In the following days, the media reports about Elena's tax evasion became more and more intense.

Almost immediately after the incident, the media surrounded Elena's hospital.

Mu Ning An skillfully arranges to take Elena away from the hospital and return to the hotel.

Soon, the news spread and the hotel was once again captured by the media.

Facing the reporters carrying long guns and short guns at the door of the hotel, Elena can only stay in the room, unable to move.

Mu Ning'an returned to the United States on the day of the incident, working between the lawyer team and the media every day.

Even so, things did not develop in a good direction, and the public opinion continued to spread. Mu Ning'an was originally born in public relations, and her keen professional sense made her doubt that someone must have done something behind it.

Not only that, this behind the scenes driver almost anticipated all the PR steps of Mu Ning'an, almost everything in front of her.

A few days back in the United States, there was no progress in this crisis public relations. Mu Ning'an ran into a wall everywhere and almost fell into a desperate situation.

Mu Ning'an flies to Jinling by plane. When she gets off the plane, she dials Elena's phone. Her voice is hoarse and helpless.

"Zhou Yunfei claims that he still has a series of evidence against you. His purpose is only for money, so the worst result is..."

Mu Ning settles down and doesn't go on. Undoubtedly, there are two results. One is that Elena gives all her wealth to Zhou Yunfei and uses money to buy back her innocence. The other is that Elena refuses this request, so Zhou Yunfei's accusation will undoubtedly put her to death.

Either way, Elena will undoubtedly be the last loser.

After a long silence, Elena's tired voice came from the phone: "let me think about it."

The phone hung up.


Empire View Hotel.

Elena hung up and stood in front of the French window, arms tightly around the body, but could not warm the chill from her body.

The doorbell rang.

Elena stepped forward and opened the door. Her eyes were full of surprise: "how are you?"


Mu Ning'an arrives at the hotel and goes straight to Elena's room.

When she opened the door and came to the living room, she saw Jin Han sitting on the single sofa with his legs up. The man had his own cold air field. Even in the room with air conditioning on, Mu Ning'an still felt a chill, and her hair stood up uncontrollably.

Three people froze for a moment, Mu Ning An asked: "what are you doing?"

Jin Han holds one hand on the armrest of the sofa, and his slender fingers tap the reddish brown leather cloth with the frequency of once every two seconds. For mu Ning'an's questions, he chooses to be silent, just a kind of attentive eyes. He looks at some dusty women pulling the trolley box from a distance.

I haven't seen her for a few days. She's thin again.

The thin lips of the man moved slightly, wanted to say something, but held back.

With her Wool shawl on her shoulders in her hands, Elena gets up from the sofa and walks over to Mu Ning'an, giving her a welcome hug.

"Dear, hard work!"

"What is he doing here?" Mu Ning An asked again.

Elena pursed her lips, her eyes dodged, as if there was something hard to say.

Mu Ning An sensitively realized what: "did he say something to you?"

Finally, under Mu Ning'an's questioning, Elena looked at her and said, "Mr. Jin said... He can calm this storm for me."

Mu Ning An snorted contemptuously: "will he be so kind? A profitless merchant who can't get up early. "

Elena looked at her in amazement.

Seeing Elena's reaction, Mu Ning'an knew that there must be some exchange conditions, so she asked, "what are the conditions?"

"In exchange, my dance company must sign a contract with the brokerage company of Ocean Group. The company will allocate two floors as the dance company's base in the golden area of the city center."

This means that once Elena agrees to this condition, her career center will undoubtedly move from the United States to Jinling.

"You promised him?" Mu Ning An asked, his eyes filled with anger.

Elena's silence gave her the answer. Mu Ning'an knew that she agreed.

Mu Ning An nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I can't continue to be your agent."

She will never go back to Jinling, work under Jin Han's eyes, and recognize him as the boss.

Mu Ning'an turns around and drags the suitcase to walk out.

