The Devil's Origin

25. Nightmare (Veerwolf), R18G

* Caution *

As I wrote in the preface, there is a very cruel notation in this story.

There is a limb defect and canipalism notation.

You don't have to read it to interfere with this part.

We want to leave it to the reader's discretion not to read.

Still only for those who are good. Proceed to reading.

Nightmare (Veerwolf) R18G

Sounds like a tickle.

The water sounds seem to be heard by the ears and also from within the body.

I wonder what that sounds like. What was that noise?

- - That's the sound of your body being eaten.

"Huh!!! Ha, ha."

You wake up with the hallucinations of pain that your body sways.

There was a muscle, a tear, coming out of his open eyes.

It's ringing so scary with the doc and the heart.

With your right hand, cover your face.

I'm fine. Not yet, I'm fine.

... yet, I'm not broken.

"Lord, is that dream again"

Verk, who was on my pillow, detects signs of me waking up and speaks up.

"I'm sorry to wake you. It's okay."

Verk starts taking a comfortable rhythm over his chest.

"It's okay. Lord. I am here."

That comforting rhythm invites me to sleep again.

Save me from the nightmare I'll never forget.




The first thing I pierced was more heat than pain.


Veerwolf's fangs, forgetting me in anger, pierce my neck.

"Guru, Guru"

The flesh of the neck muscle makes a bump and makes a noise and is eaten.

"Rex! Rex!!

Speak up, but my voice didn't seem to reach the beast who clouded the back of his eyes in hatred for man.

Only that tear, which kept flowing, represented the grief of losing his brother.

Which would be more painful, the pain of a tear sticking out in your pussy or the pain in your neck muscle?

I learned fear that they would eat me up like this, and I grabbed Rex's face with both arms and tried to take it off.

The loose jaw now devoured my right arm.

"Stop it, Rex!!

The voice, it doesn't reach.

Smudges and bones squeal, bumps and muscles chop a thousand.

The rise protruded by the anus speeds up its movement, and the body that can be protruded is already screaming at its lack of forgiveness.


Michichi, chisel, bone crushed and his right arm devoured by a thousand cuts, his head turns bright white.

Ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

My body was only screaming at that feeling I didn't know if it was hot or painful.

Bakiokiku cum.

I guess lust and appetite are the same thing for hate-stained Veerwolf.

The testicles that are eating a thousand chopped arms but can be slapped on the butt hit the butt bump with the same intensity.

You've eaten it up coarsely, you throw up my arm all boned up, and the next thing you know, you make me eat that bloody fang in my belly.


Spit the diarrhea from your mouth on the eaten clap.

Red blood flooded out of his mouth because his guts had eaten him.

Its fangs tear through its thin belly and reveal the organs that are packed inside.

Gucci, gucci.

You can hear me breaking out of my body.

The sound of blood sipping and eating raw meat, both of which feel so terrified that they break nerves.


I can hear Veerwolf roaring.

I lost my flesh parents, their crying woods spirits.

Veerwolf who lost his reason...... Rex was pathetic and sad.

I was about to be crushed by my powerlessness, which I couldn't do anything about, by so deep a cry.

He started eating my body again. Veerwolf should take the long one out of his belly.

It's painless......

"Stop doing it!! Only the intestines, just the intestines!!

That's the part that leads from the rectum.

If thousandths of them are eaten there, the battered child cannot tie the eggs.

Whether you know it or not, Veerwolf just eats it anyway.

Spit blood on the bumps.

The spirit was still servant, and the flesh was screaming.

Is the spirit of the Demon King strong or cruel that won't go mad by now?

In the back of your brain with gunshot guns and sounds.

It was the last sound I heard in my fading consciousness, the sound of the dullness of the semen slamming behind my rectum and the sound of my body being eaten.

"So, yeah. What are you doing in the hallway?

"My lord Verk told me to think of the pain of the Demon King..."

Hold your head to Rex with the placard 'I am a dog for nothing' while you are in the front seat.

What the hell. Shame on you for playing.

It would be a different kind of pain than I feel.

Verk wouldn't expect that pain either.

"It's disturbing to be reflected upon in such a place!

"Gu... Yes..."

My soggy ears make me sad.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you worked hard to guard the Demon King's Castle and were reassessed by Verk?


Uh-oh. That look brightens up a lot.

Then I'm going around!!! and sigh on Rex running bright.

Honestly, Rex is still scared.

I try not to enlighten them, but sometimes my body trembles in that pain.

But there is little malice in the memory flying Rex.

No one can be held responsible for that act.

It's okay. Not yet, it's okay.

Yes, when I told myself, I turned my heels back to play with the children in the nursery room for healing.

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