The waiter leads Mu Qiqi and Yan Ranran to the end of the corridor, then points to the innermost VIP box and says, "the guests are in the innermost box!"

"How many people are there?" Mu Qiqi asked.

"As long as Yan Shao is alone!" The waiter should say.

Muqiqi waved his hand and said, "OK, OK! Get your things done first! We can go there by ourselves! "

The service face hesitated: "but Yan shaophen told me not to let strangers disturb me. I'd better give you a notice."

"Are we strangers! Inside is our brother! Go on, go on Muqiqi was determined to take him away.

The waiter left.

Two people go to the box door, Muqiqi through the door of a narrow window to see inside, inside a dark, quiet, only the screen of the jukebox is on.

"Ha ha ha!" Muqi gave a dry smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Yan Ran asked.

"Don't you think there's something strange in it?"

"Strange?" Yan Ran Ran side head, a face of ignorant appearance.

Mu Qiqi stretched out his right hand and put the eight characters on his chin. He put on the appearance of Conan's body and reasoned: "as a KTV, it's a little too quiet in here..."

The corridor is covered by the noise of other boxes. If it wasn't for Muqiqi's reminding, Yan Ranran really didn't notice this.

"In the daytime, I come to the club by myself. I don't order songs, don't turn on the lights, and don't let people disturb me..." Mu Qiqi continues to analyze.

Yan Ran Ran seemed to understand something, biting his index finger, nervously looking at Mu Qi Qi, said: "my brother is not here to find a woman to do that kind of thing?"

Mu Qiqi glances at her with a scornful look of "how do you understand?".

Yan Ran Ran angrily glared: "if my mother knew that my brother came out of the barracks and didn't go home, she would be very angry to find a woman here!"

Mu Qiqi echoed: "the women here are not clean. If they get any unclean diseases..."

"No way!" Before Muqiqi's words were finished, Yan Ran Ran immediately broke off, pushed open the door of the box and rushed inside, crying and chirping: "brother! You have gone too far

"Er..." Yan Ran Ran saw the scene in front of him, and was fixed there.

Muqiqi followed him and went in. He was dumbfounded when he saw the situation inside.

Dark corner, dark sofa, Yan Yuchen hands pressure in the head, lying on the sofa, eyes hanging, like asleep.

The point is... He's the only one in the box. There's no surprise at all.

Yan Yuchen's military acumen makes him particularly sensitive to the sounds around him. When he hears someone coming in, he opens his eyes alertly and sweeps his cold eyes at the two people blocked at the door. His eyebrows twist: "how are you two here? Is this where you two can come? "

Mu Qiqi walked over and sat down on Yan Yuchen's calf: "why can't you come, we two can't! Or are you afraid that the two of us will find out what shameful things you have done and go back to tell your uncle and aunt? "

Yan Yuchen ha ha a smile: "you regard your cousin as what person?"

"Hum!" Mu Qiqi rolled a white eye, "it's not dark to go to KTV, who do you say you are?"

Yan Ran Ran stepped forward and asked: "yes! namely! What are you doing here if you don't come home? "

Yan Yuchen took out his leg, sat up, picked up the cup on the tea table, pressed down a mouthful of water, and then said, "Qiqi! You'd better go home and watch your husband

"Go Muqiqi said, "he won't come to such a place!"

Mu Qiqi says that Jin Yu doesn't like noisy environment. KTV is not suitable for him.

Yan Yuchen raised his wrist, looked at his watch and raised his eyebrow slightly: "this boy! Why haven't you come yet? "

As soon as the voice fell, a warm voice came from the door of the box.

"Traffic jam! It's late! " Jin Sheng's voice.

Mu Qiqi looks up and finds that it's Jin Sheng, with a woman beside her. It's the man she just met in Yan Ranran's mobile phone, Jin Sheng's girlfriend.

"It's too dark to turn on a light!" With that, Jin Sheng touched the switch on one side.

When the lights were bright, Jin Sheng swept the three people in the room and couldn't help sighing and laughing: "Why are you two here?"

Two people naturally refer to Mu Qiqi and Yan Ranran.

"Elder brother Sheng..." Yan Ran called. After only a few hours, he met again.

No psychological preparation for the unexpected reunion, Yan Ran Ran was a little nervous, little heart fluttering, just look at Jin Sheng's Yao Xin porcelain, the little flame in his heart was half cold.

