Mu Ning'an is thirty-four years old. As a pregnant woman, she is not young. The doctor reminded her of many things that old women need to pay attention to. Mu Ning'an was almost dazzled by happiness. No matter what the doctor said, she just nodded mechanically, but Jin Han asked the truth word by word.

On the way back, the excited woman suddenly became silent.

Jin Han clutched her hand and put it on her leg. He felt that the back of his hand was so hot that a drop of a woman's tears came to his hand.

"What are you crying for?" He asked, passing her face, wiping her tears with his thumb and kissing the tip of her forehead.

Mu Ning An pursed her lips, "the doctor just said that it will be several months before we can do pathological screening."

Jin Han knows that she is worried that her history of drug abuse will affect the health of her fetus. Mengmeng is an example. As a mother, she is already afraid.

Jin Han held up her drooping face and said in a soft voice, "what's cute is just an accident. Don't think about it."

In recent months, she has checked more than one well-known hospital at home and abroad. The doctor has not found any unfavorable factors in her body, but the accompanying tension still makes her difficult to control herself.

Mu Ning An looked at him and nodded.


Originally, it was an eventful autumn. The Jin family suddenly had many happy events. Mu Qiqi gave birth to a dragon and a Phoenix. Then Mu Ning'an had another joy. The whole family laughed and looked at the new life. Finally, they had a relaxed face.

When Mu Qiqi was in the hospital for a few days, Mu Ning'an came to see her every day, and was often urged by Jin Han to pick up the expectant mother who was lingering by the baby bed.

"What are you urging? I want to be happy here Mu Ning'an choked him.

Jin Han raises Mou to ask her, "touch what happy spirit?"

Mu Ning'an gently poked the baby boy's face in the crib with her fingers and said with a smile: "many children, many blessings, both children!"

"Then you might as well spend more time with me at home." Men disdain a.

"With you?" Mu Ning An cast a glance at him.

"How can you live without me?" The man asked.

Mu Ning'an blushed in an instant. In front of the crowd, Xuan Yaru was also there. This man really dares to say anything.

"Go, go! Go home Mu Ning An picked up the bag and quickly grabbed him.

Jin Han took the bag in her hand with a smile.

Seeing off the couple, xuanyaru smiles warmly, and the two daughters-in-law send good news one after another. It seems that she is the happiest person. Her husband resigns as president, and she loses the position of "first lady". All these can be forgotten for the time being.

As if remembering something, xuanyaru looked at xiangmuqiqi and asked, "have you thought of the boy's name?"

The girl's name is Siqi, which has been decided for a long time, but now more than half a month has passed, but the boy's name has not been decided yet.

Muqiqi blinked and gently shook the crib, "it's called Siyu, feather of wings."

Si mu, Si Qi and Jin Yuda are all homonyms in her name. Now, she takes the name of Si Yu for her second son, which is also a homonym in Jin Yu's name. It's just that she hesitates to use the word Yu.

Wings, flying high, is also her heart's hope.

But a few years later, Mu Qiqi felt that she might place too much on the name, so that when she grew up, Jin Siyu completely inherited his father's high cold temperament, a bird in the air, thousands of birds flying away, but Sima was different. It was "like a spring breeze". When she grew up, Jin simu was as warm as jade, kind and kind-hearted, and could always warm people's heart.

Muqiqi could not help feeling that the name is really an art, but also a technology.

"Si Yu, Jin Si Yu..." xuanya Ru whispered to herself, repeating every year, then patting her legs, "OK! I'll go back and tell your grandfather to write it into the genealogy! "

Say, Xuan Ya Ru carry a bag to walk, as always that kind of fierce wind line appearance.

Mu Qiqi and Si Yu were the only two people left in the ward. After she gave birth, there was almost no moment of silence in the room. All the people who came and went were congratulatory relatives and friends.

Jin Yu came in with a smile on his face. Seeing that look, he knew that he must have visited his daughter before he came to see their mother and son.

Muqiqi glanced at him, pretending to be dissatisfied and said, "I'm fine with Siyu. Go to accompany your little lover! We don't need you here! "

Jin Yu came to her and held her in his arms from behind. He bit her ear and asked, "are you jealous?"

"Well!" Muqi answered with a choking voice.

"I've been in love with you for 25 years, but I've only spoiled her for 17 days, so you're jealous?" Man's low smile.

Mu Qiqi looks back and stares at him. Is this saying that she is mean?

"Well, I'm not angry. I promise I'll hurt Siqi in the daytime and you in the evening."

Muqiqi "ha ha" a sneer, this words from someone's mouth say how to have a little strange taste? Can she do without his pain?

Jin Yu reached out and touched Si Yu on the crib. Unexpectedly, as soon as he met him, the little guy cried, but it was thunder and no rain.

"Si Yu won't let you touch it." Muqiqi explained that he was so proud that he was his own son.

Jin Yu doesn't believe it. He deliberately touches him again. The little guy makes more noise. On the contrary, Mu Qiqi pats him gently, and the little guy quiets down.

"This boy has the same temperament as Sima." Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows. Before the full moon, Jin simu was like this. Except for mu Qiqi, no one else could touch him. When he touched him, he began to cry. Later, the full moon was getting better.

Leisure to quiet, at this time sister-in-law was also sent out by her, Muqiqi just asked, "have you heard from aunt?"

Jin Yu knows that these days, she has been concerned about this issue, but it's hard for her to talk.

He shook his head. "No news is the best news."

No news means that Aunt Xin has not been arrested. But this time, Bai Suxin is facing not only A-level wanted warrant from the police, but also the deployment and control of the National Security Bureau all over the world. This situation of encirclement and suppression is not optimistic.

Listening to Jin Yu's tone, Mu Qiqi asked, "you don't believe aunt Xin is a spy, do you?"

Otherwise, Jin Yu would not have said that.

Jin Yu said for a long time, "according to reliable information, the high-level information Bai Suxin took away this time is not as simple as the public, but all the military information, drawings, data and materials, covering almost all aspects of the ordnance industry group. Once these information is transferred abroad, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to China's national defense."

Muqiqi could not help but dumb, "how did aunt Xin get these materials?"

Even though she is the president of the ordnance industry group, she has no absolute authority to handle these materials at will.

Jin Yu said in a deep voice: "when she was removed, she accepted the resolution of the board of directors without any resistance. Although I guessed that she would not give up the ordnance industry group so easily, I just didn't expect that she would take such a risk."

Mu Qiqi suddenly thought of the box that Aunt Xin gave her when she met Bai Suxin for the last time not long ago, and the appearance of righteous words when she talked with her at that time.

What's in the box is

Muqiqi didn't dare to think about it any more.

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