Shu Yao's eyes narrowed. She was puzzled and said, "how much hatred is there between you two? Why does an an aim at you like this..."

It's more than just for you? It's hard calculation.

Mu Qiqi as like as two peas, "I was exactly the same as her college entrance examination two years ago, but I was the last to be admitted to China Foreign Affairs University, not her."

"Even if it's because of jealousy, she won't make such a deep trick on you, will she? two years! If she really doesn't like you, why should she wait so long for two years? I still pretend to be very nice to you after I was a forerunner... "

Mu Qiqi said with a smile: "according to the truth, I should be expelled from school this semester! If she doesn't do anything, I'm afraid she won't have any chance after I leave school! She just wanted to embarrass me, embarrass me in front of everyone. "

Shu Yao gaped: "you must have dug her ancestral grave in your last life, or how could she chase you? You are going to be dismissed by the school, so miserable, she doesn't want to let you go! Tut tut... "

Muqiqi Daimei frowned slightly, yes... Even if she was usually careless and used to speaking freely, she was not the kind of person who hurt people badly.

Since she was a child, she has robbed Yan Ranran's toys, and even Yan Ranran's beloved star Autographed her and scolded her for being a pig. But after so many years, they are still good

What about Vivian? Several times, she snatched the star signature from Yan Ranran and gave it to Vivian. When she was a good sister, even because Vivian was warm-hearted, she felt that anyone could cheat her and hurt her, but Vivian would not.

It's just... It's hard to predict!

"I'll go out!" Mu Qiqi said.

Shu Yao held her hand: "you can't go! This is the start of the campaign! "

"Miss! You're second to last! A person for ten minutes, your turn is also an hour later! I'll be back in a minute! "

With that, Muqiqi put his hands in the back pocket of his jeans and walked to the stairs.

"Qiqi! If you don't come back on time, I won't tell you the next time someone comes after you! " Shu Yao's threatening voice.

Muqiqi looked back at her: "I won't come back later!"

"Dare you?" Shu Yao came up to chase her.

Muqiqi chuckled and ran down the stairs, disappearing at the corner of the stairs.

Out of the gate, leaving the college students' activity center, standing in front of the stairs, Muqiqi stretched and yawned.

I can sleep until half past six in the morning, but just at six o'clock, after the beast took an international call from Paris, she was completely sleepless. She just stirred her out of her sleep, which is called

Morning luck!

Muqiqi hands on the waist, shaking, lazy waist, sore.

"Bang!" The sound of the glass door slamming came from behind her.

Mu Qiqi looked back, suddenly, she did not see what the situation was, only a girl rushed out of the gate.

Inertia, so that girls can not slow down, almost no choice, quickly rushed to the block in front of the stairs Muqiqi.

Brush by, Mu Qiqi was rushed to a stagger.

Fortunately, there was a round doorpost on one side. She leaned on it and didn't fall.

Just head hit the doorpost, Muqiqi "ouch".

"Don't you see a man standing! You are in a hurry to be reincarnated Muqiqi around the back of his head, quietly angry.

The girl walked down the stairs, turned around and said, "I'm sorry!"

At the end of the speech, they were almost stunned at the same time.

Vivian? Muqiqi?

Mu Qiqi snorted coldly: "I can't stand the" sorry "that comes out of your mouth!"

Vivian curled her lips. She wanted to say something, but she looked very urgent. She just looked at Muqiqi coldly, turned and ran forward.

Mu Qiqi looks in the direction of Vivian

Not far away from the banyan garden, path intersection, standing a familiar boy.

Xin ziyao.

Muqiqi licked his lips, pulled out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and drew the focus of the camera closer.

One, two, three

Hand in hand, hug, enough

Muqiqi put away his mobile phone.

All of a sudden, the distance changed.

Wei Wei'an and Xin ziyao seem to be in a dispute. They are pushing and shoving. One wants to leave and the other wants to stay.

Muqiqi went down the stairs and went straight to the business district behind the university student activity center.

Straight into a jewelry store, Muqiqi went to the beauty shop owner and said urgently, "hurry up! Help me wrap up this bucket of roses

With that, Muqiqi pointed to the bucket of red roses in front of the shop.

The beautiful shopkeeper was embroidering, and immediately put down her things.

On weekdays, the little lovers on campus show their love. They are all given one or two roses. She can sell this bucket of roses for a week.

But in front of the little girl, even a mouth is the rhythm of the private market, this is a big business ah!

The owner was very enthusiastic. He quickly got up, went to the door, picked up the bucket of roses, pruned them, packed them, and the way was neat.

In less than ten minutes, a bunch of red and gorgeous roses were sent to Muqiqi.

"How much is it? I may not have enough money! " Muqiqi whispered.

Just now, she only wanted to spend, but she forgot to ask the price. You know, she has been confiscated of cash by animals and stopped her credit card. She is really poor.

Beauty shop owner see Mu Qiqi said so, the smile on the face instantly froze, dare feeling is a no money to come over the credit owner?

Take another look at Mu Qiqi. She's a untidy white shirt with dirty tea stains. It's strange that such a little girl can be rich!

When doing business on campus, students sometimes don't have enough money. It doesn't matter if they pay one or two yuan on credit or get rid of it.

But once the big bunch of roses are unpacked and packaged, the only cost is more than 100 yuan. She is a businessman and not a good person.

