Li Manli looks at Elena, who is full of hostility. She is not angry, but she catches up with her hand painfully

"That night's tragedy could have been avoided. I love you so much." Li Manli said, her eyes shining with a bright light.

Elena quickly pulled out her hand. "Don't shed crocodile tears in front of me!"

Li Manli got excited and raised her voice. "That night, after you and Mu Ning'an separated in the back lane, when the police arrived at the scene of the accident, it was an hour later, which made you miss the best rescue opportunity, so that the subsequent tragedy happened."

"Ann has tried her best. It's not her fault." Elena argues that she has been relieved for a long time. The back lane of the incident is remote, like a labyrinth. They are not familiar with each other. Mu Ning'an can't find a way out at the first time. This is not her problem.

Li Manli sneered, "do you still speak for her? Not long after you separated that night, a car drove into the back lane. Mu Ning'an got on the car and left by herself. She only cared about the safety of one person, but left you behind. "

"No way!" Elena subconsciously refuses. Mu Ning'an has never told her about this. Of course, she also believes that Mu Ning'an will not do such a thing because of the love between the two sisters for more than ten years.

"But that's the truth!" Li Manli splashed a basin of cold water, "and in order to hide the past, Mu Ning'an also bought the only monitoring information at that intersection, because once the police knew the fact that she delayed reporting the case, she would not only be prosecuted by the police, but also in a country with high awareness of human rights like the United States, once her behavior was exposed, she would undoubtedly be discredited, How can she develop in America? This is pathetic for you, because the police can't get the evidence about the suspect through the video data. That case became a death case. For more than ten years, the murderer has been at large, so that no one can vindicate your injustice for you! "

"No way! No way Elena shook her head. "Ann was not twenty years old. How could she control all this? Hiding evidence is a cover up for crime. She can't do it! "

"You really underestimate Mu Ning'an. In the United States, she is a famous crisis PR expert in the industry. Do you think she will lack talent? When she was 20 years old, before she finished her college education, she signed up with the most outstanding public relations company in the United States and became their intern. For such a person, she was born with a sense of crisis management. "

"No. Over the years, she has done so much for me, even to help me... She didn't hesitate to... "That sound of detoxification, Elena in her mouth.

"You mean Mu Ning'an, in order to help you get rid of drugs, does not hesitate to let himself get addicted to drugs?" Li Manli then asked back, "that's because she found out her conscience. In order to make up for your guilt, including giving you a new start, she did not hesitate to use her own name to complete the repair operation for you."

Elena looked at her in amazement. "Where did you hear all this from?"

She felt that Li Manli in front of her was really terrible.

Li Manli pursed her red lips and continued: "Mu Ning'an is married, has her own children, and her husband still loves her so much. Isn't all of her worth your humiliation? what about you? What do you have now? Are you a dancer? But no one can understand your loneliness. You are a poor woman who was betrayed by your ex husband. Why did your ex husband betray you? Because you are infertile, and he knows all your past, you are constantly threatened by him. Your compromise after compromise does not result in love or marriage, but in the worse betrayal and blackmail of your ex husband. Who is the reason for all this? "

Li Manli's words are like a sharp sword, stabbing Elena's scarred heart. Her body is shaking, and her delicate face, accompanied by a layer of cold sweat, is particularly pale.

For a long time, Elena whispered, "why should I believe what you say? I'd rather believe in Ann and I for more than ten years than the stories you're making up and playing now. "

"You'll believe me, because you've shaken now, haven't you? I'm just acting in front of the big screen, but some people have been acting for more than ten years, and she has never been in a play. Her so-called concern for you, so-called good, is just a kind of guilt, a kind of compensation. " Li Manli's words are like a handful of salt sprinkled on the wound.

Elena thought deeply, her red lips trembled.

Li Manli asked again, "I've investigated so much. Don't you want to ask me who left Mu Ning'an in the back lane that night? You're going to be very surprised. "

Elena raised her eyes and looked at her. Li Manli bit her lips, as if all the hatred in her heart had been condensed. "It's Jin Han!"

"You're making up a story!" Elena sneered, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?

But Li Manli said firmly, "yes! I thought I was making up a story, but the truth is like this. Mu Ning'an not only saved her life by using Jin Han, but also became the wife of the chairman of Ocean International. Isn't such a woman terrible? "

"I don't believe you! I don't believe it Elena is on the verge of collapse.

"Do you want to see the evidence?" Li Manli leans forward, opens the lattice, takes out a pile of documents and throws them into Elena's arms like snowflakes.

"That's what I found out, the ugly truth." Li Manli said word for word.


