If he didn't hear it wrong, just now the boy called Muqiqi "Princess Baby". Jin Yu picked his eyebrows and looked at him and asked, "who are you?"

Mu Qiqi glances at Du Ziteng with a murderous look like a throwing knife.

As Jin Yu looked at him, so did Du Ziteng.

For a long time, Du Ziteng just disdainfully asked: "who are you?"

Jin Yu didn't answer. Mu Qiqi pushed Du Ziteng and said in a low voice, "hurry up

"Princess, baby! Since I brought you out! I should have sent you back! "

Mu Qiqi raised his hand and beat his forehead with his palm.

You're dead!

Jin Yu picked up Mu Qiqi's chin, fixed her eyes and said word by word: "baby! Tell him who I am

Muqiqi said in a trembling voice: "husband! I really don't know him

Du Ziteng did not want to: "love princess! What do you call him? husband? Isn't he the "handsome husband of Princess seven"

Muqiqi almost took all her spare power and scolded: "just let me live. Let me go quickly!"

Du Ziteng pulled Mu Qiqi's wrist and said, "love your concubine! Let's go! Don't be with such people! He's old enough to be uncle to both of us! "

Muqiqi saw that he didn't know the shape of heaven and earth, so he threw him away and warned: "you go quickly! He is really my husband

Du Ziteng disdained, "love princess! How much did it cost him to brush your present? You're not going to be bribed by him, are you? I'm the prince of Du's international! With me, you are the princess of Du's international! "

Jin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Mu Qi in front of her, waiting for her reaction.

Seeing this, Mu Qiqi shivered all over his body and quickly explained, "husband! I really don't know him! He came to school with more than ten bodyguards today! He caught me here! Really

Du Ziteng was stunned: "princess love! How can you lie! You brought me here in my car

Mu Qiqi gasped and glared at him: "you will die if you say less?"

Four or five high-end off-road vehicles stopped nearby one after another.

Several bodyguards in black quickly stepped down to guard Du Ziteng.

The first bodyguard whispered, "prince! The old man told you to go back at once

Du Ziteng answered impatiently: "I know!"

After that, he looked at Xiangmu Qiqi and said with a smile: "love princess! wait for me! I'll see my grandfather first! I'll see you later! "

Muqiqi turned his head and ignored him.

"Princess! You must wait for me Say it! Du Ziteng, under the tight escort of several bodyguards, hurriedly got on an off-road vehicle next to him.

The world is still.

Muqiqi only felt a roar in his ears.

The brain is blank.

She was so nervous that she didn't remember how she was carried back to the apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs by Jin Yu.


Apartment of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

In such a big living room, he sits on a wide sofa, like a king standing high above.

Beside the TV wall, she leaned on the wall with her head down, in a great distress.

A long silence.

"Come here!" Jin Yu said in a deep voice.

In the quiet atmosphere, any sudden sound will cause inner fear.

Muqiqi shivered and stood there, not daring to move.

"Well?" Jin Yu picked a tone in his deep voice.

Muqi rubbed his feet and walked toward him carefully.

The closer it gets, the colder it gets.

"Sit down!" Jin Yu's voice was close to his ears.

Muqiqi hesitated for a moment and sat down beside him.

Jin Yu reached out and grabbed her scaly white hands. Her nails were dirty and bloodstained.

"Does it hurt?" Jin Yu asked.

Muqiqi shook his head: "this is not my blood!"

Muqiqi said, eyes a squint, nu mouth, as if there is still a little meaning.

Jin Yu put his hand into the storage drawer, gently pulled it, found a set of nail clippers, opened the box, picked a nail clipper of suitable size, clamped it in his hand and pinched it.

Mu Qiqi took a breath, and suddenly understood what Jin Yu wanted to do. He quickly took his hand out of Jin Yu's hand.

But where can she rival Jin Yu's strength, she is unable to move after several times.

In a moment, Muqiqi became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Honey! Nails can't be cut! " Muqiqi begged him.

The only weapon that women can use in a fight is the fingernail.

"Click!" There was a crack in the nail of her index finger.

Then, almost out of her control, one, two... Ten nails were neatly trimmed by him.

It was polishing as well as polishing. Jin Yu patiently repaired her hands for a long time.

Someone is finally satisfied.

Look at Muqiqi again, it's like a kitten without claws, with a dead face.

"Bad guy!" Muqiqi murmured in a low voice.

"What did you say?" The man raised the tone.

Muqi could not help shivering.

Jin Yu lifted her hair, and there was a red scratch on her neck.

Jin Yu stroked the scar for fear of hurting her.

"Baby, what problems have you solved after this fight?" Jin Yu asked in a deep voice.

Mu Qi Qi curled his lips, squinted and said, "I feel comfortable!"

"How comfortable is it?"

Muqiqi: "unparalleled!

"Do you also want to be like that yellow haired boy, with more than a dozen bodyguards around you every day, where you go, you have to be monitored, so that you can know what is security and what is not to cross the thunder pool?"

Mu Qi's lips, if it's like that, what's the freedom to talk about?

Jin Yu continued: "the reason why I didn't do that is to give you enough respect, but... Baby! I respect you so much. Have you ever respected yourself? "

what?! Did she hear it wrong? When did Jin Yu respect her?

Muqiqi doesn't care about him.

Jin Yu clenched the small hand that he had just carefully trimmed. "If today's event attracts the police, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Mu Qiqi blinked. What else could happen? Jiang Yihui was arrested for disturbing public order, and Xiao Kaiyu was arrested for uploading videos to the Internet to invade other people's privacy.

