Xuanyaru pursed her lips and said with a smile, "who let you just put in so much! I'm so dizzy! In this case, the doctor can only prescribe the right medicine to the case, otherwise how can it be true to life? "

The old man continued to complain, "that's all! What's that food? I don't like lemon most. I even gave me a lemon flavored sugar pill! An old tooth is going to be sour! "

Xuanyaru didn't speak, just laughed.

Because of Jin Sheng's marriage, the old man pretended to be ill again and again. He had eaten all the strawberry candy pills that the doctor had prescribed for her. In an emergency, he fed the old man a lemon flavored vitamin tablet.


Jin Sheng drove all the way.

Yao Xinci was sitting in the front passenger's seat, her heart beat faster with the speed of running.

After the old lady fell ill, she left the villa and got into the car first. She didn't know what happened. She just saw that Jin Sheng was in a low mood. She didn't dare to ask about some words.

It used to be 40 minutes' drive from Jin's house to her apartment, but Jin Sheng's rush made it less than 20 minutes.

A sharp brake, the car stopped.

A sudden brake, the safety belt on Yao Xinci's shoulder, suddenly tightened, let her pain is not light.

"Ah Yao Xin's porcelain hurts.

Before she could recover from the pain, Jin Sheng said in a low voice, "let's break up!"

Yao Xin was stunned.

Jin Sheng continued: "this apartment is a breakup fee! In addition, I will ask the Secretary to remit a sum of money to your account tomorrow! You can relax! I have already said hello to the TV station. You have been appointed as the host in the new program. Our breakup will not affect all this. "

Yao Xinci was at a loss to listen to all this. After a long time, he came back and asked, "why? Do you think I'm with you for money? I'd rather not have these! Ah Sheng! I don't want to break up! "

"Xinci!" Jin Sheng said, and finally he looked at her with his side eyes. There was a trace of sadness in his deep eyes: "my life was given by my grandmother. My grandmother was really ill this time. I can't disobey her meaning."

"She's pretending to be sick! Didn't you tell me before I went to Yiyuan? Your grandmother always uses the trick of pretending to be ill to force you to break up! This time is no exception! She's pretending to be sick! It's pretending to be ill The more Yao Xin said, the more excited he was.

"Xinci!" Jin Sheng snapped, "don't say that to her old man!"

"Isn't it? She wants us to break up? And then you and Yan Ran Ran together? " Yao Xinci's voice choked.

After a long pause, Jin Sheng said, "I swear that even if we break up, I won't be with her!"

"Swear?" Yao Xinci snorted, "what if your grandmother pretends to be sick again? Do you want to keep her from getting angry and marry Yan Ranran, whom she likes? "

"No!" Jin Sheng deserves to be determined.

"I don't believe it! I don't want to break up! " Yao Xinci, hysterical, roars and pours into Jin Sheng's arms, beating.

Jin Sheng let her fight for a while, finally could not bear it, stroked her back and said, "don't cry!"

It's not the first time he has experienced such a scene. I don't know why. It's just that the protagonist of this time has become Yao Xinci. He has a trace of unprecedented guilt in his heart, like he has done something wrong.

"Apart for a while, we all need to calm down! Maybe grandma's body is better, she wants to open up, won't so exclude you? " Jin Sheng advised.

Yao Xinci's heart trembled, as if a glimmer of hope had been kindled again. What does that mean? Do they still have hope? Breaking up is just a play for his family?

"Get out of the car!" Jin Sheng.

"Ah Sheng, I'll be waiting for you all the time!" Yao Xin porcelain trembled a, reluctant to leave the car.


In France in October, the autumn wind is cold.

Early in the morning, Muqiqi was wrapped in a soft blanket and slept soundly.

She has been in France for some time. Jin Yu is very busy. He has a lot of affairs to deal with during his two-month vacation. But every evening, he will come back on time and bring her some small gifts and her favorite food.

Usually, Muqiqi is the only one in such a big villa. She is comfortable. She doesn't have to go to class or get up early. When she wakes up, she is in bed and cooks dramas. When she is hungry, she has the delicious food Sophie has prepared for her. When she is bored, she can go out and ride around. It's a happy day.

She once hoped that such a day could last longer, so that she didn't want to go back to Jinling.

Jin Yu went to the bedside, with a gray vest on his white shirt, and his straight back was full of gentlemanly breath.

He stood at the head of the bed, looking at the little man in the quilt, with a warm smile on her lips. The little girl was mellow, and her lips were pouting in her sleep.

This should be his ideal life after marriage, every day before going to bed the last eye is her, wake up the first eye is still her.

Jin Yu bent down and gently stroked her face.

Muqiqi wakes up hazily.

