Twelve hours later, a few women outside couldn't help but feel confused.

Shao yueyun took her daughter's hand and her eyes were red with tears. "When Qi Qisheng was in the Department of mu, she gave birth naturally. This is the second child. It shouldn't be so long..."

Mu Ning'an pressed her mother's hand tightly, comforted her and said, "it's OK. The nurse just said it. Soon, we'll wait."

Xuanyaru was once the first lady. She had a natural tranquilizer. But at this time, she couldn't help herself any more. She took a look at Jin Yu. He was always pacing at the door of the delivery room. Twelve hours later, she didn't sit, rest, eat or drink.

She knew her son. The more calm he looked at him, the more confused he was.

Xuanyaru walked over, patted Jin Yu's arm and said in a low voice, "sit for a while. You can't fall down at this time."

The responsibility of Yu Gong and Jin Yu goes without saying. In private, he still has his mother to take care of, and a half big Si mu.

Jin Yu nodded slightly, "I'm ok."

Light should be, never sit down.

After another two hours, Jin simu was sitting on Jin Sheng's lap, leaning sleepily against his uncle's arms with his small face on his back, dozing off. By this time, he was already asleep.

Jin Yu was also distressed when he saw this scene. He sent Jin Sheng to send the two old people back first, leaving him alone in the hospital.

Mu Ning An refuses to leave, and insists on staying, so Jin Han will not leave naturally.

Sixteen hours later, at two o'clock in the morning, the door of the delivery room opened, and the little nurse ran out happily, "Congratulations! It's a little boy! Four Jin and seven Liang! "

"How about Qiqi?" Jin Yu asked first.

The little nurse put away her smile and pursed her lips. "I'm so tired. I'm sleepy now."

More than ten hours of suffering, energy overdraft can be seen, Jin Yu listen to, thin lips a few can't smell tremble, "can I go in to have a look?"

The little nurse frowned slightly, "will you wait?"

Jin Yu didn't embarrass her and finally nodded.

When Muqiqi wakes up, the sky is bright.

The nurse came to press her uterus as a rule. She was awakened by the pain.

"Please bear with it. Everything in the womb must be cleaned up." The nurse comforted in a low voice and kept moving her hands.

Jin Yu held her hand and kissed the tip of her forehead

Mu Ning'an was also beside her, looking at her with a tearful smile, "Qiqi, you're great!"

Mu Qiqi shakes his head wearily and follows the baby's crib in his sight.

Mu Ning An gave up his body, pointed it out to her, and said in a low voice, "sleeping!"

Muqi nodded, "I heard it. It's my son."

Then she looked at Jin Yu and almost used all her strength to smile, "what should I do? I've already told you that you're going to commit an enemy in your life! "

Jin Yu said with a low smile, "yes, I'm so jealous. I have another little guy to protect you."

Mu Qi looked for a long time, but only saw a crib, can't help frowning, "another one?"

Jin Yu hooked his lips: "Si Qi was born with only three Jin and two Liang. Now he's in the incubator. When you're better, I'll accompany you to see her?"

Mu Qiqi doesn't believe it. When she was pregnant, she was always worried. Now she can't see her child. All her suspicions are conveying a sense of uneasiness.

"I want to see it now." Muqi clenched his hand.

Mu Ning'an took out her mobile phone, took out the video and passed it to her. "You see, Siqi is OK. I've just seen it for you. The little guy is just a little small. The doctor said that she can come out when she grows to four kilograms."

Muqiqi listens to the two people's cry of "Siqi". Then he suddenly reacts, "Siqi?"

Jin Yu Mo dye general eyes curved smile, "yes, our daughter, Siqi."

It was the name he had chosen for his daughter in the morning.

After listening to this, Muqiqi smiles weakly, a little relieved.

When she gave birth to the first child, she was exhausted. In a daze, she only heard the doctor say "childe" when he reported the weight of the child. But when she gave birth to the second child, she completely fell asleep after giving birth, and had no consciousness left.

"I won." Jin Yu gently kisses her lips, "never again."

After nearly 18 hours of anxious waiting, he couldn't bear her suffering any more.

Muqiqi chuckles. She still remembers the gamble. If it's a son and a daughter, she will never be born again.

She nodded.

In the hospital bed, two people were touching their heads.

Jin Han went to Mu Ning'an and held the sleepless woman in his arms. He whispered, "it's been a day and a night. Should we go back to have a rest?"

Mu Ning'an looks at the baby on the crib, smiles and bends her eyes. It seems that she can't see enough. She doesn't hear the man's rebuke at all.

"Mengmeng is at home!" The man has no choice but to move out his daughter.

Mu Ning pacifies her chest. After a busy day and night in the hospital, she forgets her child.

Before leaving, they walked out of the ward.

Elevator entrance, two people standing, Mu Ning An still looking at the direction of the ward, reluctant to part, for the two children, she really like tight.

When the elevator came, Jin Han took her hand, and Mu Ning'an took it back. When she turned her head, she felt dizzy and took a staggering step.

Jin Han was on his side, holding her in his arms as soon as he helped her.

"What's the matter?" The man asked eagerly.

Mu Ning An raised her hand to help her forehead and shook her head slightly. "Maybe it's too tired. Just go back to sleep."

She didn't sleep all night, she just felt a little empty.

Jin Han looked at her forehead thin layer of sweat, far from what she said, just "too tired" as simple.

He picked her up and went to the clinic.

Mu Ning'an said that he made a fuss and the man ignored him. Any discomfort on her body was enough to affect his nerves.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant." Half an hour later, with the test sheet, the doctor said.

After listening, Mu Ning'an didn't come back for a long time. After a long time, he asked again, "do you say it again?"

The doctor smiles, "Congratulations, you are pregnant!"

The middle-aged woman doctor drags a long tone to let her hear clearly.

Mu Ning covered her lips and wept with joy.

Jin Han came back with another report and saw Mu Ning'an crying. For a moment, he didn't know the situation. Lei Li went over and asked the doctor, "what's the matter?"

With that, she hugged the crying woman to her arms and comforted her back.

"Mr. Jin, your wife is pregnant!" The doctor replied.

Jin Han was also stunned for a long time, and then he came back to himself, half kneeling beside Mu Ning'an, "do you hear me?"

Mu Ning'an nodded.

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