When Jin Yu returns to the ward, the doctor has already used the medicine for Sophie. A group of doctors and nurses surround her to see the effect.

The crowd held their breath.

"It's moving! It's moving Little nurse surprised called, than Sophie's finger.

The person on the bed slowly opened her eyes. The sense of powerlessness and the sense of paralysis of sleeping for too long only opened a few invisible gaps in her eyes.

If it was not for being watched carefully by a group of people at the moment, it would have been ignored by the nurse who took care of her.

Sophie's dull eyes passed the white clothes around her and looked at the black shadow standing by the door. She seemed to recognize Jin Yu. Her fingers pointed to him slightly, her lips trembled, but she could not say anything.

This instant reaction was soon drowned by the routine examinations of doctors and nurses.

After taking off the stethoscope, the doctor came up to Jin Yu and said, "Mr. Jin, the patient has awakened, but because she has been in a coma for a long time, I'm afraid it will take some time for her subjective function to recover. I'm optimistic that her language function will recover tomorrow morning, so you can ask."

"She can talk?" Jin Yu asked lightly.

"Previously, you described that the patient's hearing was normal. After examination, although her vocal cords were slightly damaged, there should be no major problem with her vocalization."

Jin Yu waved his hand and motioned those people to go out.

In the empty ward, Jin Yu goes to Sophie. Sophie gradually regains consciousness and looks at him with her eyes wide open, uneasy and scared.

"Eleven years ago, there was an explosion in a manor on the outskirts of France." Jin Yu paced beside the bed and said quietly. He knew Sophie could hear him.

"That explosion, you are the only survivor, you ran out of the hospital, the police, the military, Interpol should be all over the world chasing you, why can you live quietly until now? Do you really think it's because I'm hiding in my castle that people outside can't find you? " Jin Yu asked faintly and turned to look at Sophie.

Sophie's eyes widened in an instant. Jin Yu had already guessed her identity, but she kept it for so many years without any flaw.

"You are the man of the white thunderbolt." Jin Yu said again. After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "he has passed away."

Hearing the news, Sophie was dull for a long time, her eyes were red, and finally two lines of crystal tears fell.

Jin Yu saw Sophie's lips moving, but he couldn't make a sound, so he asked, "do you want to say something to me?"

Sophie looked at her fingers lying flat on the bed. Jin Yu took advantage of the situation and saw that the woman's burning fingertips were on the white sheet, writing crooked handwriting.

"I, just, is, white, vegetable, heart." Jin Yu discriminated word by word, then suddenly looked at her.

Sophie nodded slowly, admitting the fact.

Sophie's fingers continued to move, "she, connect, close, 7, 7, don't, have, eyes, yes."

This "she" obviously refers to the "Bai Suxin" of the Bai family. Sophie saw the sincere love between "Bai Suxin" and Muqiqi in the hospital that day. That kind of picture made her worried that Qiqi's true love would be used.

Jin Yu looked at it and said in a low voice, "have a rest. Someone will come to ask you tomorrow."

As the voice fell, Jin Yu walked away. Yu Guangzhong seemed to see Sophie's shaking fingers. Jin Yu looked back and said, "Qiqi is born. It's a baby of dragon and Phoenix."

After hearing this, Sophie raised her hand and dropped it slowly. Her eyes were suddenly calm and seemed relieved. After years of closing the door, she had regarded Qiqi and Baye as her relatives. Her feelings were irreplaceable.


Two days later, situ Chen sent the record of Sophie's questioning to Jin Yu's desk. Jin Yu just glanced at it, most of which were known facts. He was not surprised. Sophie's value lies in her identity as a witness, which is why he has protected her so closely.

Two days later, Sophie's body is still very weak, but as long as she has some strength, she will write down what she knows. If she is really tired, she will dictate it to others. Now she has determined that Bai Suxin is the murderer who killed the Bai family. If she wants to avenge Bai Zhenting, she must use Jin Yu's hand. In this way, she must know everything.

Putting down the record, Jin Yu leisurely asked: "have you heard from Yan Zuo?"

Three days.

If Yan Kecheng had gone back to Jinling by water from Liusu Island, he would have arrived today after a three-day voyage.

Situ Chen shook his head. "I haven't heard from you yet."

Since Yan Kecheng chose the secret waterway, he would not stop at the main ports of Jinling. Most of them would stop at some private docks. He would send people to guard these places. But so far, he has not received any feedback from Yan Kecheng.

Situ Chen frowned slightly, "do you think yanzuo will not go directly to Jinling, but land in other cities nearby, and then turn back to Jinling by land?"

Jin Yu's writing hand was slightly shocked. He even ignored this problem. Judging from Yan Kecheng's city hall, which is familiar with the art of war, situ's conjecture is not impossible.

"Don't you do it when you think about it?" Jin Yu said coldly.

"It's just..." situ Chen can't help but feel embarrassed. "There are nearly 100 illegal wharves in Jinling, civil, military, private and all kinds of unregistered wharves, not to mention the whole country?"

China's coastline is tens of thousands of kilometers. Who knows which port in which city Yan Kecheng will land? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jin Yu continued to sign the document, thin lips micro movement, solemnly dropped a word, "check!"

Situ Chen looked down. It seemed that even if he was looking for a needle in a haystack, he would do it. "Yes, Mr. Jin."

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