy.

Reaching for the anus that was already in it, it opened up properly.

"Oh, I forgive you for coming in..."

Sweet sighs leak from the caios.

"Oh, Demon King... the ultimate joy..."

Another penis weighing on the smudge and sphincter can be hit.

The chisel, the smudge, it comes in, and the body becomes a bow.

"Demon King...... Demon King...... It's a lot of patience already. Oh, my body is really going to melt. This tightening, this sweet body. I've never tasted such pleasure."

Kaios raises his voice of joy.

When the two pieces are inserted, they prepare the roughened breath.

Looks like Kaios will be waiting until this one's breath is ready.

"Oh little demon king...... great in your body. Oh, there is no remorse in being summoned to heaven like this..."

It wouldn't have stuck if they had called it in left it in... that's what I wanted to get into, but I couldn't help but speak out because of the smudging sphincter.

Kaios combs his hair over and over again, letting the kiss fall on his face and licking his neck with that tongue.

When I finally found out I was breathing, I started unplugging my penis.

"Oh, Demon King... Demon King..."

"Huh... Kuh... Ha... Ha..."

Each time it is inserted, the two penises move in a variance, each sticking out a different place.

My voice leaks out unexpectedly when I plunder my prostate, which evokes stifling pleasure.

"I'm glad this is the place... that sweet voice..."

Then I get blamed for my prostate over and over again, and I get stuck in the back.

The semen drips off the surface of the two penises.

I was more relieved to hear that sweet voice whispered in my ear than when it was over.

< < Your mating with Lizardman has increased your level by 1! I produced 30 Lizardman eggs. > >

Looks like Velk and Kaios were discussing something while he was ovulating in The Fountain of Life.

"Thank you very much, Demon King, for giving us our sons. I want to serve you as a member of the castle's guardianship while you cross the border."

Apparently, Kaios is a master of swordsmanship at Lizardman Kiri.

Looks like I'm staying as a castle escort in a discussion with Verk.

Does that mean... do I have to hear that sweet word offense again...

I got a little shy.

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