The Devil's Origin

35. Outside: Lucis Your Day

Outside: Lucis Your Day

"Come on, everybody, wake up! It's breakfast ~"

It's Mr. Elk's voice.

When I wake up, I clean up my sleeping mum.


My brother Ruin is still asleep!

"Look, keep it!

Plenty of pampering, but the nebulous Ruin is hard to keep.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ugghhhhhhh!!

I don't know what most of them are, but it looks like Serena's messed up.

"Serena, don't... don't... just..."

When I called Mr. Elk in a hurry, well, I couldn't help it, and he laughed and took Serena's mum.

"You're a good boy, you don't cry."


With Serena as a good boy and a good boy, the other brothers are finally starting to wake up.

We are sleeping stiffened up. So all around me is my clan verklusis.

To the right, the dark elves are asleep, and to the left, the nagaraja is asleep. Guys, I always wonder if it hurts when you wake up, because you have a long tail.

"Look, Lucis, if we don't do this, we're going to fuck around!

So it's the dark elf mist that blames me.

Ugh, because I'm more of a brother, but this is how the mist just got back from the egg wants to lead right away.

We'll all go to the lottery in the morning while other Shizuku kids wake up!

"" "Go, go, go!

It's war!

Elk and Kopel and Colin will prepare our lottery.

Vaughoofl or Veerwolf is milk. A man-shaped demon like us is like cornflakes.

Lizardman and Nagaraja eat something like something that can be done. I don't believe it.

Some children grow up quickly even though they are born later.

We at Verkursis are still tiny or slow to grow up.

When they grow up, they all pair up with boys and girls and go outside the castle.

He seems anxious, he seems to have expectations, and his eyes are all sparkling.

Speaking of which, why is it a pair of boys and girls?

All that's left here right now are kids who are still tiny or because of Mahokan.

Yes, I am in the outside world today, but more than that, I want to be with the Demon King, so I have always wanted to be in the castle.

It's Asa's time today when that ginseng lottery kicks in.

Various people in the castle teach you many things!

"First of all, to humans"

"" "Chitty" "

"If you see a human being,"

"" "Softly stay away!

"Yes, good."

If you find Mr. Kaios's human today, he will be.

Even though Mr. Elk said, "How to find the only puppy you want," I didn't know it well enough.

"Still, if I see you"

"" "Shut the fuck up!

"Come on, let's keep it that far today"

"" "Yes!

Come on, it's a personal lesson from here!

The little one takes a nap. A child who is better at mahogany is mahogany. The child who is good at keng is a keng jiggy.

Kanno Jiu-Jiang, Kaios and Sybil Gedo will do it!

I'm Maho's Ginger, so Jill and Zoe, once in a while, you'll do it!

"Nice, Lucis has a gift for magic. Now, if we don't do this next time, the ice magic will occur..."

Mr. Zoe, he talks a lot, but I don't think he's fit to teach.

"Gyu???? Grunt????

"Zoe, die. You're pompous."


"Put your strength into your belly. Like pulling magic out of your brain, yes. Yes."

Jill isn't too wordy, but it's just what he can tell you!

Besides me, Mahogany has several Verkursis sons, and Red Dragon sons and Muma sons and Dry Ads sons and Ketsey sons and Dark Elves sons.

Because of Ken, he has the sons of his brother Ruin, and Lizardman, and Muma, and Sabertiger, and the sons of Kobolt, Veerwolf, and Nagaraja.

The mahogany is a pleasure to meet you, but the reason for the injury seems to be due to your individuality.

Come on, it's time for another lunch war!

When the war over lunch is over, it's time for a nap.

"Damn it, Kelpie, don't give me that!


Ah! Mist is bullying Kelpy.

"Here! Don't bully me!

"Ah? Why not! What's wrong with bullying me?!

It's terrible. It's terrible.

But you can't stick it to me for no reason.


As it was about to go away, the Demon King was revealed!

"Hmm? Are you kidding me? Bullying?"

"Demon King. Ah."

Everyone will be angry with the Demon King at once.

Kelpie is telling Hihihihihihihihihihi and the Demon King.

"Here, mist. You shouldn't bully Brutus, should you?

"Why, demon king! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

The mist also comes to the Demon King.

"No matter how many superior species you are, you must not disparage the inferior species with a murmur. While I'm here, and even after I'm out. You know why?

"I don't know..."

"The world isn't just revolving around the top species. Including the lower species, the world goes around. Look, you know what an ecosystem is? A herbivore eats grass, a herbivore eats grass, a carnivore eats grass."

"The Demon King taught you...?

"Yes. If that balance breaks down somewhere, the world won't turn."

"Ugh, yeah......"

"Besides, mists are the top species, right?


"Then you have to act like a superior species"

"What kind of act is that?

"Yes. Is your father Jill and Zoe indulging in other species without darkness?

"And I didn't"

Jill and Zoe are screwed up with each other, though.

"It's called Nobles Obriege, but he says that something in a position creates obligations. Can you do that as a superior species?

