Mu Qiqi doesn't answer. Mu Ning'an is not a politician. Over the years, she has been fighting in the shopping malls, but she is more sensitive to the economic situation. However, Mu Qiqi is different. She knows what this storm means. It's a fight, and the result is likely to be a regime change.

Inadvertently raised his eyes, the TV screen just cut to the Capitol press conference site.

The crisis of the ordnance industry group is only the beginning, and the financial storm may break out at any time. In order to quell the outside doubt about the ruling party's ruling ability, Jin Yu urgently called the media to answer the reporter's questions about the public opinion.

Seeing this, Mu Qiqi quickly picks up the remote control, turns off the mute, and Jin Yu's voice comes clearly from the surround sound channel.

The questions from the media came sharply, and Jin Yu sat in the center of the rostrum and calmly responded.

Muqiqi clenched her fist slightly, and her palms were shocked with a layer of cold sweat. Although she was aware of the crisis, when she heard the reporter's question, she was surprised that it had been fermented to such a serious degree.

She looked at the translator sitting next to Jin Yu, who was supposed to be in her position. Now, because she was pregnant, she had to be replaced by someone else.

Mu Qiqi bit her lip slightly. She should be sitting there now. She should be with Jin Yu. She can't bear to let Jin Yu face all this alone.

In the close-up of Jin Yu's face, Mu Qiqi finds something strange in Jin Yu's neck. A corner of his white shirt shows the trace of a band aid. Is Jin Yu injured?

Thinking of this, all kinds of ominous pictures gather in my mind. Mu Qiqi tightly holds Mu Ning'an's hand beside her. It seems that her sister is the most reliable support for her at this time.

Mu Ning'an knelt down on the sofa, stretched out her arms and hugged her in her arms. She comforted her and said: "Qiqi, it's OK, it's OK. It's far less serious than what the reporters said. Alarmist talk has always been a trick that these reporters are good at."

Mu Ning An said sincerely, in the end, she has eaten the dark loss of those reporters several times.

The news conference lasted nearly 30 minutes, and the screen was switched back to the live room again. In the TV, the special commentator of state TV station commented and analyzed Jin Yugang's answer to the reporter's questions. He had a clear point of view. Between the lines, he was not optimistic about this crisis. More frankly, the Democratic Party is likely to experience the biggest crisis after taking power.

This time, Mu Ning'an turned off the TV. She watched Xiang Mu Qiqi and wanted to comfort her.

But Muqiqi had no expression at all, and even his worries disappeared completely. It seemed that he was suddenly calm for a moment.

"Seven seven." Mu Ning An holds her hand.

She wanted to comfort her. Muqiqi looked up at her and said firmly, "I believe brother Yu, we have experienced so many dangerous situations, and this time is no exception."

Mu Ning'an looks at her in a trance. Suddenly, at this moment, she realizes that Mu Qiqi is no longer an impulsive and reckless little girl when she was a child. She is not only an identity, but also a kind of experience and responsibility.

She watched Mu Qiqi make a series of phone calls. On the phone, Mu Qiqi's sentences were concise and asked about the truth. Finally, she put down the phone and finally knew what was going on.

Sophie brought up the stewed bird's nest. Mu Ning'an took it, tried the temperature in her hand, stirred it with a silver spoon, and then said to Mu Qiqi, "the temperature and taste are just right. Eat it while it's hot, and you don't eat much dinner. This has made several phone calls. Don't strain your ancestors."

Muqiqi takes the soup bowl. Her sister is right. At this time, she can't be distracted. Even if she doesn't have any appetite, she still holds the silver spoon and sends the swallow to her mouth.

Seeing this, Mu Ning'an was relieved. She turned to Sophie and said, "it's late. You go to the garden and call Sima and Mengmeng in and let them take a bath and sleep."

Sophie nodded and turned away.

"Tonight, you and Mengmeng live here?" Moqi asked.

"Not welcome?" Mu Ning An smiles.

Mu Qiqi picks up her mobile phone and sends a message to Jin Yu, saying that her sister will stay with her in Taoyuan. She believes that situ Chen will tell Jin Yu when he sees it. He should understand her intention. She doesn't want Jin Yu to be distracted by her.

Unexpectedly, this message got a second response.

"Good morning, good night."

Mu Qiqi looked at it and chuckled. Who else could this person like to use spaces instead of punctuation except Jin Yu? See words such as face, the heart is always a lot of steadfast.

In the evening, the two sisters, dressed in nightgowns, lay on the bed like they were children, holding hands and chatting for a long time.

In the late pregnancy, Muqiqi's sleep was not very good recently, and so many things happened again. She tossed and turned until almost one o'clock in the morning before she fell asleep.

Mu Ning'an always accompanies her. Seeing that Mu Qiqi is asleep, she is still sleepless. She decides to get up and look at her daughter in the next room.

Xiaozhimeng sleeps soundly. It is estimated that she is tired of running with Sima in the evening. Mu Ning'an tucks in the quilt corner for her and goes out to see Sima.

After taking care of her two children, Mu Ning'an gently brings her door. She is about to go back to her room to have a rest. When she passes the steps leading to the downstairs, she only feels a flash of human shadow on the first floor.

Mu Ning'an is first surprised, calm down, Taoyuan security is tight, outsiders can never break in.

Is it Sophie again?

But it's so dark that Sophie doesn't even turn on a light when she walks around.

Mu Ning'an left a heart to go downstairs, vaguely seems to hear the sound of closing the door.

Mu Ning'an continues to come downstairs and goes straight to Sophie's room. He knocks twice at the door, but there is no response.

After a moment's hesitation, she decided to open the door.


Mu Ning'an called, no one responded, she turned on the light of the room, only to see the room empty.

Simply, the first floor is the reception area, and there are not many rooms. Mu Ning'an looks for all the places where the door closing sound can be heard, but the huge first floor is empty.

Mu Ning'an is standing at the stairway. When she is confused, she subconsciously looks at the security door leading to the back garden behind her.

In the past, Mu Ning'an pushes open the security door. The man in black who guards at the door is stunned when he sees Mu Ning'an.

Seeing Mu Ning'an in pajamas, the man in black quickly took back his sight and asked, "so late, you haven't had a rest yet?"

"Did anyone just go out?" Mu Ning An asked.

The man in black shook his head.

"Are you sure? Are you here all the time? " Mu Ning'an is dubious.

"After the change of duty at 12 o'clock, I have been here all the time. Every ten minutes, I will patrol around, but they are all within the visual range of ten meters. No one has ever gone out during this period." Said the man in black.

Mu Ning An nodded and took the door back. Could Sophie really escape from heaven? A good person said disappear disappeared? When I think of what Mu Qiqi once said to her about how Sophie was haunted when she was in France, I didn't believe it at first, but this time she saw it with her own eyes.

Make sure Mu Ning'an has left. The man in black who is guarding at the door opens the walkie talkie. "Surveillance point one, Sophie has left."

Then came a response from the headset, "Sophie has passed Surveillance Point 2 and is moving in the direction of Surveillance Point 3."


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