
"Are you the Demon King?"

It was about a sunny day.

It was a young man with golden eyes in scorched brown hair who was put through the demon king's chamber.

Is he a young man with a brilliant appearance in black tunic and knitted boots, like 17 or 8 when he was old? The big eyes of gold were impressive.


"Prayer and happiness. My name is Ketsey and I'm a merchant."

Lay down your big eyes and break your knees.

< < Sounds like Ketsey's last survival. It's a kind of fairy cat. Wow, that's unusual, there's LV90 too!

What's so rare?

Because normal ketsies are only about LV15, it's a high level ketsie.

"Down to your men. I'll give you your clan instead."

"I understand, Demon King."

After the usual exchange, we head straight to the mating room.

It was time to take Ketsey to her room.

A shock ran over my head.

What the hell...

"You're careless, Demon King. I can't believe you're so defenseless because you're a Demon."

In a fading consciousness, the voice of a young man, as if he had mocked him, was heard from afar......

When I woke up it was in a dim cabin.

Where are we? It was only a matter of no doubt that it was not inside the Demon King's Castle.

"Are you awake? Demon King."

Ketsey, who has a terrible impression of the first time, shows her fangs.

"What are you doing...... eh"

When I try to get up, I feel uncomfortable with my neck and wrist and I am surprised.

The wrist was tied to a column over the head, and the neck was fitted with a collar like that worn by a dog.

What the hell is going on?

"So far, you don't know yet? You're really a tiny demon king. He must have been spoiled and taken care of because he was the Demon King."

Ketsey peered into my face as she stepped out of the crate she was sitting on, snapping a lead that connected her from my collar all the way through.

"The Demon King is rare. You'd be traded high in the auction behind you. What do you think, public rape? Public sex with traded demons will be popular with spawning shows."

Deal... us... ru?

I can't hide my upset that they betrayed me.

It's a lie, because, no... The Demon Clan is only about me...

Contrary to his incredible mind, Ketsey pulled the lead hard just because it wasn't a lie.

"It's bad to be fooled. What, those eyes. Is the Demons not supposed to betray themselves? There's more to sweetness."

On the compressed neck, my breath clogs.

"You were really spoiled. Don't know anything hard, step back in the chair. Only demons like the bait they were given. Makes me really want to kill you."

A light of hatred appears in Ketsey's eyes.

"Well, I don't know if it's a bad idea for a demon king like that to taste it before he sells it"

Ketsey had eyes that she didn't even care about at all, and she went to take off my underwear.

"Ya stop!!

"This isn't your first time, is it? Don't talk like a virgin. You'll shrivel."

I desperately resist, but I can't do anything with my bracketed arms.

The foot resistance was also mildly stopped.

Physical stature shouldn't be that big, but it can be stopped easily.

Ketsey only opened the previous part and took out the penis, which had not yet been truly passed.

The penis was embedded with pearls, or in a spilled and distorted shape.

"It's not bad, is it? Now I'm gonna adore you."

Ketsey hits my anus without thinking about this one.

"Stop!! Please stop!!!

"You always do what you do. You always do what you do.

I can get poked.

The unfamiliar sphincter tightens in chains when passing through the foreign body.

"What the heck...... totally loose... hey hey hey hey... aren't you using too much mundane and being gabby? Knock... kick... eh"

Still, my tear glands are stuck in the foreign body.

"No! Hey Aah!!! Whoa, whoa! Stop..."

I can't stop crying. My stomach fluids make me uncomfortable.

No, it's not. This is not it. Always, this isn't what I do.

I can't believe that sex without consent is something that scares me so much...

I can't stop whimpering about rejection.

< < What do we do? Demon King > >

What is it... the system?

If you don't like conceiving Ketsey's child, you can refuse to grow.

Usually a system that doesn't refuse to grow demons says it can be rarely refused.

Not so much, an ill-intentioned mating was eroding my spirit.

"Well, one of these days it'll get better..."

That said, Ketsey repeatedly inserts while tightening my collar.

"Aww... gu... uhhhhh..."

Shaken, I ask.

"Why... why do you hate me so much... what did I..."

I wanted to know before I made the rejection.

What brings Ketsey that far?

I don't know what I did...

"I didn't... do anything... because!!

Did Ketsey learn to be angry at my words or take off her own tunic?

To the thin body that emerged from it, I hold my breath.

A trace of a terrible cigarette fire on a piercing nipple. Other traces of whips and burns, which were ancient wounds, covered that beautiful body.

"It's ugly, isn't it? This was all done by humans."

Ketsey distorts that face.

