Muqi pursed her lips, looking embarrassed.

Xuanyaru is smiling warmly. She is very considerate of this little daughter-in-law. After all, she is still a student. In front of her roommate, would it not embarrass her to ask her to call her mother-in-law?

Xuanyaru's warm knuckles glided over Muqiqi's face and said softly, "I called home in the morning. I heard that you lived in the dormitory last night, so I came directly. Look at this little red face. Did you just wake up? "

Xuanyaru light said, tone doting.

Wei Wei An and Gong Shan Shan look at the strange woman in front of them, and they stare and speculate.

This man, whom Mu Qiqi called his aunt, is graceful and dignified. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person. The most important thing is that he looks familiar

Mu Qiqi bit his lip, squinted and laughed, nodded and asked, "what can I do for you?"

Xuanyaru nodded: "grandma asked me to take you to buy some things, let's go!"

Mu Qiqi frowned and looked embarrassed: "I have class in the morning, and I have to go to class!"

As soon as the words came out, Gong Shanshan couldn't help laughing. GUI Cai believed that Mu Qiqi would go to class. She really wanted to be inferior in terms of the skill of perfunctory elders.

Mu Qiqi glances at Gong Shanshan, who quickly covers her mouth and turns her head.

Xuanyaru said calmly: "it doesn't matter! If you don't go to one or two classes, it doesn't matter. Wait a minute, I'll have someone say hello to your teacher! "

Mu Qi Qi helplessly dropped his head, this time, in any case, can't escape.

After changing clothes, Muqiqi follows xuanyaru out of the dormitory.

Just stepped out of the door, Muqiqi seemed to think of something. She turned to look at Vivian and said, "don't touch my things. When I come back, if there are less things, you will pay me a dozen!"

Mu Qiqi's tone was stiff, and xuanyaru frowned slightly after hearing it.

In her eyes, Muqiqi was witty when she was young. Although she could not be regarded as a lady when she grew up, the little girl had a good temperament and was polite to others. She had never seen Muqiqi talk with people in such a tone.

After all, no matter who is listening to the words just now, there will be some discomfort, and even make people feel that this girl is very arrogant.

Xuanyaru gently grasped Muqiqi's shoulder and reminded him, "Qiqi! How can you talk to your roommate in such a tone? We are all classmates. We should get along well with each other! "

Muqiqi pursed her lips, turned her smiling face and said to xuanyaru, "someone wants to rob my bed. I've been sleeping for two years and I'm used to it. I don't want to move it! But the head of the dormitory management department said, "if I don't move today, she will throw out all my things!"

Xuanyaru frowns. The school should be the place with the most rules. But what rules can we talk about when we are so rude? She also can't blame Mu Qiqi just can have that kind of talk.

After a moment's pause, xuanyaru clenched Muqiqi's hand and said with a smile, "if you don't want to move, don't move. I'll tell Zhang Zhengyi that if anyone embarrasses you again, you can tell me."

It is the premier's wife who can call the president's name so directly.

Muqiqi pursed his lips with a smile. He was very happy. It was so nice to have a famous acquaintance!

Xuanyaru left with Muqiqi.

Wei Wei an a face disdain, cold hum a: "rich great?"? It's like the headmaster has to listen to her, too! "

Gong Shanshan whispered: "I think that woman looks familiar. It seems that she is not just rich!"

The door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and Shu Yao came in breathlessly.

"Guess who I just saw?" Shu Yao's face was full of excitement.

Vivian is not interested in her, and she should not.

But Gong Shanshan was interested and asked, "who is that?"

Shu Yao went to her desk, unscrewed her glass and took a big drink. She continued: "Madam premier! I also saw Qiqi get into the car of the premier's wife! "

Gong Shanshan covered her mouth and was shocked. No wonder she felt familiar when she saw Xuan Yaru. Isn't she the woman who accompanied the premier when he visited?

Gong Shanshan looks at Wei Wei'an. Just now, she has a disdainful look on her face.

Did you lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot? Don't say it's the headmaster who wants to listen to her, I'm afraid the prime minister also wants to give her three points? Who wants to be the prime minister's wife?


Xuanyaru with Muqiqi straight to the mall, straight into a jewelry store.

The store manager's vision is sharp, and he takes them to the boutique area. Under the light, the glass cabinet is full of all kinds of gold jewelry.