The next day, the house in dijingwan was in warm sunshine.

A ray of morning light is projected from the gap of the curtain and shines on Mu Ning'an's eyes, waking her from her sleep.

After blinking, she finally got used to the golden morning light. She saw the man lying beside her. The man's breath was even and alternate, and the familiar male smell between his nose and breath always gave people an irreplaceable sense of security.

In the morning light, the face of the man's side face, with a trace of halo, Mu Ning'an can't help but raise her hand to touch. After all, with a sweet smile, she gently comes forward and kisses the man's lips. Then she carefully pokes out the quilt, wraps up her nightgown and goes to the bathroom.

The man pretending to be sleeping opens his eyes and looks at the back of the woman leaving. He rubs the thin lips that the woman has just kissed with his thumb like a dream. The woman keeps bringing him amazing surprises.

For example, the "husband" who was coquettish the night before, and the "secret kiss" that just happened.

After washing, Mu Ning'an changed her clothes and took care of her make-up in front of the dressing table. Although she was not the final protagonist in the storm last night, anyway, as Jin Han's wife, reporters would not miss the chance to ask her. She had expected what kind of scene she would be when she went to the company today.

In order to cope with it, she naturally had to prepare early. She chose a red lipstick to match her black dress, which made her popular.

Looking at the makeup in the mirror, Mu Ning'an slightly hooks her lips. She subconsciously glances around. Jin Han is not in the room, so she carefully opens the handbag.

But the next second, she was a panic, panic stood up from the seat, disorderly from the bag to find what, can't find, finally simply will all the things in the bag out.

Just when she was desolate, Jin Han's voice came from behind, "are you looking for this thing?"

Mu Ning'an looks up and looks at the mirror. Jin Han doesn't know when he's standing at the door. He's wearing a robe and his chest is slightly open.

Jin Han fingertips holding a version of silver tablets, the man's eyes filled with anger.

Mu Ning'an turned and walked over, "Jin Han, listen to me..."

With that, she grabs the pills from Jin Han, but she doesn't want to. Jin Han just raises his hand and lifts the pills high. Mu Ning'an loses her hand and leans forward.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Han grabbed Mu Ning'an's arm, pulled her hard, and stuck her in his arms, "why should I take contraceptives?"

"I..." Mu Ning'an's eyes flashed with tears.

"I said that we are not in a hurry to have children. I can even have no children, but I don't allow you to eat this kind of food while saying that you want children. Do you know how harmful it is?" Jin Han asked harshly.

"I didn't mean to deceive you." Mu Ning whispered.

"Isn't that cheating? So why are you doing this? Do you want to please me? I don't need it! "

"No! No Mu Ning'an shook her head.

"What's that?"

"The fact is..." Mu Ning'an lowered her head, closed her eyes in pain, raised her eyes again, and her tears blurred. "The fact is, I've been cheating you, I can't have another child, we can't have another child!"

After that, Mu Ning'an pushed him away and ran away.

Jin Han ran after him. Mu Ning'an turned back and pointed to him, "don't come here!"

"Ning'er." Jin Han twisted his eyebrows and gently called her, "sorry, I didn't mean to blame you just now. I'm just angry that you shouldn't hurt your body in this way. You tell me, why can't you have another child? What happened? When we went for a physical examination, the doctor didn't say that. Tell me? "

Jin Han said softly, slowly approaching her.

Mu Ning'an called him, "don't come here!"

"Well, I won't go. Let's sit down and have a good talk?"

Mu Ning'an shook his head, "you turn my things, even don't give me basic respect, what else to talk about?"

After that, she turned and walked away. Behind the affectation, there were tears that she could not control.

Jin Han was about to catch up when his mobile phone rang. Looking at the name of Sha Baoyang on the screen, he picked it up.

"Jin Han, something happened. I came back from abroad and found that my home had been stolen." At the other end of the phone is Sha Baoyang, full of sad voice.

"Do you want me to call the police for you?" Jin Han's cold reply was obviously not in a good tone.

"The safe has been stolen." Sha Baoyang's voice is still low, not affected by Jin Han's threat.

"What's missing?" Jin Han suddenly frowned. If it was an ordinary thing, shabao would not be so low.

"Your case." Sha Baoyang said in a deep voice, and then said excitedly, "with so many gold bars and cash in the safe, if he doesn't take it, he just takes your case!"

Jin Han stops. He knows that someone is going to target him. His case has always been kept in secret. He is worried that hackers will invade his computer. All the information about him has always been handwritten and sealed.

But something unexpected happened.

"I see." With a low voice, Jin Han hung up.

