
A visit to the visiting room that day was a big bird with a very beautiful red and orange gradient.

Whenever I feathered just now, the warm colored firepowder colored the area.

Scared by its beauty, after ringing in a beautiful tone, a beautiful young man appeared, wrapped in overlapping clothes of lace on multiple occasions.

"But you're the Demon King."

"Oh, oh."

I was overwhelmed by its beauty.

< < Phoenix LV158! That's the last one. > >

"You're Phoenix. What's your name?"

"Visit your first name…"

Phoenix closes its beautiful, vermilion eyes all the time.

"It seems extremely unbearable to convey my name to such a crude looking demon king. But I'd be honored. I'll give you my real name. Oh, don't make a mistake. Poor Demon King like that, what I don't deserve to serve is the same at first sight. But in this world, there is no other way because there is no such thing as a demon king. Cry and rejoice in giving me the right to call my honorable name."


Whatever you think from the voice that sounds like you rang that beautiful bell, the curse spins.

"Unireel Rut Felic"

"Is it Unireel?"

"Be careful what you say, demon king. The Word has a Spirit to do it, and that binds the Demon Nation. There is no such thing as a name. I would have just given it to him because he asked me his first name. Well, I'd appreciate it if a poor demon king like that could just ask my name and kneel down with respect."

I speak to Verk, sitting next to me on the right.


Let's kill him.

"I won't kill you!

Absolutely, Verk is starting to pull out his sword as he is about to run out of words from Phoenix.

"Oh, if you obey me, I'll give you your clan"

"Obey and so forth. I'm telling you, you can lend me my strength, but what did you think wrong?"

"Any reply?

"……………………………… give"

Shit. Pretty troublesome guy's here.

I turned to heaven and sighed.

Let's put it in a nutshell.

Unireel is a very annoying one.

"Well, is the poor body there the Demon King? Oh, it's abominable to see you in a place like this. Don't block the end of my path. The vessel as the Demon King is small because it doesn't bother me like that. More or less -"

"Demon King again. We meet like that in this castle. What's so delightful about meeting you? The value of this Demon King's Castle is also declining because of its presence. Not as fragile as the demon king I want..."

Every time I see him, every time I see him, that bastard punches a long dislike at me.

Look, I didn't do anything. I'm just wondering if I should go pick up some ice cream there, or maybe I should go to the breeding room to meet some cute ladies.

Every time I come across you there, you hear that long, disgusting.

That's six degrees. Sixth time.

Huh. Pick up the tail blades that were dropped after he passed.

Phoenix's tail has tremendous power, so this is how I pick up the tail I'm going to drop, but I was reluctant to make it into his disgust.

Phoenix, may I extinct you?

It was bothering me enough to think so.

That night was when Verk slept lonely because he had a job to do.

Farewell, now. I can hear the feathers from outside the window.

When I opened the lattice door thinking it was something, there was a glowing Phoenix winged in the dark night.

What are you doing late this evening...

Phoenix magically came into my room and turned into a person.

"This is the seventh time"


The tail of Phoenix drops again. That's the seventh one.

"On the occasion of Phoenix's marriage proposal ritual, you will crawl into the night. Thank you. Take it."

"Kiyu, propose? Night crawling?"

"That's right. I dropped my tail seven degrees and picked up my tail seven degrees. Now we can say that the ritual has been established. It would be a pleasure to be mine after my seven-degree goodwill. Now, show me your shyness and open your crotch without me."

When was I proposed?

"Uh... who's been vomiting long words to me every time so far?

"Of course, a good word"


I feel like they only sell fights.

"Abominably, the Devil King's presence is all the Devil's tribe. I don't want to be alone. But that's why it doesn't make sense to carry things without even proposing to marry my bride."

"I mean, what do you want"

Show me your sweet, sweet body in my bedding.

I mean, that one?

Um, are you saying that disgust and cursing gossip was an act of courtship to me?

And I don't believe it.

I was wondering if they were selling the fight.

Unireel stripped the clothes off and pressed them against me.

"You're such a small man. It's going to break just because I put a little effort into it. I'll teach that poor body my true pleasure."

"Ha ha..."

"Look, open your mouth. We have a ritual of mouth smoking, but I'm interested in sweet lips."

That said, I've been whispering things like that if I peck.

It involves the tongue all the time and the unireel saliva is poured in.

"Hmm... feels... good? Right. My cheeks are fine. It's not very pretty. The cheeks you dyed look cute."

Will this man ever stop cursing at me?

It makes me feel subtle.

Unireel began to crawl her beautiful hands on my skin as she peeled off my clothes.

"Demon King."

"Hmm... what..."

"It's terrible to be attracted to people like that, but I don't have a choice. Solemnly give me that."

"... Unireel, please, talk to me frankly"


Whispering in my ear, Unireel began to match it to my lips again.

On my little right hand, I can lay the right hand of the unireel.

My left hand is unwrapping my anus.

Unireel likes the kiss, he drops a deep kiss over and over again.

You thought you were ready underneath me, his long rage can push.

"Oh, this pleasure, when the hell has it been? I don't know if I can be satisfied with my poor body, but that body, my..."

Block annoying mouth with lips.

Anger has entered my lower abdomen.


The first pain pierces the body.

I'm going through the rectum after a long time, and my breathing gets rough.

"Demon King... Demon King... what sweetness..."

As soon as I wondered if it had been penetrated to the deepest point, the movement began.

Zubuzuchi cum.

The filthy sound of ringing from inside your body offends your ears.

"This kind of sweetness, I've never experienced... Ah, the pleasure from that poor body, it's really delicious..."

Unireel speeds up the movement while still floating in heat.

The blemishes and the body rings, shaking to the point of being broken.

The body pressed against the bed jumps every time the anger is pushed into the back.

How much piston have you received that your body is broken?


When a short gasp burst from his mouth, he took the burst in the back of his body.

Ha ha ha, I exhale rough breaths, but Unireel's don't shrivel.

"Such pleasure, I've never even tasted it. Oh, demon king, let me taste it yet."

That said, that rage began to pierce me again.

< < My LV went up by 8 with my mating with Phoenix! You've earned LV90 Physical Resuscitation Enhancement, LV90 Magic Enhancement, LV90 Physical Enhancement, and LV90 Bonus Demon King's Uniform! I produced eight Phoenix eggs!

"We are immortal..."

After several strokes inside and being rocked to the point that I can't move anymore.

Lie down so you can cuddle from behind.

Unireel was rubbing my stomach like a pamper.

Pompous, he started talking.

"When you should die, resurrect from its ashes. But my clan has not survived except me..."

"Are you immortal?

"There's still a way to kill them. When resuscitated, place its body in a narrow ocean lamp and stifle it. We go back to ashes, but when we come back, we do the same thing over and over again. Hundreds of repetitions make us an indelible flame, extinguishing its existence."

What a cruel way... Is that how his clan was lost?

"I've seen hundreds of pitiful ocean lamps. I... have always been alone"


"I did, but let me forgive you for calling my name. That's the Demon King... who's been around forever, right?

"Oh. I'm going to"

"Always in the night sky, like the Polaris that guides us, don't just disappear."

"Oh...... let's promise"

Then, as sweet as it was, Unireel nodded his face at my hair.

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