Mu Qiqi inadvertently sweeps Yao Xinci. He is even more beautiful than in the photo. His jeans and white shirt are simple and cool. They are really different from Jin Sheng's previous girlfriends.

"Birds of a feather flock together!" Mu Qi bit every word.

"Who do you say?" Jin Sheng glances at her and thinks that Mu Qiqi is talking about him and Yao Xinci. After all, it's not a good adjective. She usually jokes about her girlfriend? No way!

"I said you and your cousin! Two big men go to KTV in broad daylight! "

Jin Sheng took Yao Xinci's waist, sat down on the sofa and said, "I don't know what to say? I have shares in this club. I'll call Yuchen to give me a try! "

Mu Qiqi's eyes lit up: "what? Are you driving this? Is it possible for me to come here for free in the future? "

"Ha ha ha!" Jin Sheng gave a dry smile, "if the second brother agrees!"

Mu Qiqi

It's strange that Jin Yu can let her come to such a place!

Yan Yuchen glanced at the girl beside Jin Sheng and raised her eyebrow slightly: "girlfriend?"

"Introduction! My girlfriend Yao Xinci Jin Sheng said.

Yan Yuchen with a deep smile, he can not know whether this is a girlfriend or a girl?

Jin Sheng took Yao Xinci's hand and said with a smile, "my brother! Yan Yuchen

Then he looked at Mu Qiqi and continued: "that yellow haired girl is..."

Mu Qi Qi a face black line, choked a: "call second sister-in-law!"

As soon as the words came out, Mu Qiqi suddenly felt very happy. Before, she never thought it would be good to marry Jin Yu, but now she can surpass Jin Sheng in terms of seniority. That kind of superiority, tut tut!

Jin Sheng pursed her lips and choked on her.

"Second sister-in-law?" Yao Xinci chuckles, some don't believe it.

Muqiqi said with a tone: "your girlfriend has changed her tongue! Don't shout

Jin Sheng bited his lips: "take the chicken feather as an arrow, my second brother has spoiled you to heaven!"

Yao Xinci looks at Mu Qiqi's young age, and he should be a student, too! But looking at Jin Sheng's tone, it seems that the little girl in front of him is really his second sister-in-law.

"Call or not! If you don't call me, I'll tell your second brother that you are disrespectful to me! " Muqiqi has a proud face.

With a black face and a fake smile, Jin Sheng called out: "little sister-in-law! Second brother, do you know that you are out again? "

Mu Qiqi

It's really a mess. I'm going to poke at her if I can't move.

Yan Ran Ran sat on one side, peeping at Jin Sheng sitting opposite. Mu Qi Qi glanced at her, pushed her arm and said, "Ran Ran! Didn't you prepare a present for Xiao san'er? Why don't you deliver it soon? "

Yan Ran blushed. She hadn't decided whether to give this gift or not, but she was so mentioned by Mu Qiqi that it was hard to ride a tiger.

See Yan Ran Ran Leng in there don't move, Mu Qi Qi rushed her to squeeze eyebrow, seem to say, send quickly!

Yan Ran Ran took out the gift from the package bag, got up and went to Jin Sheng, handed it to him and said, "brother Sheng! I hope you like it! "

Yan Yuchen a face displeasure: "you send him gift to do?"

Tomorrow is his birthday, when the sister does not say to prepare a gift for themselves, but first think of outsiders, no wonder he will not be happy.

Yan Ran Ran's face turned red and explained, "brother Sheng helped me win the lawsuit. I should thank him!"

"Isn't he paying for things?" Yan Yuchen choked a sentence.

"A dollar is money?" Jin Sheng choked.

Yan Yuchen raises eyebrow: "so not rare, you pour don't accept!"

After that, he looked at Yan Ran and asked, "your brother's birthday tomorrow. What have you prepared for me?"

Yan Ran Ran seemed to think of something, turned back and took out another gift, handed it to Yan Yuchen and said, "yes! Ready! I thought I'd give it to you tomorrow! "

Yan Yuchen took it, as like as two peas, but smiled at it. But looking at this gift box exactly the same as Jin Sheng's hand, and looking at the luxurious logo, there was still a touch of jealousy in her heart. This silly sister, who was so ungrateful inside and outside, sent Jin Sheng such a slippery gift. The key is... Brush or his card!

In the past, when Yan Ranran gave him a gift, he always added "brother! Happy birthday, Yan Yuchen was waiting, but he didn't want to. Yan Ran didn't pay any attention to him. He turned to Jin Sheng and continued: "brother Sheng! There's a card in it! Don't forget to open it when you go home at night

Muqiqi found two microphones standing on the tea table, like a treasure. She stepped up to the front and looked around. She recognized this brand, which is very expensive.