Without a moment's delay, Jin Han dials Jin Sheng directly.

The phone is connected, accompanied by a full sense of rhythm of the background music.

The music stopped abruptly, followed by Jin Sheng's panting voice, as if he had just suspended the high-intensity fitness, "so early, what's the matter? Today is the weekend! I rest

Jin Sheng's voice was slightly impatient on the phone.

"Shabao's house has been stolen." Jin Han said in a deep voice.

"Is it still necessary for me to take charge of such a small case of burglary?" Jin Sheng asked.

"Before dark, catch the thief and live!"

"Did you call the police?" Jin Sheng's professional vigilance.

"Nonsense!" After that, Jin Han hung up.

In the face of the "beep" from the phone, Jin Sheng rolled his eyes and muttered, "if you don't call the police, you don't call the police. Is this the attitude of asking for help?"

Jin Sheng made a phone call and gave orders to the people of Daoyi hall to go down. It's not easy to find a needle in a haystack in such a big Jinling City.

Hang up the phone, Jin Sheng is about to turn on the speaker again, the phone calls in again, good morning exercise again and again interrupted, especially by Jin Han so choked, he obviously some impatient, press the Bluetooth button in his ear, no good tone choked, "today is the weekend, so no eyesight price?"

"It's me." On the other end of the phone, it's a middle-aged man's hoarse voice.

Jin Sheng was stunned for a moment, then involuntarily stood up and said, "Yan Zuo!"

"Come here. I'll wait for you in the military region." That said, the phone hung up.

Jin Sheng suddenly frowned. What happened today? All of them were mysterious, especially Yan Kecheng. He even called him on his own initiative, and his tone was calm, not as angry and hostile as the last few times, which made him lose his mind more and more.

But anyway, Yan Kecheng made an appointment with him. He had to go. Maybe he could take the opportunity to talk about the relationship between him and ran ran again. Such an opportunity is naturally rare. Of course, he won't miss it.

Jin Sheng turned to leave the gym, took a bath, changed into fresh clothes, picked up a car key, opened the garage door, chose an SUV, accelerated all the way and drove out ostentatiously.

At the gate of the military region, it must be Yan Kecheng's military order has been issued. Jin Sheng's car is unimpeded. He drives all the way to the headquarters, stops the car, and walks up.

The confidential secretary saw Jin Sheng coming. This time, he was very polite and made a military gesture from a distance. When Jin Sheng came near, he also saluted.

Jin Sheng slightly hooked his lips and patted him on the shoulder

"Yan Zuo is waiting for you inside."

"Yan Zuo is looking for me. What's the matter?" Jin Sheng's inquisitive tone is that the confidential secretary follows Yan Kecheng every day, and he will always find out something.

The confidential secretary frowned slightly. "Maybe it's about Miss Yan?"

After hearing this, Jin Sheng's eyes jumped and he was overjoyed. He straightened out his collar, pointed his back and rang the door, waiting for the response from inside.

"Come in!" Yan Kecheng's voice is dignified and powerful.

Jin Sheng pushed the door in and made a military gesture at the door. He saluted, "Yan Zuo!"

In front of the electronic desktop, Yan Kecheng, who is inspecting the military map array, hears the sound, looks up at Jin Sheng at the door, and says in a deep voice, "there are not so many rules. Sit down!"

Yan Kecheng was still standing. How dare Jin Sheng do it? He went straight over, looked at the map on the electronic desktop, and said, "this is the strategic layout of Liusu island."

Jin Sheng's eyes were totally different, and there was a wave of affirmation.

Yan Kecheng jumps his eyebrows a little. There is no maritime map on it, just a few military fortresses. Jin Sheng can recognize that this is the strategic layout of Liusu Island only by this clue, which is to his surprise.

"Blind cat meets dead mouse." Yan Kecheng didn't mean to praise.

Jin Sheng is not angry, a while hook lips, small show a hand, can not like it?

"Have you seen Ran Ran recently?" Yan Kecheng asked suddenly.

Jin Sheng shakes his head. For more than a month, Ran Ran has been invited to tour abroad. Not long ago, the little girl returned home. She has been recuperating in the old house on the top of the mountain. The security of the old house is the most strict. What's more, with the last black history of trespassing, he has been blacklisted. How can she still get in? On weekdays, you can only rely on your mobile phone to get in touch with a little girl to relieve the pain of Acacia.

"Go and see her!" Yan Kecheng looked at him, and in his eyes was the kindness of his father.

Jin Sheng blinked. Isn't he dreaming? Yan Kecheng asked him to meet Ran Ran?

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