Another day later, the presidential palace did not receive Yan Kecheng's whereabouts.

In the office, Jin Yu got up and paced. It seemed that he had never been so uneasy for a long time. The uneasiness came from his uncontrollable attitude towards Yan Kecheng, a fierce tiger in the army.

Finally, he took out his mobile phone and made a call to Jin Sheng.

"Second brother." Jin Sheng's voice was a little low on the phone. It seemed that there was the roar of the engine. He must be driving.

"I want to ask you something." Jin Yu seldom talks to him in such a tone. In the past, he used to give orders directly. When did he use such a polite word as "please"?

"What's the matter?" Jin Sheng was still in a low voice. In the past, if Jin Yu spoke to him in such a tone, he would have been complacent and gilded himself. But now, he is obviously not in that mood.

Jin Yu seemed to have expected that the phone was in a bad mood and said directly, "I want you to use the relationship of morality and justice hall to help me find someone."

If it wasn't for an emergency, Jin yuduan wouldn't use the power of the Mafia to give others a handle. This is not his strategy.

"Who?" Jin Sheng asked.

"Yan Zuo!" Jin Yuying said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Jin Yu knew that Jin Sheng's temperament required him to take priority. As a younger brother, he was more market-oriented and would never do business empty handed.

"Conditions, you drive." Jin Yu whispered.

The other end of the phone is still silent.

"You should know that I am seldom so generous." Jin Yu reminds him that if Jin Sheng doesn't open his mouth and bite hard, he may never have such a chance in the future.

It seemed that after a long hesitation, Jin Sheng said solemnly, "something happened to Yan Zuo. His life and death are uncertain."

"What?" Jin Yu suddenly asked, he just reflected Jin Sheng's abnormal attitude.

"Where is it? when? Who did it? " Jin Yu asked three questions in a row.

"In Jinghai, there was a car accident. I'm on my way to Jinghai."


When Jin Sheng arrived at the hospital, Yan Yuchen's people had already arrived.

Seeing Jin Sheng, Yan Yuchen was quite surprised, "Why are you here?"

Yan Kecheng was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital. It was a military secret. Once it was leaked, it would inevitably cause panic in the military. It had to be suppressed. Few people knew about it. Except for his father's confidants and the people around him, there were no more than ten people who knew about it, among them Jin Sheng.

"Seventh uncle told me." Jin Sheng responded.

"Seventh uncle?" Yan Yuchen searches in the brain quickly, "is Hong Qigong of the morality and justice hall?"

Jin Sheng nodded. Yan Yuchen was in a mess. How did Hong Qigong know? This Yitang can be regarded as a gang force. Once it is known by these people, how can there be a secret to hide?

Jin Sheng naturally understood his worries. He patted Yan Yuchen on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. I've already told seventh uncle that he won't make a public announcement about it."

Yan Yuchen didn't seem to lead him. He raised his hand slightly and pushed Jin Sheng's hand on his shoulder.

Jin Sheng eyebrow suddenly, don't understand Yan Yuchen why meaning, "how?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Yuchen asked in reply, "you should ask your good second brother!"

"What happened to my second brother?" Jin Sheng is suddenly nervous. Not long ago, Jin Yu did call him to try to find Yan Kecheng's whereabouts through him.

"Few people know about my father's return to Jinling. One of them is your second brother. He also warned me not to intervene in the situation in Jinling. My father's return this time must have affected your second brother's interests. Therefore, he did not hesitate to do so." Yan Yuchen gritted his teeth and said that even he did not want to believe such a fact.

"No way! No way Jin Sheng repeatedly replied that even though Jin Yu was not a city official, he always believed that the second elder brother could not do such a terrible thing. After all, it was Mu Qiqi's uncle who was lying on the hospital bed at the moment, and he was also recognized as his father-in-law. How could Jin Yu be so vicious?

"I hope it's impossible, but all the people arrested at the scene of the incident have the same confession. They say they are Mr. Jin's people." After that, Yan Yuchen sighed.

Yan Kecheng and his party got down from the dock and transferred to a car parked at the dock. The car drove along Panshan road. At the turning, a car came in front of them. Yan Kecheng's car couldn't give way. Just as the car was about to fall into the cliff, it caught up with a car. The car didn't slow down and hit Yan Kecheng's car to the other side of the mountain.

Fortunately, Yan Kecheng didn't hit the cliff. Unfortunately, they hit the mountain and caused a small-scale landslide. A huge tree fell right in the middle of the car and hit Yan Kecheng on the top of his head, so that he is still in a coma.

"You believe that, too?" Jin Sheng asked, after all, he is a general in the army. In the future, he will be the successor of Yan Zuo. Is Yan Yuchen's IQ like this? He suddenly felt that he should have been a brother to such a fool for so many years. It was a bit humiliating.

However, Jin Sheng has to admit that Yan Ran Ran and her brother are a bit like each other just because of this stubborn energy.

"Would you tell the truth if you were beaten to the point where there was only one breath left?" Yan Yuchen asks, obviously he has already used punishment to those people.

"Will you?" Jin Sheng asked the past directly.

Yan Yuchen is silent, he believes his willpower, he won't, but he can't believe that everyone has resistance like him.

"I will not." Jin Sheng affirmed, "I also believe that the second brother will never do this. Just four hours ago, the second brother was still on the phone with me and asked me to inquire about Yan Zuo's whereabouts!"

Yan Yuchen obstinately asks back, "or he knows that his father is OK and is eager to find his father's whereabouts..."

Jin Sheng knows what he wants to express. Jin Yu knows that Yan Kecheng is not dead, so he wants to find out his whereabouts and rush to mend his sword. But before Yan Yuchen finishes his words, Jin Sheng clenches his collar and says, "I tell you, second brother won't!"

The man's heavy fist swings fiercely, looking at Yan Yuchen's angry eyes, Jin Sheng has never been able to bear to drop the fist, and gradually loosen his hand, he also has to understand, at this time, Yan Yuchen is flustered, otherwise he will not lose his sense.

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