Mu Qiqi said slowly: "it's not difficult to find that person. This paper is torn from this notebook, which is issued to interns by the Ministry. Everyone here has one! You know, when a piece of paper is torn off, the tear marks will be different. Now just check everyone's notebook, and the truth will come out. "

After listening to Mu Qiqi's analysis, many people nodded, but several leaders on the stage also whispered.

"I think there's something wrong with it!"

"Although Muqiqi is responsible for such an accident, if someone changes the menu as she said, it will not be so simple!"

"Yes! It's very likely that someone has conspired to frame Miss Elena by acting in collusion with others. Now she is a VIP visiting Jinling at the invitation of the president. Something has happened. This is a diplomatic accident. "

Once a small food poisoning incident was analyzed by the people on stage, it suddenly rose to the level of "diplomatic incident".

This is something that mu qiwan didn't think of. She thought that maybe it was because of the competitive pressure of interns that someone designed her to make mistakes.

Interns also fell into a murmur, only Ding Chen, hands tightly clenched the notebook on the table, looking worried.

The night before, she followed the restaurant manager to describe and change the menu he put on the washstand when he went to the bathroom

At that time, she really just wanted to put on Muqiqi, so that she could not be promoted to the next round of assessment, and yolk allergy was not a big problem, and she would not die.

As the voice of discussion gradually rose, director Lin made a quick decision: "take out all the books! Check

With a single order, all the leaders on the stage stepped down from the platform and screened one by one.

One page at a time.

Finally, she came to Ding Chen and checked that her female leaders usually had a good impression of her. When she read her book, she found Ding Chen a little embarrassed and comforted her: "don't be nervous!"

As soon as the voice fell, the female leader twisted her eyebrows, and she turned to a torn page. After checking the sample, they were perfectly matched. Obviously, this paper was torn from this book.

"Ding Chen? What's going on? " The female leader asked her.

In the classroom, which was originally full of tension, this question was even more suffocating. Almost everyone's eyes swept to Ding Chen sitting in the third row.

Ding Chen held the table and stood up nervously, explaining in a panic: "it's not me! It's not really me

"But this paper was torn from your notebook! How do you explain that? "

Ding Chen should say: "someone framed me! It's Muqiqi! Muqiqi, she framed me! She directed and acted a play by herself. It was she and others outside who framed Miss Elena! In order not to let others doubt her, she put the blame on me! "

For a moment, the original simple things have become complicated.

"What a surprise! Today's interns are able to direct and act out their own tricks! "

Mu Qiqi turned to look at Ding Chen: "is it really you? After talking with Miss mu, I had a few words with you on the way to the restaurant. You've seen the menu! "

Ding Chen bit his lip: "what can you say after reading the menu?"

Muqiqi continued: "so, besides me, you are the only one who knows the contents of the menu! After delivering the menu, I went to miss Mu's room, which was less than five minutes apart. Miss mu can testify for me that I didn't steal your book from you at all, and the time to re describe a menu! So how about you? Where did you go after you left me that day? Who can prove it to you? "

"I..." Ding Chen said.

Mu Qiqi sneered: "is it to change the menu?"

"I went to the bathroom!" Ding Chen answered.

She did go to the bathroom, just to follow the restaurant manager.

Director Lin's mobile phone rings. He glances at the screen and his eyebrows are tight. It's situ Chen's phone.

As we all know, situ Chen is the person around Jin Yu. Most of the time, his phone calls convey Jin Yu's meaning.

Director Lin naturally did not dare to neglect, respectfully answered the phone, he did not say anything, the whole process just nodded, mm-hmm should be.

After hanging up the phone, director Lin looked at Ding Chen and said coldly, "it's too late for you to tell the truth now!"

Ding Chen clasped his hands tightly at the foot of the table, and his nails were almost embedded in the board: "what I said is the truth!"

When director Lin saw that the little girl was missing the coffin and no tears, he said, "we called out the surveillance video from the hotel. You followed the restaurant manager into the bathroom. How do you explain?"

"Is there anything else you need to explain to go to the bathroom? It's not normal to go to the bathroom? " Ding Chen's argument is becoming more and more unfounded.

Director Lin continued: "you can insist on what you say, but we will transfer this matter to the police. The police will identify the handwriting, fingerprints and surveillance video. At that time, your responsibility will not be so simple, and it is likely to be included in the criminal case."

After that, director Lin turned and left.

The leaders who followed naturally left.

The classroom is very quiet.

Muqiqi easily takes the personal belongings scattered on the platform back into his bag. All of a sudden, he just feels a gust of wind behind him. Then, a door slamming sound rings. Ding Chen runs out quickly and chases director Lin who is far away.

In the corridor came Ding Chen's crying voice: "director Lin! I'll go and apologize to miss Elena! I apologize to you! Please give me another chance

In the classroom, the discussion burst out.

In the tumultuous discussion, Luo Qingqing glanced out of the window and said sarcastically: "idiot!"



Elena's condition is not too serious, but because of diarrhea symptoms, coupled with some rashes on her body, the doctor suggested that she stay in hospital for observation, the next few activities can only be postponed or cancelled.

Elena's cell phone rang, she answered, just listened to a few words, her mood instantly excited.

The mobile phone was thrown to the ground by her. Fortunately, the floor of the VIP ward was covered with carpet, and the mobile phone was all right. Mu Ning'an picked up the mobile phone, asked a few questions, and got to know about it.

Elena's husband told the media that Elena had stolen a huge amount of taxes. You know, in the United States, this is a charge that can ruin her family, ruin her reputation and put her in jail.

Moreover, it was her husband who accused Elena this time. The public believed Zhou Yunfei in the incident, and the public opinion was very unfavorable to Elena.

Elena raised her eyes to Mu Ning'an. Her eyes were red. She held her arms in her hands and asked her, "Ann, what should I do? This beast, he set me up! Once the investigation starts, all my assets will be frozen! In order to find out my assets, he really means nothing! "

"Don't worry! Let me think of a way. At the moment, we should go back to the United States first. We can't solve any problems here! "

"Go back? Go back and wait for the police to arrest you? "

"But if you don't go back now, your fans, those spectators, will think that you are deliberately evading questions and judicial accountability, which will only place more emphasis on public opinion questioning you!"

"This fool, who gave him such an idea!" Elena gritted her teeth.

Mu Ning'an sighed. It's true that after Zhou Yunfei failed in business, he was addicted to gambling all day long. Since he became addicted to drugs, he has become a hooligan, and the typical success is not enough.

Such a person, let him do something to smash the house and row the car, it is also possible, so as to prove others tax evasion, it really does not look like his pattern.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, so we can only think about the next measures to deal with it, so as not to continue to spread the adverse effects of the matter. After all, this will endanger Elena's art career.

Elena's mobile phone rings again, and it turns out to be Zhou Yunfei.

Elena was about to answer the phone, but she was in such a mood that it was obviously inappropriate for her to handle such a call.

Mu Ning'an grabs the phone.

Zhou Yunfei's voice came from the phone: "Elena! I can't believe that besides me, there are people who hate you so much! If he hadn't given me such a good idea, I don't know that my wife should have so much money! "

"Who is that man?" Mu Ning An asked.

"Doodle, doodle!" The phone hung up.

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