"The bush/bush...... I don't know what it is, but it's awesome cool!

"It is the duty of the superior species to protect the inferior species."

"Yeah, me, I'll try!

Mist's face starts to twinkle.

I don't know, that, that's so cool!

"Sleep, everyone."

All right, Demon King, let's go, everybody.

Wow, demon king. I've had enough of you!

It's time for a nap.

It's warm as a pompous, and it makes me grumpy.

"Hey, hey!

Shut up. It's Fire.

"Wow, do you have a snag and a depression!

What is it, mist?

"Hey, why don't you come outside the castle?

What do you want?

Seeing, besides the mist, the art of dry adds, the Dorado of the Red Dragon, and the Ruffle of Veerwolf fill his tail.

Yes, I'm not going. I'm not going.

"Chi, Oubi's too!

That said, the mists will turn outside the nap room.


I decided to take care of everyone after everything had gone so well. [M]

"Easy now. Gently."

Our room is deep inside the castle.

To be safe, let's not.

It creeps around where the grownups are looking.

Ah, only in front of the gate is Mr. Rex the Ripper nagging!

"Okay, not yet!

I passed right next to Mr. Rex, and he's out there.


Outside the castle, the greenery is full! In the woods, is it in? It also smells great.

"Behind the castle, they have a sieve well, let's get there!

As everyone fluttered in Mist's voice, I'll go on.

I don't know... like this... yes, it's funny and I'm the first person to go outside.

It goes around the back of the castle when it's pozzy.

The castle is so big, it's strangely quiet.

Something is fuzzy.

Is this the one that says, "Shigeru"?

Guys, I've got some approximate art on my feet, and I'm walking away, all right?

((I might be the first!))

Kikupi Cupid and Dorado flew through the sky.

"Seriously! Dorado!!"

Mist also runs out. Ruff popped up fine, too.

Oh, I don't know, don't go wrong!

Hold hands with art, I'll come too.


As I sprinkled the crusty grass, I went on to the sieve well.

Something's about to happen to my aunt, it's a frightening well.

(((I found it best ~!))

"Hey, it was me!

"It's me!!

Dorado, Mist and Ruff are sweet.

Doing so, all of a sudden, Mizushibuki came from the well!!

"" (Wow!!!!) "

Guys, it snorts.


When I look at it, there's no big kerpie hi-ha-hi-ha-hi-ha.

Right, is Kelpy soaking up in this sieve well?

Everybody, relax and grate your chests.

"You guys..."

I hear a scary voice, wondering if the lid of the scallop has been removed.

"Here, what are you doing"

"" Vu, Master Velk!!


Found by someone more frightened than humans!

Already, everyone, tears are starting.

"I received a report from Elk that a few of the children had disappeared. Here, what are you doing"

"Uh, the..."

That mist sifts with rattles, too.

I'm, I'm, I'm worse than everybody else.

It's time for you to get your hands on your bush and bush.

"Sorry Tosa!! I wanted to see the well behind the castle!

Everyone has a funny face.

"... you, Lucis. I said something stupid like that."

"Ha... yes..."

"I'm disappointed in you.... Nice. What you did is the same thing that endangered your people. Even if this is seen by humans. The very existence of the Demon King would have put him in danger."

"Ha... yes... oh sorry..."

I can't stop crying with you.

Everyone is crying because they're scared.

"Lucis, you're out of dinner as the main culprit. All right, you guys go back in a minute."


Sobbing, we were taken to the castle.

"Well! Good! You were safe!!

We can all be hugged by Elk.

The adults at the castle seem to have given us a hint that we're gone.

Even that strange Mr. Nahl has seen us and looked relieved.

It's all about what we did. It's about time.

"Hey Lucis... are you okay..."

"Hey, what..."

"You're the only one who's screwed up."

"Yeah, Lucis, you stopped me..."

"That's okay. I'm sure if the Demon King were in the same position, he would have done the same."

Yes, if you were the Demon King, you would have done so then.

"And, Toshima, hiccup... hiccup... pretty good though... uuch"

It's always so shocking to be so gentle.

But it's also fuzzy, because we've done something terrible...

Dinner time, if you didn't think I was the only one, you didn't have a meal for the mists.

The mists told me that it was their fault to hang together.

I'm sad to be hungry, but when I saw that everyone seemed to be having a bad time, I thought my buddies were like this.

At night, when I was hungry and couldn't sleep, I was gently breaded on my pillow.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, my God.

The mists' pillows are all over the place.

In the hoof, eat the toast and freshly baked bread.

The bread was soaked with tears.

I'll be a better kid tomorrow. That's what I thought.

Today was a day of reflection.

I hope tomorrow is a better day than today.

"Hey, Verk."

"What is it, Lord"

"If you're going to die of guilt for too many children like that, follow me later."

"Ugh, but it's true that the children were worried..."

"You look more like you've been punished because you love kids..."

"... to Lucis... I will spoil the tears next time I get praised..."

"So-so, so-so"

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