Yao Xinci sang two more Faye Wong's songs, one was "red beans" and the other was "that year in a hurry".

Her voice seems to have the inherent sadness. When she sings, she mostly closes her eyes and whispers.

Three songs down, the atmosphere in the box suddenly suppressed a lot, a song "in a hurry that year" is Yan Ranran to sing cry.

Stepping down from the high chair, Yao Xinci returned to Jin Sheng and sat down quietly.

Mu Qiqi looks at the girl opposite him from a distance. Although he says that this girl should be the most refined of all the girlfriends around Jin Sheng, he doesn't know why. He always thinks that Yao Xin's porcelain is a little cold and pretentious.

Anyway, she didn't like it.

Jin Sheng swept over Yao Xinci's shoulder, and a touch of tenderness came out of his eyes: "why didn't you sing the book of smile and forget?"

Yao Xinci smiles: "don't be greedy!"

Yan Yuchen looked at Jin Sheng and asked, "is your girlfriend a singer?"

Jin Sheng looked at Yan Yuchen and said, "what singer? My girlfriend is still a student

Yan Yuchen tiny squint, meaningful "ha ha" smile, students you also have to go to the mouth? Then he glanced at Mu Qiqi. It seemed that Jin Sheng was not the only one to attack the students.

But mu Qiqi didn't say anything. According to her previous temperament, if anyone said Jin Yu half a word in front of her, he would not make a world shaking.

Mu Qiqi took down three sets of dice from one side of the table, looked at Jin Sheng and said, "Xiao san'er, let your girlfriend sit down and play with me and ran ran for a while."

"Brag? All five of you Jin Sheng smiles.

Muqiqi gave him a cold look: "we girls lose and don't drink! I won't play with you

"Tut tut!" Jin Sheng said, "Qiqi! I remember that you are a drinker. Did the second elder brother give you a prohibition order after drinking last time? "

There's nothing wrong with the radio station. I'm not finished.

Mu Qiqi gritted his teeth: "nonsense! I had a drink at home yesterday! "

Continue to talk hard, no one knows how the beast bullied her all night after she was drunk.

"Ha ha ha!" It's no secret that Jin Sheng's playful smile didn't break it. Mu Qiqi is not afraid of heaven and earth, just afraid of Jin Yu.

Jin Sheng patted Yao Xinci on the shoulder: "go! Play with them for a while! It's boring to sit by yourself! "

Yao Xinci is reluctant, but Jin Sheng can only nod his head and walk to Mu Qiqi.

Mu Qiqi takes a test with Yan Ranran and gives her a place to sit in her own house.

"I'm not very good at it!" Yao Xin porcelain light said.

Mu Qiqi put the three dice cups in front of the three people in turn and said, "it's OK! We don't play very well! Wait a minute, we'll brag, and if we lose, we'll tell the truth. How about a big adventure? "

The other two nodded.

Each of the three shakes his dice cup. Mu Qiqi looks at Yao Xinci and says, "you start first."

Yao Xinci opened the dice cup, looked at it and called out: "three ones!"

Muqiqi put his thumb on the dice cup and said, "add one!"

When it was Yan Ranran's turn, she pursed her lips, looked at Mu Qiqi and said, "four one! So big... I can only call five, can't I? It's so big... "

Mu Qiqi encouraged her to say, "don't worry!"

Because Mu Qiqi has already agreed with Yan Ranran before, she will try her best to let Yao Xinci lose, let her accept the punishment of sincere words, and ask more from her mouth.

Now Muqiqi so assured to encourage her, Yan Ran Ran had some confidence in her heart, pursed her lips, also put up a thumb and stood on the dice cup: "add one!"

Five ones? Yao Xinci thought slightly. There was no one in her dice cup. She simply gambled and took off the lid: "open it!"

As soon as Yan Ran saw that there was no one in Yao Xin porcelain's dice cup, he was dumbfounded. He opened his lid and said weakly, "I only have one... Qiqi, do you have four?"

Muqiqi narrowed his eyes, drew a successful smile from the corner of his lips, and slowly lifted the lid: "five ones! Leopard for six! You lost

Yan Ran ran quickly covered his mouth with both hands and covered the little joy. He could not help admiring Qi Qi's luck.

"Truth or adventure?" Mu Qiqi asked.

"Speak from the heart!" Yao Xin replied.

Just what you want!

Mu Qiqi pretended to think for a while. In fact, she had a plan in her heart. She had a draft of what she wanted to ask the first question and what she wanted to ask the second.

"Well..." Muqi stopped and continued, "how long have you known xiaosan'er? Where did you meet? "

This is not a tricky question, Yao Xinci replied with a smile: "a... Half a month! At KTV

As soon as Yan Ran listened to it, he felt cold for a month and a half? Brother Sheng's girlfriend has never been more than a month!

Yan Ran Ran's lips are so high that Mu Qi pushes her arm to remind her to pay attention to her little emotions.

Yan Ran sighed and continued to shake the dice cup.