In a word, everything has nothing to do with her!

Jin Yu continued: "what will happen if Xiao Kaiyu is caught? How can Jiang Yi be arrested? Ten such small roles add up, which is not as eye-catching as one daughter-in-law of the prime minister splashes on the street. At that time, your identity and background will be stripped, and your father's reputation will be destroyed because of your impulse! Your mother's story will be brought up again, and your husband and I will be on the social front page for the first time because of you! Is that what you want? "

The more Mu Qi listens, the more flustered he is. It's just a small fight. How can so much right and wrong be involved?

Jin Yu sighed a little and said nothing more! Go and take a bath

Mu Qi nuzui, turned around and looked down at Jin Yu sitting on the sofa.

An angular outline, although no delicate expression, can look, but not just so fierce.

"Husband... Did I get into a lot of trouble?" Mu Qiqi asked tentatively.

Jin Yu raised his eyes and looked at her, seemingly inadvertently said: "it's a big deal to go in and close for a while! It's only half a month! "

Mu Qi clenched his teeth, just rose up so a little guilt, instantly disappeared.

"Why don't you take a bath?"

Mu Qiqi

In the living room, Jin Yu's mobile phone rings.

Jin Yu got up, went to the French window and picked up the phone.

Situ Chen: "Mr. Jin, the report of the person sent to follow said that Jiang Yi took the person to the waste factory where his wife was detained last time! People... Hurt a lot

"Did you get it?" Jin Yu asked.

Situ Chen: I got it

"Change Qiqi's recording back with the video!"

The phone hung up.

Jin Yu's words were heard by Mu Qiqi.

Hearing that Jin Yu said that she would change her recording back, Mu Qiqi came to Jin Yu's back and gently hugged him.

"Honey! You are so handsome

On the face of man ice Yu, evoke a smile of light.

"Not for you to take a bath? Is it ready so soon? "

For a long time, Muqi said softly, "husband, thank you."

The thanks came from her heart. She finally understood Jin Yu's good intentions.

Jin Yu spoils the hook of hook lip horn, "good!"


Time to the evening, Muqiqi's heart still remember a person.

I don't know what happened to Yan Ranran now. Little Lizi couldn't bear any blow. I'm really worried that she would be confused and do something stupid.

Mu Qiqi dials Yan Ranran's mobile phone number, but no one answers.

Mu Qi Qi can't help but frown, think about it, directly dial Yan Ran Ran's home phone.

"I'm Qiqi!" Muqiqi reported himself.

"It's Miss watch!" There was a warm response on the phone, and the servant answered the phone.

"Is uncle at home?" Mu Qiqi asked politely.

"No, Miss Biao. What can I do for the commander?"

"Nothing! Ran Ran, has she gone home Finally get to the point.

The voice on the other side of the phone simmered a lot: "well... I came back early in the morning! As soon as she got home, she locked herself up. It seemed that she was not in a good mood, and her eyes were badly swollen! "

"Can you get her to answer the phone?"

"Just a moment!"

After a long time, in the "Du!" After the sound of, the phone from the living room line to the bedroom line.

"Hello The voice of Yan Ran Ran.

"It's just losing love! What's the big deal! " Muqi said casually.


"I tell you! Xiao Kaiyu was taken away by Jiang Yi! Half disabled! It's estimated that I can't get up in ten days and a half months! Have you calmed down? "

"Is it?"

Muqiqi takes a look at the phone screen and always feels strange. Originally, she thought Yan Ranran would cry after receiving her call.

It's just

Nizi is half dead now. She doesn't cry and doesn't make any noise. It seems that she has no love in her life.

"Ran Ran! Are you ok? "

After a long pause, a sob came from the phone: "Qiqi... Kaiyu, he really never loved me... He never liked me!"

"You just know?"

"Are you a pig?" Words to the mouth, finally born by Muqiqi choke back.

"When I was just packing up, I found out that he never offered to give me anything!"

"I want to throw things to vent, but there's nothing to throw. You're pathetic! I'm really upset. Just drop two cups and let it out! "

Yan Ran: "I'm not sure."

"Ran Ran! You're fine! It's a man! The old will not go, the new will not come... "

It's always a matter of persuading others. It's your turn, ah


Barton mansion, a 66 storey hotel apartment, is located in the center of the city, overlooking the Xiangjiang River.

The real estate agent takes Mu Ning'an to an apartment on the 60th floor.

"Miss Mu! This is the last apartment to show you today! The decoration of this apartment is designed by a famous Italian modernist! Before, the landlord lived here for a period of time, so decoration, furniture, home appliances, all the international first-line brands! This house is the landlord's first rental, cost-effective very high! And from all aspects, here are fully in line with the conditions you put forward to our company! You see, are you satisfied? "

The manager of the agency in suit and shoes is talking.

Mu Ning'an strolls around the room, watching at will, and her scaly fingertips slide across every inch of furniture.

This... Is really a good place.

Maybe she has been abroad for a long time, or because of the change of her mood, she especially wants to have a space to be alone.

At least move out of the home for a period of time, temporarily do not have to face the family's intense forced marriage.

Mu Ning'an, you are only 29 years old. Are you in such a hurry to get married?

Mu Ning'an observed for a week, nearly 200 square meters of space, but the landlord made it into a room design.

Other bedrooms were transformed into study, video room, gym and a sunshine tea room.

From the details, there are almost no traces of women's activities in this house, so the owner of this house should be a single man.

Here really meets all the requirements of a woman living alone, almost without any hesitation. Mu Ning'an looks at the agency manager and says, "here it is! Sign the contract! I'll check in immediately! "

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