Xuanyaru picked up a gold bracelet and put it on for Muqiqi: "grandma said, let me buy more jewelry for her granddaughter-in-law! She is too old to walk around, so she didn't come here together! You have to understand grandma's heart

Muqiqi took back his hand and stammered: "grandma is good to me, I know... But... These glittering things are not suitable for me..."

Xuanyaru took Muqiqi's hand, put a bracelet on her, and continued: "how can a bride marry without jewelry? If you don't like gold, my mother-in-law will match you with several sets of platinum! But on the wedding day, you must wear gold! It looks festive

Mu Qiqi's eyebrows, getting married? Almost divorced, what kind of wedding? It's not a waste to buy these jewelry!

But she couldn't wring xuanyaru, and saw a few shop assistants packing their jewelry one by one.

When checking out, Muqiqi glanced at the bill, and after counting the zeros, she could not help but take a breath.

The whole morning, clothes, jewelry, accessories... The shopping mall was completely swept by their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

What's more, xuanyaru even gave her two sets of sexy underwear, which is called the sentiment between husband and wife, and a whole set of husband and wife classics, which makes her blush.

At noon, Muqiqi was tired and listless.

Xuanyaru looked at her and asked, "are you hungry? What would you like for lunch? "

Muqiqi's weak voice said, "what would you like to eat? I listen to you

Xuanyaru stroked Muqiqi's head, and the answer was very clever.

"Let's go! Then listen to me Xuanyaru said with a smile.

In half an hour.

Muqiqi never thought that xuanyaru took her back to the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

As soon as you enter the door, the aroma of the food comes to your nose.

Mu Qi twists his eyebrows. Is it possible that the mother and the son are in collusion? Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that as soon as she came back, she would have a ready-made meal to eat?

Xuanyaru walked in familiar, followed by the driver and assistant. They were carrying large and small bags, which were the booty swept by their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the morning.

Xuanyaru found that Muqiqi didn't come in with her. Looking back, she saw Muqiqi leaning against the doorframe, with a reluctant face.

Xuanyaru went back, took her hand and brought her in.

"I asked Jin Yu to make lunch! Anyway, he's at home on vacation, so is being idle! Besides, the food at home is more delicious than that outside, don't you think? " Xuanyaru said with a smile.

Out of the hallway, into the living room.

Xuanyaru told the two people who followed him to say, "put down the things and wait for me below."

Muqiqi sweeps around, and in a twinkling of an eye, he sees Jin Yu sitting at the dining table with a magazine in his hand and a smelly face, like the whole world owes him.

The beast, unexpectedly still so invincible! You've done something wrong and you're so proud! I really don't know who gives you such a sense of superiority!

Muqiqi cursed secretly in his heart, and the anger that had gone down was hooked up again.

Xuanyaru called and moved to Jin Yu. She touched the band aid on Jin Yu's eyebrow and asked, "how did you do this? It's easy to hang and hurt your eyes! You're not going to break your face, are you? "

Disfigurement? After listening to this, Mu Qiqi can't help humming and breaking his face? you deserves it!

Jin Yu closed the magazine, put it aside and said, "it's OK. I was scratched by a dog!"

Muqiqi stares at him viciously and scolds him secretly. You are the dog! It's still a big male dog that's being ridden by people!

Xuanyaru was still not at ease and had to take off the band aid to have a look at the wound. Jin Yu refused and left a sentence: "have a meal! The food is getting cold

After a meal, Muqiqi didn't say a word. During the meal, there were only xuanyaru's exhortations.

Xuanyaru wants to tell her daughter-in-law all about the way she gets along with her husband and wife and the rules of the Jin family.

Muqiqi put down the bowl and chopsticks and said in a soft voice, "I've eaten well! Please eat slowly

After that, Muqiqi gets up and goes to the bedroom.

After a while, the sound of closing the door, Muqiqi shut himself into the bedroom.

Xuanyaru sighed, looked at Jin Yu and said, "man, I brought it back for you! You are not afraid of being laughed at when it comes out that you have been raped and injured by family

Jin Yu twisted his eyebrows, slightly turned his head and looked at her: "me? Domestic violence? "

Xuanyaru looked at the wound on Jin Yu's brow and choked: "isn't it?"

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