Muqiqi's luck seems to be particularly good. After a few games, what he shakes out is either a smooth or a leopard. Even if there are occasional mistakes, they can be ignored in front of the victory.

So no matter what Yan Ranran shouts out, Muqiqi seems to be able to hold the bottom and force Yao Xinci to death.

After several rounds, Muqiqi finds out many secrets

Yao Xinci and Jin Sheng met in a bar a month and a half ago. The first time they kiss each other was on the day they met. Yao Xinci kisses Jin Sheng. Jin Sheng asks her for the first time on his own initiative. On the second day, Jin Sheng likes to rub her earlobe. They have seen three movies and gone on a short trip together.

As for the first night of two people, Yao Xinci said that he had not

Muqiqi's heart beat a drum. With the playful degree of xiaosaner, can he bear not to play home base for a month and a half? Anyway, she doesn't believe it!

Jin Sheng sat in the distance, glancing at them from time to time, and saw that Yao Xinci was mostly defeated. When Qi Qi asked her the last question, her face was still red, and she knew in her heart that Qi Qi must be calculating Yao Xinci.

Jin Sheng got up and sat down beside Yao Xinci. He gently swept her shoulder and asked, "did Qiqi bully you?"

"No! No! " Yao Xinci shook her head. "I'm so poor today!"

Jin Sheng slightly raised her eyebrows: "does she always frame you with shunzi and leopard?"

"How do you know?" Yao Xin was very surprised.

After listening, Mu Qiqi stares at Jin Sheng and turns a white eye.

Jin Sheng looked at Xiangmu Qiqi and said, "Qiqi! I taught you this at the beginning to let you deal with outsiders, so that you would not be bullied in the wine shop. How can you use it to bully Xinci? "

"Second sister-in-law!" Muqiqi looks unhappy.

"Don't bully Xinci!" Jin Sheng's warning was very serious.

At least in Muqiqi's impression, xiaosaner has always been playful with her. When did she talk to her in this tone?

"I didn't bully her! I just shake it with my hand! " Mu Qiqi said forcefully, "besides, Ran Ran also played. She lost less. I can only say that your girlfriend is not lucky today!"

"Why don't we play a game?" Jin Sheng looks at her.

"Why?" Mu Qi Qi curls her lips and plays dice. Jin Sheng is an expert at night. She is not stupid enough to bump herself into the wall.

"If you win, I'll give you back your little beetle!" Jin Sheng hooked his lips.

Muqiqi's eyes are bright, what? Jin Sheng just said that she would return her car to her?

Almost without hesitation, Muqiqi rolled up his sleeve and pressed his hand on the dice cup: "come on!"

"Don't worry!" Jin Sheng deliberately hooked his appetite, "I haven't said what will happen if you lose?"

Muqiqi blood tank full, transfusion? How could she lose for Blackie?

"Say it Muqi said impatiently.

Jin Sheng continued: "if you lose... Forget it! Don't embarrass you! It's true

"Hum!" Muqiqi snorted scornfully, as if he would win.

"Come on!" Muqiqi shakes the dice cup.

"Wait!" Jin Sheng stopped again.

"What do you want?" Muqiqi was impatient.

"Match points!" Jin Sheng said, "if the sum of points is large, win!"

Muqiqi pursed her lips. She now has a pair of smooth dice in her hand. According to the position of several dice, if she is lucky, she can shake out five fives in the next one. She can only bet one, but Jin Sheng can't shake out five sixes.

"Come on!" Mu Qiqi simply rolled up the dice.

Jin Sheng picked up the dice cup on the table, picked up the dice on the table and threw it into the air. The whole dice cup hung in the air for a long time.

"Brother Sheng! You are so handsome Yan Ran Ran has a crazy face.

"Ran Ran! You traitor! Who are you with? " Muqiqi drinks her.

"Brother Sheng is handsome!" The face ran Du lips.

Finally, at the moment when Muqiqi stopped shaking the cup, Jin Sheng also put his dice cup on the table.

"If you play this one normally, you should shake out five fives!" Jin Sheng is full of confidence.

Muqiqi knew that he couldn't lose the battle. He said with a sneer, "it's good to know. With a few messy dice, can you still shake out five sixes?"

With a smile, Jin Sheng looked at Yao Xinci and said, "dear! Open it for me

"Ah?" Yao Xinci was still obsessed with Jin Sheng's handsome technique of rolling dice cup, but he didn't respond for a moment.

Jin Sheng slightly raised his chin and pointed to the dice cup on the table. Yao Xinci reflected this. His scallion white fingertips stretched out. I don't know if it was the atmosphere before. Yao Xinci's fingers seemed to tremble slightly.

Slowly, the dice cup slowly raised.

Yan Ran Ran almost fell on the table and said, "666!"

Mu Qiqi was so angry that he drank: "Ran Ran!"

Who did it for her just now? In the twinkling of an eye, I was ungrateful.

Yan Ran Ran didn't seem to hear it. Almost at the same time, he cried out: "five sixes!"

