Capitol, Prime Minister's office.

At two o'clock in the morning, Jin Yu sat in front of the case, rubbing his temple with one hand, and loosening his neck tie with the other hand. He seemed still unhappy. He directly untied his tie and put it on the table, and then dismantled the buttons of two shirts.

Five minutes ago, he left the conference room and made emergency arrangements for the cabinet for the next stage.

There was a knock on the door. Situ Chen came in with a cup of freshly ground coffee in his hand.

Putting the coffee cup in front of Jin Yu, situ Chen couldn't help saying, "Mr. Jin, coffee is refreshing. You'd better have a rest."

Jin Yuxin picked up his coffee cup, reached his thin lips and took a sip. He was not the only one who couldn't sleep that night.

It's useless to say more, but situ Chen turned to say, "there's news from Taoyuan. Sophie has escaped."

Jin Yu raised his glass slightly. Situ Chen continued: "she went to sheng'anshan hospital."

Jin Yu sipped his coffee calmly. It seemed that he was not surprised that such a thing happened.

In the morning, he intends to ask Sophie to accompany Mu Qiqi to the hospital to see Bai Zhenting. He really wants to observe Sophie's reaction, but it can make Sophie, who has been silent for ten years, suddenly lose her composure and go out rashly. It seems that most of his conjecture about Sophie has been settled, and Sophie is very likely to be Bai Zhenting's person.


San Anshan hospital.

Bai Zhenting was hospitalized for several days. Bai Suxin can't remember how many critical notices he received from the hospital.

Just today, she received three letters from different departments.

Just two hours ago, Bai Zhenting's condition deteriorated again. After more than a dozen experts' emergency rescue, he once again pulled the old man back from the gate of death.

On various instruments, the old man's vital signs gradually stabilized. Bai Suxin left the ward with her tired body and went to her rest suite.

Pushing the door into the room, Bai Suxin turned back to take the door. In a moment, she only felt a gust of wind blowing. She looked sideways and saw the curtain floating in front. The wind was blowing from that direction, and the window was obviously opened.

And with her always cautious style, her room, all year round, regardless of black and white, let alone the windows, all the vents must be closed.

Bai Su had a premonition that he was going to open the door.

At the moment when her hand reached the doorknob, Bai Suxin felt a gun like object on her waist, and then a husky voice whispered, "don't make a sound."

Bai Suxin's action is tiny, the person behind has already put out the hand to close the gate.

This action exposes the mysterious person behind her. By the moonlight, Bai Suxin, through the reflection of the fitting mirror at the door, is surprised to see that the top behind her is not a gun at all, just a knife handle, the blade reflects the moonlight, cold light.

Then the mysterious person also noticed that at the moment when Bai Suxin turned to fight back, the mysterious person bumped Bai Suxin into the wall and grabbed her neck. Then, the cold blade stuck to Bai Suxin's neck.

This time, two people stand face to face.

Bai Suxin fixed her eyes on each other. In the moonlight, for a moment, she couldn't clear each other's face, but she saw the severe burn on each other's face.

Suddenly, she thought that she had visited her servants in the prime minister's office with Mu Qiyi during the day.

Bai Su was surprised and said, "are you the servant beside Qi Qi?"

Mysterious people don't talk.

Bai Suxin asked again, "doesn't Qiqi mean you can't speak? Who the hell are you? "

Sophie's hoarse voice said, "yes, I haven't spoken for ten years, and most of my vocal cords are useless."

At that time, her vocal cords were damaged in a big fire. Later, in order to completely hide her identity, she simply became dumb. She hid this for ten years.

"Who are you? What can I do for you? " Bai Suxin asked again.

Sophie's fierce forward approach, "you are not Bai Suxin, who are you? Why do you pretend to be Bai Suxin close to the master?"

Bai Su thought in his heart that the mysterious man's name for Bai Zhenting was Lord, which was the name only white servants would use for him.

"Answer me!" Sophie asked.

Bai Suxin knew that he was at a disadvantage at this time, so he had a plan, "this question, you should ask the master, the master said I am Bai Suxin, then I am Bai Suxin."

Sophie retorted: "impossible! The master said that once the plan fails, all connections must be cut off. There is no such person as Bai Suxin in the world, because I have kept that promise for ten years. "

Bai Suxin suddenly realized, "are you..."

For a moment, she was not sure of her guess. The possibility she thought of was really amazing.

"Yes, I am Bai Suxin." Sophie replied mutely.

Bai Suxin took a deep breath, "don't get excited. We should have a good talk."

"Talk about it?" Sophie sneered, "I don't care what method you use to win the master's trust. It's a fact that you occupy the master's family property. Now the ordnance industry group is going to be handed over by you. Dare you say that you don't have internal and external cooperation? Dare you say that you are not Zhou Boqi's person?"

Sophie firmly believes that only Zhou Boqi's people can calculate and be meticulous.

Instead of answering Sophie's question directly, Bai Suxin asked, "did you escape from the prime minister's office?"

A "escape" word, white heart bite true.

"So what?" Sophie doesn't mind. Anyway, she has been with Jin Yu for so many years. She firmly believes that she has no flaws, and Jin Yu never shows any doubt about her.

Now, she has been living in Taoyuan for half a year. She knows everything about the security of Taoyuan and the change of duty and inspection of people in black clothes. She has figured out the right time to get rid of Bai Suxin and return to Taoyuan. It's just the time for the change of duty in Taoyuan. She has a good chance of winning.

Bai Suxin suddenly sneered, "it's so naive."

In the face of Bai Suxin's groundless ridicule, Sophie was angry. Bai Suxin continued, "don't you worry about the mantis catching the cicada and the Yellow sparrow?"

Bai Suxin does not believe that Jin Yu's prime minister's office will have such a disclosure on security. She has not been to Taoyuan, let alone seen the most advanced security system in Taoyuan. If Sophie can escape from it silently, she can only think of one possibility, that is, Jin Yu does it intentionally.

After the daytime, she stopped the conversation between the premier's car and Jin Yu. She had to rethink Jin Yu's city and structure. If Jin Yu and mu Yuanru could start to lay out the power to overthrow the Zhou Dynasty more than ten years ago, it would not be impossible for Jin Yu to keep Sophie around as a chess piece in order to make a comeback in the future.

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