Jin Sheng put the present aside, raised his eyes, noticed Mu Qiqi's expression, and said in a tone: "Qi Qi! I know the goods

"How expensive! How expensive Muqi said repeatedly.

"Order a song to try!" Jin Sheng said, "all the stereos here are imported from Denmark! Don't say it's in Jinling. At present, there is only one in China! "

Muqiqi excitedly ran to the music machine, a search.

Soon, the background music began to ring, the little girl even ordered a song to love when she died.

The best way to try a Mac is to hit the high pitch. This is experience. If the microphone is not good, it's easy to break the pitch when it hits the high pitch.

After the prelude, Muqiqi stood in front of the big screen and began to sing:

"Love when you die,

Not incisive, not happy,

Only in this way can we express our deep feelings,

Love when you die,

It's not pleasant to smile without crying,

The destruction of the universe is still there. "

The beginning is a high pitch, Muqiqi no pressure of Biao up, excited repeatedly hide feet, sound quality is really amazing.

Then she sang to the high part of the back, although her little face was red, but the high part didn't go out of tune, it was beautiful.

"Qiqi! You can Jin Sheng couldn't help admiring.

Muqiqi snorted with a smile, and said with pride: "this is where to go!"

She just couldn't help boasting. As soon as she got excited, she ran to the jukebox and clicked.

"Song of separation", "I believe" and "loving you" came to the starting point of Xingxing. After singing, he was even more unscrupulous and went straight to "Opera 2" by Vitas.

After a few songs, Mu Qiqi's voice is a little hoarse. After all, he is not a professional singer, and he has no professional skills. If he roars up with talent, it will definitely hurt his voice.

Muqiqi puts down the microphone and looks back. Yan Yuchen and Jin Sheng push a cup and drink wine. They talk to each other.

Yao Xinci sits quietly next to Jin Sheng, turning the screen with his mobile phone in one hand and carrying Jin Sheng's arm in the other hand.

Then look at Yan Ranran, holding a bucket of popcorn, eating it without expression.

Seeing that the music had stopped, Jin Sheng glanced aside at Yao Xinci and said, "Qiqi is tired. Go sing two songs?"

Yao Xinci gave a cool smile: "I'll forget it! I'm not as good as Qiqi! "

Jin Sheng shook her hand fondly: "I want to hear you sing!"

Yao Xinci micro smile, asked: "want to hear what?"

Jin Sheng didn't even think about it. He said, "just sing the heart of painting!"

The first time he saw her, Yao Xinci sang this song, a song of love, maybe that's how he came.

Yao Xinci nodded, got up and went to the song machine. Her scallion fingers glided by. After a while, the sad Prelude sounded quietly.

Muqiqi sat down beside Yanran and whispered, "Ranran! Wait a minute, you sing too! "

Yan Ran Ran's mouth curled and his eyes were staring at Jin Sheng, but Jin Sheng was always staring at Yao Xinci sitting on the high chair in the corner.

Yao Xinci is holding a vertical microphone, stepping on a high chair with one foot, and her other leg is straight, which makes her legs extra slender. She sits there quietly, with a unique flavor.

At the end of the prelude, Yao Xinci's song comes to us

"It's your lost soul that you can't see through,

I can't guess. It's the color of your pupils,

A gust of wind, a dream, love as unpredictable as life,

What is your heart bewitched by,

Your outline is drowned in the night... "

A touch of sadness makes people feel sad.

Yan ran almost cried when he saw Jin Sheng staring at Yao Xinci.

When Mu Qiqi saw her like this, there used to be many girls around Xiao Kaiyu, and she was never so emotional

Mu Qiqi sighs. This time, Nizi may be really emotional

Mu Qiqi takes a look at Jin Sheng opposite him. Xiao saner's Sao Bao is nothing but a playboy. He loves cars more than women. I really don't know what Yan Ranran likes about him.

Mu Qi clenched Yan Ran Ran's hand and said to her ear, "do you want to know where they are? I'll bet that if Samson gets to home base, they'll be close to breaking up! "

Yan Ran Ran shriveled mouth, looked at Xiangmu Qiqi, sniffed.

Although Yan Ranran didn't make a statement, Mu Qiqi guessed her mind, squeezed her hand, narrowed her eyes, and said: "look at me!"

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