Jin Han takes it and opens it. It's the wedding invitation of you Tianze and Huo linger.

Mu Ning'an took out Jin Han's invitation card and said coldly, "if Mr. Jin doesn't give me an explanation today, you can't get off the bus!"

Jin cold smile, should say: "my condition is very simple! As long as you promise to be my girlfriend for one day, I'll talk business with you, otherwise, face-to-face! "

"You Mu Ning'an was blocked.

Jin Han leans forward and slowly sticks to Mu Ning'an.

Mu Ning'an gradually retreated, but the space in the car was limited. She reached the door and had no way back.

Slowly, the man's masculine nose, mixed with the smell of Cologne, mingled with the aftertaste of a cup of coffee.

Jin Han stares at Mu Ning'an, who is shrouded in him, and says word by word: "I hate people threatening me, especially women!"

With that, thin lips slid to Mu Ning'an's ears and whispered, "I'll give you another three days to think about it! Don't wait

"Click!" The door is unlocked.

Mu Ning An is stunned, obviously this is not her operation.

Jin Han left Mu Ning'an and opened the car door with a sneer.

Jin Han got out of the car, closed the door with his backhand, and went straight to the villa.

Mu Ning An is not from anger, hands heavily clap to the steering wheel, don't want to force too much, press the horn.

For a moment, the car sounded loud.

For a moment, Mu Ning'an finally regained his mind and looked down at the clock.

A quarter past one in the afternoon.

She took out her mobile phone, slid on the screen and dialed Muqiqi.


Apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

In the afternoon, Muqiqi was lying on the sofa, resting on Jin Yu's leg, bored to the extreme.

Jin Yu didn't let her go out. She was born at home for two or three days.

The Sichuan dialect version of "cat and mouse" is still on TV, but the contrast between the front and back of Muqiqi's loveless face is not the slightest bit.

Jin Yu was holding a book in his hand and reading it carefully. He was extremely polite.

Looking from afar, such a picture is very quiet and beautiful.

But... Someone ruined the painting style.

Muqiqi began to groan and toss.

Jin Yu closed the book, looked down at her and asked, "what do you want?"

Mu Qiqi's eyes flashed, pursed his lips and said, "husband! Make me something to eat! "

"Just had lunch! Later Jin Yu's indifference broke her mind.

Muqiqi looked up at him and asked, "aren't you bored staying at home like this?"

Jin Yu reached out and touched Mu Qiqi's small face. The warm palm of his hand slipped over his white neck and kneaded it. He should say, "it's nice to stay here!"

Mu Qiqi put aside his disturbing hand and muttered: "boring!"

Jin Yu didn't stay at home. Every afternoon, he would take advantage of Muqiqi's nap to go out for two hours.

Mu Qiqi's eyes turned and he pulled Jin Yu's clothes and said, "husband! Are you going out this afternoon? "

Jin Yu nodded.

"Will you take me with you? by my troth! You do your business! I will never disturb you

Muqiqi said so, put up his palm and made an oath.

Almost without hesitation, Jin Yu retorted, "no way!"

Mu Qi angrily curled his mouth and muttered: "stingy!"

The phone rings.

"Two little bees! Fly to the fields

Jin Yu could not help wringing her eyebrows at the tender sound of the bell.

But Mu Qi Qi, a spirit from the sofa, touch the side of the phone, quickly pick up.

"Sister!" Mu Qiqi cried excitedly, as if he had seen the Savior.

"Qiqi! I have time in the afternoon... "

Mu Ning An's words haven't finished, Mu Qi Qi excitedly snatches words to say: "elder sister! I'm suffocating! Can you come and help me? "

At the appointed time, Muqiqi hung up.

"Two little bees! Fly to the fields! Fly! Pi~a! Pi~a!”

Muqiqi sang happily and got up to walk to the cloakroom.

"Do I agree with you to go out?" Jin yuyousen's voice came from behind.

Mu Qiqi is petrified in an instant, and turns around slowly with a stiff body. He looks innocent and looks at Jin Yu sitting on the sofa with a awe inspiring face.

"It's my sister... It's nobody else... I'll go out for an afternoon tea..."

Mu Qiqi's lips, the more he said, the more aggrieved he was.

Jin Yu lowered his head, opened the page and said in a deep voice, "come back early."

Muqiqi made a V gesture and ran to the cloakroom with a proud face.


The white Land Rover Aurora drove up the ramp and stopped at the door of the foreign ministry apartment.

Dazzle bright car body is dazzling, Mu Qiqi can't help but open his mouth.

Around to the co pilot's position, Muqiqi opened the door and jumped up excitedly.

"Sister! I knew it! Only SUV can set off your domineering spirit

Muqiqi's hands caressed the car accessories everywhere, and her face was excited. The car was more powerful than her beetle.

Also, one is "tiger" and the other is "insect". From the name, it's already half short.

Mu Ning'an stepped on the gas and drove off the ramp.

"Say it!" Mu Ning An's face is serious, with a posture of elder sister questioning.

Mu Qiqi pursed her lips, and the excitement just quenched a lot.

Seeing that Mu Qiqi didn't speak, Mu Ning'an turned her head and looked at her: "why don't you tell me in advance about such a big wedding? You can't make a decision without telling your elders! I'm your sister

Muqiqi held the hem of the T-shirt in his hands and kneaded it for a while.

"Dumb?" Mu Ning An taunts.

"Sister... Get married... And who is not knot... Sooner or later..." Muqiqi has a word without a word should be.

Strange to say, she and Jin Yu have been married for some time, and there is no resistance in her heart.

Mu Ning'an frowned, "how old are you? Do you know how dangerous a man's heart is? "

Mu Qiqi doesn't understand and looks at her suspiciously.

Mu Ning'an continued: "a man will always like those young and beautiful people. He is 30 years old, and he likes your 20-year-old youth invincible. When he is 40 or 50 years old, he still likes those young and beautiful people, but what about you? Years make people old, and no one is an exception. "

Mu Ning'an said it as if she was talking about herself. Compared with Huo ling'er, who was just in her early twenties, she was no longer young, which she could not deny.

Muqiqi clenched his fists and muttered, "he dares... If he dares to cheat, I'll kill him!"

Mu Ning'an snorted and laughed: "you just got married. Maybe I shouldn't talk about such a heavy topic with you."

Muqiqi sweeps around and sees an invitation. She opens it to see that it's you Tianze's wedding invitation. For a moment, she is furious.

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