"Baby, wake up?" Jin Yu said with a smile.

Three phone rings and Sophie informs them that breakfast is ready.

"Baby! Go and have breakfast! " Jin Yu gently reminds me.

Muqiqi tooted his mouth and said, "go and eat by yourself! I'll get some more sleep! Eat later! "

I just wake up, I really have no appetite.

"I want my baby to eat with me!" Jin Yu is tired of her and suddenly looks like a child.

Muqiqi sighed. Before, she didn't think Jin Yu was so clingy. Since she came to France, Jin Yu wanted her to accompany her and couldn't get rid of her.

With a smile, Jin Yu passed a nightgown, lifted the quilt, wrapped it around her, leaned over, picked her up and walked out of the bedroom.

Early in the morning, Muqiqi has no strength. After struggling symbolically, he simply admits his fate and comes back to sleep after breakfast.

Came to the restaurant, the table has been set breakfast, empty restaurant no Sophie figure.

Jin Yu didn't cheat her, except that she met Sophie once on her first day in France. After that, she never saw Sophie again.

When she was alone in the daytime, Muqiqi tried to find Sophie in the castle. Although the castle was not small, she searched all the places where she could hide people, but Sophie seemed to evaporate from the world without any trace.

Just when she thought Sophie was not in the castle at all, she dialed the castle phone. Within three tones, Sophie would pick up the phone. At this time, Muqiqi felt that her hair stood upright.

This Sophie, more and more mysterious, but also makes her more and more curious.

On the dining table.

Muqiqi just woke up, no appetite, hands holding a cup of warm milk, not anxious to drink.

Jin Yu took a piece of garlic stick with his fork, sliced it, put it into his mouth, chewed it gently, looked at Xiang Muqiqi and asked, "which universities have you investigated these days?"

The castle is located in the city with a long history of culture in Paris, surrounded by many colleges and universities. A casual building may have hundreds of years of memories.

At that time, he bought the castle in order to have a convenient residence when Muqiqi came to study abroad one day. After all, most of the French boys are romantic and unrestrained, so he can't rest assured that she will live in school.

Muqi shriveled his lips: "there are so many campuses under the University of Paris. It will take a month or two to complete the investigation."

Jin Yu pulled his lips down, because it was the honeymoon period. These days he gave her absolute freedom, but he didn't look at her. It was just the little girl's tone. It was obvious that he had forgotten the task he had assigned.

"How many schools have been investigated? What major do you want to study? " Jin Yu asked in a hard voice.

Since arriving in Paris, she hasn't heard Jin Yu talk to her with such a straight face for a long time. Thinking about it, Mu Qiqi couldn't help but get goose bumps and carefully poked out three fingers, which means three.

In order not to make Jin Yu so angry, she added two more.

"Three?" Jin Yu put down his knife and fork, picked up a napkin and pursed his lips. "You only saw three campuses under the University of Paris?"

Muqiqi shrank back, raised his legs against the seat, and sat with his legs wronged.

Pretending to be poor, Jin Yu would not be so angry, would he? Muqiqi thought in his heart.

"So you haven't moved a word of the report you were asked to write?" Jin Yu continued.

Muqiqi looked at him pitifully and nodded.

Jin Yu looks at the poor Muqiqi in front of him, but he doesn't know what to do. If it was in the past, the little girl jumped up, he has a way. He just looks at the poor little thing in front of him, and he really has nothing to do with her.

Muqiqi murmurs in his heart that if someone wants to be soft or hard, he can muddle along by pretending to be poor, which is better than being crushed by him. She is not stupid!

"Say it!" Jin Yu took up the quilt and watered it down. He calmed down and continued to ask, "which three schools have you visited these days? What have you got? "

Muqiqi coughed a few times, and his mind was sorting out the words quickly.

Three universities! She can't even make up the places she hasn't been to!

I'm dead

Mu Qiqi looked at Jin Yu with a twinkling of his long eyelashes: "the first thing to investigate is naturally the Paris Institute of higher learning, which is closest to home... Ranking eighth in the world..."

Mu Qiqi quickly searched her brain for the information about the university that Jin Yu once told her.

Jin Yu has different feelings for this university. It's not only the most famous university in France. Jin Yu once traveled here for a year during his university life. Yan Qiangwei, Mu Qiqi's mother, also graduated from this university. At that time, she was also a famous talented woman in this university.

A lot of emotions are pinned here, and he naturally hopes that Mu Qiqi can enter this university for further study.

"I've been to the school library. It's really beautiful!" Mu Qiqi blinked his eyes. "In the library, I found my mother's graduation photo when she graduated. I remember you told me that my mother's photo was in the eighth area, cabinet No. tr-126, row 5, the first book on the left, page 1..."

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