"Ran Ran, isn't something wrong with her?" Jin Sheng suddenly became nervous. Yan Kecheng suddenly called him over and agreed to let him see Ran Ran. The reason is absolutely not so simple.

"She's fine." Yan Kecheng said and went to the sofa in the reception area to sit down.

Jin Sheng followed, "Yan Zuo, tell me what happened to Ran Ran?"

Yan Kecheng raised his chin slightly, compared the sofa beside him, and motioned Jin Sheng to sit down.

When Jin Sheng was seated, Yan Kecheng pushed a document bag on the tea table to Jin Sheng.

Jin Sheng took it and opened it. Inside were some foreign real estate deeds, keys, bank cards and two passports.

Open the two passports in turn. One is Yan Ranran's and the other is Ran Ran's mother's. However, it's strange that the names of the two people on the two passports are not the original names. It's obvious that they are two fake passports.

Connecting with the other items in the document bag, Jin Sheng can easily guess that someone is going to send the mother and daughter out of the country in anonymity. Is it Yan Kecheng? Why did he do that?

There were countless questions in his mind, and there was no clue for a moment.

"That's why I came to you today." Yan Kecheng murmured.

"I don't understand what Yan Zuo means."

Yan Kecheng pursed his lips slightly, and the corners of his eyes curved cunningly. "You are the most clever person on weekdays. Now it's better to pretend to be confused with understanding."

"Why did you send Ran Ran and his aunt abroad? With such a fake identity? If you want to tell me that you have the ability to hide Ranran so that I can never find her, I believe that you don't have to prove it! Ran Ran has the right to choose how she lives. I don't want her to hide all her life because of me. "

Yan Kecheng suddenly laughed, "I originally wanted you to help me persuade Ran Ran Ran, your words are still a little weight in her."

Yan Kecheng obviously admitted his position in Ran Ran Ran's heart, but Jin Sheng couldn't be happy at this moment. He could never push ran ran to do something she didn't like or go to a place she didn't like.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I also ask you to respect Ran Ran's wishes. After all, she has grown up and has her own ideas and decisions." After that, Jin Sheng got up, slightly bowed his head, and wanted to leave.

Turning around, Yan Kecheng suddenly said, "don't you want to know who your biological father is?"

Jin Sheng felt a shiver, and his feet were fixed in the same place. He turned around. Yan Kecheng's deep pupils just stared at him with a meaningful smile, as if he had expected to poke his soft ribs.

Last time in Langyue Bay, Yan Kecheng mentioned his biological father with a sentence of "one-sided relationship". At that time, he felt that the things behind this must not be summed up in such a cursory sentence. Now, his guess is really good.

"So you know who my biological father is?"

Yan Kecheng nodded slowly and motioned him to sit down again.

The hot tea on the table, after being placed, has lost its scalding temperature. Yan Kecheng takes the cup and drinks a little.

"Who is he?" Jin Sheng was a little impatient at first. This problem that has been bothering him for more than ten years has finally got a glimpse.

Holding the teacup and the lid, Yan Kecheng said with a long look: "you have been investigating the whereabouts of your biological parents all these years, but the result is obvious. You haven't found any valuable clues, have you?"

"How do you know?" Jin Sheng, who has returned to his senses a little, is becoming alert. His investigation of his biological parents is not absolutely secret. However, Yan Kecheng firmly points out that he has made no progress, which is not so simple.

"Because the person you checked does not exist in this world, and he has not left any trace. How can he be traced by you?"

"Oh Jin Sheng snorted and laughed involuntarily, "your words are somewhat incomprehensible. How can people live without leaving any clues? Unless he's not human, isn't my biological father a ghost? "

"Have you ever heard of ghost hands?" Yan Kecheng asked suddenly.

"Ghost hands?"

"Thirty years ago, he was a frightening figure on the list of killers. Because he never used a gun to kill people, he only used bamboo chips. His men had never been alive. He was as quick as a ghost hand, so he got such a nickname."

Jin Sheng shook his head again and again. He could not believe such a statement.

Yan Kecheng continued: "when you were born, you were taken away by the Jin family. It was not your grandfather who found them, but your father who revealed your whereabouts, because if he really hid his identity, no one would find him."

"Do you believe it's so wonderful?" Jin Sheng is not amused. What kind of character is Yan Kecheng? When ghosts and gods heard that he would tremble for three times, they preached to a killer like this, which was out of order.

"I believe it." Yan Kecheng sighed, "because we've played, and I've lost."

This is the first time that Jin Sheng heard the word "lose" from Yan Kecheng. You know, in Yan Kecheng's resume, there has never been the word "failure".

Looking at Jin Sheng's astonished eyes, Yan Kecheng continued: "at that time, Ran Ran's grandfather shot President Zhou Boqi in the Capitol building. After that, someone retaliated, so I became their target. The killer they sent was your biological father. While fighting, your uncle and mother suddenly gave birth. At that time, she was pregnant with Yuchen. I was distracted when she heard her voice, Let your father get the upper hand, the bamboo is against my neck artery. But in the end, he did not start, because at that time, your mother was pregnant with you, and your father was soft hearted and let me go. He didn't finish the task ordered above, and finally he had to run away. He knew that it was impossible to take you with him. Only when he sent you back to Jin's house would he be the safest protection for you. "

"What about my mother?"

"Xu is going with your father. If you are unmarried and have a son, the Jin family will not admit that man's identity..."

Jin Sheng holds his forehead on the armrest beside him. What he would rather hear is only a story, because he can't believe that his life experience is like this, that his biological father is a killer!

Yan Kecheng continued: "pity the parents all over the world. When your father sent you away, he wanted to protect you. Today I want to send ran ran away, the same is true."

Yan Kecheng finally got back to the point.

"Do you mean that someone will retaliate against you, probably against Ran Ran?" Jin Sheng suddenly realized.

Yan Kecheng nodded slowly.

"Who has the courage? Don't you want to die? " Jin Sheng was puzzled. With the authority of the Yan family, few people dared to shake its position.

"I don't rule out any possibility. Ran Ran is my life. I can't let her miss anything." Yan Kecheng said, with a little voice of saya, it was his rare emotion. He was kind to his father, showing no doubt.

"Who is it?" Jin Sheng asked.

Yan Kecheng is silent. Recently, too many things have begun to make him alert. Jin Yu's sudden rise and his unpredictable intention, Bai Suxin's blatant betrayal of the new party, all these seemingly unrelated things are always implicated in each other.

Especially when Zhou Boqi helped Dai Qiyue to become the leader of the party, he knew that it was the wily old man who really contributed to the situation behind the scenes. In order to protect Wan Yi and avoid the recurrence of the past, he had to do everything carefully.

Seeing that Yan Kecheng was lost in thought, Jin Sheng knew that he couldn't ask any more questions, or that if he went further, he would not know what he should know.

Considering Yan Kecheng's good intentions, Jin Sheng finally agreed: "Yan Zuo, Ran Ran Ran, I will go to persuade her."

After a long silence, Yan Kecheng nodded.

Finally, Jin Sheng got up and said goodbye respectfully. Before he left, he asked, "do you know... Where my parents were?"

As for the answer, Jin Sheng didn't expect much. Yan Kecheng unexpectedly replied, "I arranged a private ship for him at that time. Most of the ships from that port went to South Asia. Later, I don't know."

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