Elena came forward and stopped her: "Ann, you can't go! Mr. Jin has another additional condition! "


Elena continued: "you must stay in Jinling with the dance company!"

Over Elena's thin shoulder, Mu Ning'an looks at Jin Han behind her. Such despicable exchange conditions really conform to his consistent style.

Mu Ning'an glared at the man in the distance and said to Elena, "it's impossible. You should know what this means to me."

It means, nightmare!

Of course Elena knows.

"I'm sorry!" Mu Ning An said and turned to leave.

After a long time, Elena finally broke out. She cried and said, "I can't let that villain succeed! I can never meet his requirements. If I meet him once, there will be a second time and a third time. Who knows, will he threaten me again with the same thing in the future? But I don't agree to his request. His accusation can put me in prison. You know what it means to me! I may never be able to dance again

Dancing is her life. Elena's voice chokes. She can't speak any more. Her cry breaks her words.

What happened in recent days finally made the once strong woman unable to bear the pressure. Regardless of Jin Han, an outsider, she knelt down on the ground and became hysterical.

Mu Ning'an let go of her luggage, squatted down, held her fragile Elena in her arms, comforted her over and over again, and finally relaxed: "you give me a little more time, maybe there will be a better solution."

Elena shook her head: "that rogue company was registered in my name. I don't know how many unreliable things he did in my name. This time, I can't avoid it. "

One after another, Mu Ning'an not only questioned her ability, but also gradually realized that it was really a dead knot.

Mu Ning'an wiped Elena's tears with a paper towel: "don't cry! If he can do what he says, I can promise... To stay with you. "

Elena looks up at Mu Ning'an, which is her own business. In fact, she has no reason to ask Mu Ning'an to make any compromise and sacrifice for her, even though she has reached the end.

Mu Ning An pursed her lips and said softly, "I owe you all."

Jin Han can't help wrinkling his eyebrows as he listens to this unprovoked sentence.

He knew how much Mu Ning'an hated him. He had secretly bet that Mu Ning'an would stay in Jinling for the sake of friendship, but he didn't think that the reason for her to stay was this.

Repaying kindness? What kind of favor is it?

Jin Han didn't think deeply. No matter what, the result is always good.

When the phone rings, Jin Han connects the phone and presses hands-free.

Jin Sheng's voice came from the phone: "brother, I'm in the United States! I just took over all the files from Elena's lawyer team. As for Zhou Yunfei, the morality and justice hall also has some influence in the Chinatown here. I have asked several thugs to meet him. He will disappear for some time. At least before the court session, he will not be given the opportunity to contact the media again. "

Jin Han is obviously well prepared. Elena thought Jin Han was here to discuss terms with her this time, but they only took half an hour from meeting to talking. However, in the United States, Jin Han's people took action so quickly.

Hang up, Jin Han got up and left.

The noble figure strode away without leaving a word.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved.


Terminal T3 of International Airport.

Flights From Los Angeles and London arrived at Jinling at the same time.

Jin Sheng is walking in the VIP channel. Things in the United States are handled very smoothly. Elena's affairs have come to an end, but he has not failed to live up to his reputation as a gold medal lawyer.

Jin Sheng walked forward, flipped through his mobile phone, and after more than ten hours of flight, there was a backlog of information waiting for him to deal with.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to my ear.

"Traffic jam? I'm very tired after such a long flight. How can you make me wait for an hour? forget it! I'll take a taxi myself The voice of a girl complaining.

As soon as Jin Sheng looked up, he saw Yan Ranran standing at the fork of the road, complaining with a telephone in his hand.

The little girl was wearing a Pink Velvet Cape and a white silk stockings. From a distance, she looked like a large porcelain doll, which was very eye-catching in the crowd.

At that time, Mrs. Jin had been trying to make up two people, but Jin Sheng had no choice but to turn to Yan Yuchen.

Yan Yuchen knows Jin Sheng's temperament, he is such a baby sister, naturally does not want this marriage to come true.