Mu Qiqi didn't believe the result. He said "it's impossible." he quickly got up and pushed Yao Xinci's hand away. Then he saw that five sixes were lying on the black marble table.

"You Mu Qiqi pointed to Jin Sheng, "you cheat!"

Jin Sheng hooked his lips: "willing to gamble, admit defeat!"

One side Yan Yuchen couldn't look down: "old fried dough sticks! Even Qiqi, you bully me! "

"She wanted to bet with me!" Jin Sheng didn't like it.

Yan Yuchen raised his glass, sipped a mouthful of wine and hummed: "Qiqi is good at gambling. I think it's bad for you!"

Jin Sheng squints and smiles, with the tone of a willing person taking the bait.

Muqiqi sat beside him angrily: "don't play! Play tricks

Jin Sheng flicked his fingertips on her forehead and said, "the rules of the world! Be willing to accept defeat! You don't want to leave me a story for the rest of my life, do you? "

Mu Qiqi squints at him. With Jin Sheng's temperament, he can really do it. He can talk about all the trivial things when they come to him.

"Isn't it true? Ask Mu Qi said with a tired face.

Jin Sheng sipped his lips and thought for a while, "I'm not embarrassed either! Tell me about the shortcomings of the ten second brothers

Yan Yuchen on one side has already laughed. You know, it's like poking at Mu Qiqi's weakness. Since she was a child, she never allowed others to say that Jin Yu was not good in front of her. She made Jin Yu look like a good brother. Even his cousin had to stand aside.

Jin Sheng is such a tough guy!

Mu Qiqi bit his lips and glared at Jin Sheng with hatred on his face. After a while, he gave a contemptuous hum.

Jin Sheng took out his mobile phone and returned a message, then put it down: "I've finished replying to all my messages. Why haven't you started to say? It's not like your character to be a Moji! "

He is obviously exciting him, Muqiqi also know, but she can't help it, every time will be set up!

After organizing the language for a while, Muqiqi began to murmur: "your second brother! Cleanliness! Narcissism... "

"Be more specific! What's the problem with cleanliness? Why narcissism? " Jin Sheng continued to make trouble.

Mu Qiqi squinted at him and drank: "you wait!"

"Say it Jin Sheng is not worried about her little threat at all.

"When you come into the house and take off your shoes, you have to wash your feet first. If you don't take a bath, you don't let them go to bed. Is it a cleanliness addiction? Is it narcissistic for a big man to change his tie in front of the mirror before going out? I'm not allowed to eat at the roadside stall. Even I count ice cream. I can only eat three a week. He's my father with advanced cancer! "

Advanced cancer? Jin Sheng is already laughing. If the second brother hears this, he has to clean her up.

Muqiqi saw that he was smiling, so he didn't say anything.

"Only three!" Jin Sheng forced himself to smile, "go on!"

Muqiqi bit his lip: "I still hold my cash. I won't give a cent. Stingy! Every day I have to force me to eat all kinds of juice I don't like to eat, those walnut, almond, jujube things, taste really disgusting people good! What is brain tonic? It's a fake health expert! "

"Go on!" Jin Sheng encouraged her.

"No!" My lips are curled.

"If you say ten, I'll give you back your car keys first! How's it going? "

Muqiqi's heart moved. If he got the car key, wouldn't that be half of the car?

Good! continue!

After a meal of criticism, Mu Qiqi vented most of the bitterness of this period of time, and finally got ten.

After hearing this, Yan Ran clenched Muqiqi's hand: "Qiqi! I didn't expect you to be so wronged! My cousin is strict with you! He even controls your sleeping time so strictly! So you haven't been chasing the ten o'clock show for a long time? The drama that you and I recommended before is coming to an end! "

Ten o'clock shit! Mu Qi Qi's mouth is shriveled. She has watched a lot of adult dramas at 10 o'clock, which are still live broadcast.

Aside, Jin Sheng mobile phone recording key, stop the chat software, find Jin Yu's name, make complaints about the recording of the Tucao sound that just finished seven years ago.

On the other side.

Jin Yu drives towards the city center. He just got the news that Muqiqi's SIM card shows that she is near the shopping mall in the city center.

Situ Chen's phone call came in.

"Mr. Jin! The location of the wife has been found! The sun never sets in the pedestrian street

As soon as he heard the word "club", Jin Yu was so angry that she ran straight away. The girl didn't learn well and went to get drunk.

Situ Chen added: "it seems that San Shao is the shareholder of this club!"

After hearing this, Jin Yu hangs up and is about to call Jin Sheng, asking him to tell the people in the club not to provide drinks for mu Qiqi. However, he doesn't want Jin Sheng's information coming in tacitly.

Jin Yu saw that it was a voice file and was not interested in it. He had to dial the phone when he quit.

Another message came in.

"Second brother! Listen! There's a surprise

Jin Yu had an ominous premonition. The last time Jin Sheng told him that there was a surprise, there was something about Mu Qiqi calling the radio hotline after he was drunk. This time

Jin Yu pressed the play button.

Sure enough

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