When the black Peugeot car came, situ Chen's eyebrows suddenly tightened. He realized that the situation was not good, but he didn't rush to brake or change lanes.

When other vehicles saw the car rushing to the opposite side, the car whistle sounded for a moment, and there was a confusion.

In the rear, a black Land Rover sped up and quickly overtook Jin Yu's car. Just three meters ahead, the Land Rover slammed the steering wheel and rammed the oncoming black car into another lane.

There was a loud bang. The black Peugeot car, which had lost its direction, rushed to the side of the road block. After a sharp sound of friction, the car broke through the fence and went straight down the vertical slope. There was another dull sound.

Then, the Land Rover stabilized its direction and drove all the way ahead.

Ten seconds later, however, it was breathtaking. Bursts of sharp braking sound rang out, and the panic flow of vehicles braked and changed lanes one after another. In a hurry, the rear vehicles frequently hit the rear.

White Benz is a smooth road, as if nothing happened.

Mu Qiqi was pressed in his arms by Jin Yu, leaning back on his arm, completely unaware of what had happened. Originally, a pair of small hands were fluttering and pinching Jin Yu's chest. When he heard strange sounds coming one after another, he suddenly quieted down.

"What's going on out there?" Muqiqi asked, looking up to look out of the window.

Jin Yu hugs her more tightly, but she can't move.

"A few cars hit the rear! It's all right Jin Yu looked down at her with a gentle tone.

"Why do you chase the tail? Is anyone hurt? " Mu Qiqi didn't believe it.

The car she took along the way was no different. The road was smooth. How could it happen that the car would rear end?

"A little black dog rushed to the road, and everyone couldn't escape, so..." Jin Yu made it up.

"Little black dog? Was the dog killed? "

"It's in the river!"

"Then it must have drowned..."

"Dogs can swim!"


When situ Chen listened to the story of Jin Yu and Hu Zou, he couldn't help but feel funny. But when he thought about it, it was not difficult to understand. He couldn't tell Mu Qiqi that someone had just rushed to assassinate them.

However, it's not so easy to succeed in the assassination. Jin Yu has been ambushing a lot of bodyguards. In addition to the black Land Rover who is driving the road, there is a car following him to cope with today's unexpected situation. These people are nothing to say.

An hour later, after crossing several blocks, the car entered a boulevard. On both sides of the road, two rows of neat Wutong trees were seen. They could not see the depth and could not see the end. They were as mysterious as Paris's ancient city.

777 Princess Avenue.

The white Mercedes Benz stopped in front of the iron gate. Muqiqi looked up at the old wall. On the black door plate, there was a string of strange French words. The only thing she knew was "no". 777”。

Just as she was about to ask, the black iron door opened slowly. Jin Yu held her in his arms and said in a low voice, "we're home!"

Home? Muqiqi looked around, surrounded by shade, like a park, straight road leading to the front, the huge circular fountain blocked the way, tens of meters high water column straight into the sky, through the gap of the water column, exposed a triangular Castle top, from a distance, like a castle.

The car bypassed the circular fountain, went straight ahead, and finally stopped at the gate of an old castle.

It's really a castle! Her new home in France is in an old castle.

As soon as he got out of the car, Muqiqi looked at the magnificent building in front of him. He was so excited that he didn't care about Jin Yu. He ran into the castle happily.

Situ Chen hung up the phone, came to Jin Yu and reported in a low voice: "after preliminary investigation, the accident just happened because the black car brake failed. It seems that there is no flaw."

Jin Yu picked his eyebrows slightly. He never believed in any accident or coincidence. Since someone wanted to give him a gift, he would think carefully in advance and try to keep everything in order.

All of a sudden, there was a scream in the castle.

Muqiqi yelled: "ah! There is a ghost

Situ Chen looked in the direction of the voice and responded: "it could be Sophie!"

Looking at Jin Yu again, I don't know when he had already left, so he ran into the gate.

"Qiqi! Seven seven

Jin Yu screamed and looked around. Finally, behind the sofa in the living room, he found Muqiqi curled up on the ground shivering.

Seeing Jin Yu, Mu Qiqi rushed to his arms, trembling and repeating: "there is a ghost! There are ghosts here

Muqiqi was shivering. She had heard many horror stories about the ancient castle before. I didn't expect that she really experienced such a thing herself. It was still in the daytime!

Jin Yu rubbed her head and asked, "what did you see just now?"

"A nun with a black veil! She has no feet! She saw her flying over there

Muqiqi closed her eyes and pointed to the direction where she had just seen ghosts.

Jin Yu knew the reason and hugged her with a smile.

Muqiqi is lying on Jin Yu's shoulder in shock, holding the clothes on both sides of his shoulder with both hands.

"Don't be afraid! She's Sophie! Servants here Jin Yu said softly.

Mu Qiqi slowly raised his head and looked at Jin Yu. His black eyes were as soft as water.

servant? How could there be such a strange servant? No feet, will float... And, just a gust of wind, she clearly saw under the black veil, is the woman's distorted face, like burns.

Muqiqi looks at Sophie's corridor again. There is no one in the dark corridor.

She suddenly recalled that Sophie had already stood a few steps away from her. The black nun's hat covered her forehead and covered her face with a layer of black gauze. Only her eyes were exposed and staring at her.

Muqiqi was staring at her, and her hair almost stood up. Sophie's long skirt, hands and feet were covered up, as if she was deliberately hiding something. From a distance, she was like a person without hands and feet. If it was at night, her strange dress would really scare people to death.

Sophie raised her right hand, put it on her chest and made a gesture.

Jin Yu nodded, looked at Xiang Muqiqi's translation and said, "she's saying sorry to you."

Mu Qiqi looked at Jin Yu and asked, "she... Can't speak?"

Jin Yu nodded.

Muqiqi lay on Jin Yu's ear and asked in a low voice, "is she really not a ghost?"

Jin Yu shook his head: "a few years ago, I bought this castle. When the workers were repairing it, they found her in the basement. When I saw her poor, I took her in. She has lived here for so many years and helped me take care of this castle!"

Muqiqi looks at Sophie and whispers, "I'm sorry! I just got scared. I shouldn't say you're a ghost... "

Sophie made another gesture.

Jin Yu's translator said, "she's talking. It doesn't matter."

Mu Qi was stunned: "does she understand what I say? She's not French? "

Jin Yu nodded again.

Sophie made another sign language.

Jin Yu's translator said, "Sophie said she's going to prepare dinner! Well, you'll come and call us! "

Sophie left.

Muqiqi looked at the thin figure under the black veil, inexplicably sad.

Although I just glanced at her face, the huge sores were frightening, and the scars on her hands. It's not hard to imagine that the scars on her body should be the same, right? Otherwise, how could she cover herself so tightly?

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