Fortunately, Jin Sheng had no intention to Yan Ranran, but his sister really let people worry. Yan Yuchen, without Yan Ranran's consent, let her cry, and finally sent her to the UK to study.

Semester three years, such a long time, should let her stop thinking?

As soon as Yan Ran Ran went abroad, the world seemed to be clean all of a sudden. Mrs. Jin couldn't see the little girl. After a long time, she gradually stopped talking about how to make up the two.

It's just that Yan Ran wanted to study abroad for three years? See the time has not come, little girl how to come back ahead of time?

Jin Sheng was afraid of hiding from her. He took the document in his hand and covered his face. He quickly walked forward, praying that he would not be recognized by this villain.

Pass by.

Jin Sheng was relieved at last.

But I don't want to.

"Brother Sheng!"

Jin Sheng quickened his pace and walked forward in a hurry. If he didn't agree with her, let her take it as a mistake.

When he finally got to the parking lot, Jin Sheng found his car and was about to open the door to get on. He was patted on his shoulder: "brother Sheng! I've been waiting for you for a long time

Jin Sheng twisted his eyebrows for a while. What the hell? How does this little girl know that his car is parked here? And even faster than him!

Knowing that he could not avoid it, Jin Sheng turned around and held a helpless smile: "sister ran ran, long time no see! How do you know my car is parked here? "

Yan Ran Ran shook his mobile phone and said, pointing to the two-dimensional code on the opposite wall, he said: "the airport has an intelligent parking system! Just input your license plate number and you will know where the car is parked! "

"How do you know which car I drive?" Jin Sheng asked, his car is more than one.

"Brother Sheng, you are so stupid! Don't you still have your mobile number! And ID card! Anyway, the car in your name, as long as you drive here, there will be records! " Yan Ran raised his head and looked at him with a proud face.

What the fuck!

I don't know who invented this kind of app!

After going back, we must sue the developer of this application!

Isn't this a disclosure of other people's privacy?

Yan Ran continued: "brother Sheng! Can you take me home? There was a collision on the viaduct, and the car at home was blocked on the road. At this time, it's very difficult to take a taxi. "

Then, without waiting for Jin Sheng's consent, the little girl opened the front passenger's door and sat in.

Jin Sheng looks at the luggage left by the little girl. Does she treat him as a servant?

On the way back, the little girl talked a lot.

"Brother Sheng! You don't look like you're going on holiday. Have you been on a business trip? "


"Brother Sheng! Don't you ask me why I came back early? "


"Brother Sheng! Did you just hide from me? "


Do you need to ask?

Seeing that Jin Sheng didn't pay attention to her, Yan Ran sighed and said, "brother Sheng, you don't have to hide from me. I don't like you any more! I won't pester you any more! "

Jin Sheng turned his head and looked at her in amazement. Did the sun come out in the west?

You know, when the little girl just went to England, she would call him every day. Once she called, she would cry all kinds of things, which is called homesickness.

Later, homesick mood faded, although the phone is less, but the information has not been interrupted, more than a dozen a day to tell him all kinds of dynamic.

Every new year and festival, all kinds of small transnational gifts are uninterrupted. A cupboard at home has been filled with all kinds of things sent by the little girl. He has never opened these things.

Just over a month ago, on Tanabata, he received a gift from Yan Ranran from England. But now she says that she doesn't like him any more?

Look at her tone, it doesn't seem to be against her will, there is no wave of tone, but also shows that her mood is very stable, not impulsive angry words.

Jin Sheng twisted his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly felt that he had just run away in a hurry. It was really a bit unnatural, but he was really scared by this girl.

Now Yan Ranran said that she didn't like him any more. He didn't feel how happy he was. Even the relief he had been thinking about for a long time didn't come as scheduled.

That kind of feeling is a bit like... A love saint who has been in love for many years is suddenly sentenced and you are dumped

That frustration, it's fatal!

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