"Five years ago, when the brave men destroyed my clan, my eleven brothers, who were lucky enough to survive, were found by humans and thrown into the slaughterhouse... Only me among my brothers who were put in one hot oil at a time... only me was sold to a toddler hobby pervert... I guess it's because I begged for my life in a chirp. If you... had happened sooner... neither I, nor my brothers, nor my clan would have died. If you were sooner..."

I held my breath at the spectacular end of Ketsey's clan.

The moles and scratches that remained in his body represented the harshness since his sale.

"I don't know... resentment. I know. But I can't let it go. You're the Demon King. It's what protects the Demons. As long as you're here... for this... eh"

When Ketsey put her hand around my neck, she began to tighten it tightly.

Would you have stopped that despair if I had occurred sooner?

Could it have stopped...

Ketsey's eyes blunt with tears.

No... Ketsey said Ketsey...

The truth is that Ketsey...

"You... you blame yourself for surviving alone..."


"That only one of you has survived..."

"No way, I betrayed my brother and begged for his life."

"It's not me you can't forgive - it's yourself"

Ketsey's hands tremble.

"I can see from what you look like that surviving was also hell... have you... been blaming that ever since you survived? You couldn't forgive me."

A grudge against me is really a grudge against myself.

My fear of Ketsey disappears. At the same time I feel sad for this poor young man.


"What is it?"

"Thank you. You survived. Thank you for surviving in a spectacular hell."

I don't like tied arms. I would have given you a hug if you were free.

"You don't have to despise your raw.... you... your presence connected the clan."

The hand hung on my neck is removed and my hand rests on my shoulder. Eaten nails create pain.

"What did you say..."

"Ketsey. I didn't make it five years ago. But I can make it now. I can make you what you want."

"What do I want..."

"All I can give you is forgiveness."

Tears spill out of Ketsey's eyes.


"Oh. Forgiveness that you may live."

"Am I... am I... alive..."


"I... cried because I was scared... and I felt like a human being... sheltering me, who was the most chick..."


"Nee told me to live... laugh... laugh and die..."


"Even if it's painful because I was told to live... don't die, spit blood reflexes... it's hard..."


"I... can I live...?


I'll forgive you.

Ketsey snorted at him.

< < Is it okay to refuse to grow?

Fine. I don't need it anymore.

I made Ketsey cry until I felt better.

No more fear of Ketsey.

"Eh... me, I kept letting you in"

"Hopefully, it would help if you could take your arms off, too."

"Don't you run away?

"... you can't get away with it because you're in there"

Sipping my nose all the time, Ketsey took off my wrist and collar.

"I'd like to know your name by now?

".................. Colin"

"So you're not gonna sell me out anymore, are you? Colin."

"Mmm... I haven't been called a name in five years."

I get a delightful ear.

"My baby, will you have it? Demon King."

"Fine. It's a reward for Colin's hard work so far. I'll give you lots of birth."


I've been letting my face imprint as if it sounds delightful from the gobble and the back of my throat.

"Uh... but I have one problem."


"I knew if I couldn't get in the back, I'd be fine."

Colin can't seem to reach it without the stimulus behind him, either because of human discipline.

Remove the thick black dildo from your own luggage that was nearby.

It wasn't as good as Velk's, but it was quite splendid.

Colin got used to the dildo he had taken out with his tongue, shifting his underwear and poking it up his puffy ass.


Colin gasps with a colored voice, deepening the insertion. At the same time, he resumed his insertion into me.

"Ma... ooh... how...? Kimochi... okay?

"Mmm... kimochi... ok..."

A piece of crap and Colin's rubs his prostate.

Colin released semen into me as he quickened the pistons in front and back.

< < Your crossing with Ketsey raised level 6! I got an LV15! I produced 15 Ketsey eggs. > >

"Hey this wheat isn't expensive!? Wheat from Vale is cheaper! What is this demon king's fee? I don't need this much. Oh, he said the Truga Empire would be better off if we were to sell dragon scales too! Ah already, accounting documents. This is it all!?

"May Fly"

"Master Velk, I'm definitely getting my feet on this. - What a waste!

Colin apparently decided to take over from Verk to be in charge of procurement and accounting for the castle.

That's the merchant. I know a lot about wheat, but it's cheap.

Even Verk, who was supposed to have saved, is completely cut.

In the end, I decided that the petite kidnapping at that time was better outside.

Verk looked at the mole left on my wrist and it was good, but he didn't want anything.

"Colin, if you want to import, you can also import sweets."

I'm gonna take a nap on Colin, who just got into accounting.

"Well, it depends on the price."

Colin came closer and then wrapped his tail around me.

"Hey, more than that. Night toys, shouldn't we buy a cup?

"Next time, let's try a double-headed dildo"

And he narrowed his golden eyes with pleasure.

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