After thinking about it, the beautiful shopkeeper turned her lips and changed her tone. Without her enthusiasm, she said faintly: "if you buy so much and earn your capital, give me two hundred and twenty yuan!"

"How about two hundred?" Muqiqi, be careful.

As soon as her voice fell, Muqiqi felt ashamed. When did she bargain with others when she went out and dumped her credit card

Animals! Muqiqi's heart was tight, and he cursed secretly.

"Two hundred is two hundred!" Beauty shopkeeper should, better than no money.

Muqiqi took out a campus pass card from the bag around his neck and handed it to the beautiful shopkeeper: "I swipe the card!"

The beautiful shopkeeper took the card and went to the checkout machine.

Muqiqi whispered: "I don't know if there is enough money in it..."

At that time, the animal just told her that as long as she stayed obediently in the campus, this card would be enough for her to eat and drink, but she didn't know how much money the card had.

The beautiful shopkeeper sighed and said impatiently, "I can help you check the balance here! Wait a minute! "

"Oh..." Muqiqi answered softly.

A few seconds later, the beautiful shopkeeper sat in front of the cashier, looked at the computer screen, and then looked at Mu Qiqi in front of him, with a look of consternation.

Seeing her look, Mu Qiqi had no bottom in his heart and asked in a low voice, "is there not enough money in it? It doesn't matter if it's not enough! How much you brush! I press my card on you with my photo and student number on it. I can't run! I'll send you the rest later! "

The beautiful shopkeeper quickly got up and said with a smile: "enough! There's ten thousand dollars in it

Mu Qiqi was stunned. She took this card to eat in the canteen these two days. When she checked out, the balance on the screen kept showing 999 yuan. She thought it was the fault of the check-out machine. Now she understands

The balance of the checkout machine, the ceiling is 999 yuan! If she only uses this card to eat, will she have to eat until the end of the year?

But turn to think, Mu Qiqi immediately came to the interest, this young lady is now also a ten thousand yuan household!

The beauty shopkeeper's heart sank. He knew that the girl was so rich, and just as long as she was two hundred yuan, she lost it! I'll pay for it!

Muqiqi's eyes turned: "beauty! Can you brush a thousand dollars out of this card for me! You give me cash and I'll give you a hundred yuan handling charge! "

A minute later

Muqiqi holding a bunch of roses, kicking drum cash in his pocket, smiling out of the jewelry store.

Money is really a bold thing. With money, you can go wherever you want?

Back to the college activity center.

Mu Qiqi's eyes swept, Xin ziyao was still standing in the distance, but Wei Wei'an disappeared.

Xin ziyao is holding a mobile phone in his hand and sending messages anxiously.

Muqiqi, as if nothing had happened, walked over and pretended to meet Xin ziyao by chance. He looked at Xin ziyao and laughed: "ziyao! Come and see Ann

Xin ziyao raised his eyes and looked at her. Since he and Wei Wei'an made a public confession, Mu Qiqi was full of gunpowder every time he saw him, but today it seems that she is in a good mood.

For a moment, he seemed to feel that Muqiqi had returned to his original appearance. He would smile, be playful, and be a bit cute when he saw him.

Xin ziyao nodded, his eyes twinkling uneasily.

Muqiqi tooted his lips and said with a relieved look: "actually! You should tell me earlier that the person you like is Ann, not me. I won't be angry! "

When Xin ziyao saw Mu Qiqi's tone, he was very magnanimous, which was the same as when he would send him a message every day saying "good morning!"“ Good night Is Muqiqi pestering him?

Muqiqi continued: "if you told me earlier, I would not pester you and hinder your happiness! After all, Ann and I are good sisters for so many years. How can we hurt our love for so many years because of a boy? In fact... Ann and I are now in this situation, you! We must bear the greatest responsibility! "

What Muqiqi said seemed to have some truth. Her words were indifferent. It seemed that she had already let go of the things he said about Vivian.

Xin ziyao hooked his temple with his index finger and hung his head slightly with a look of guilt.

After a pause, he should say: "maybe, it's really that I didn't do well enough! I should have told you that the person I like is Ann! I'm sorry! Let you misunderstand so long

Mu Qiqi secretly clenches his teeth. Is it enough to say sorry?

At the beginning, in order to make friends with Vivian, he took the initiative to approach her, making her think that he had a good impression on himself, and even gave up the recommendation qualification of the Foreign Affairs College for him.

Think about these things, Muqiqi feel at the beginning of their own is really good silly naive.

However, Muqiqi didn't show it, shaking his head and smiling: "in fact, I should thank you! If you didn't make such a high-profile confession ceremony, I wouldn't lose face in front of so many people, and I wouldn't be called Xiao San in the forum! If I had not been so famous and had been in such a big battle, I would have been expelled from the school for a long time! The reason why the school didn't expel me was that they were afraid that I would be spread and discredit the school's reputation, so! As long as it's all about me, the school should keep a low profile! "

Although Muqiqi said nothing happened, Xin ziyao always felt strange, and even felt a trace of remorse in his heart.

After all, Muqiqi was pushed to the top of the storm and was discredited, more or less because of him.

All of a sudden, Mu Qiqi changed the subject and said with a sneer, "I didn't get expelled from school. Your Ann must be very disappointed, right?"

Xin ziyao raised his eyes and looked at her in a daze.

Muqiqi continued: "after you two were together, I didn't cry or make trouble with you. Isn't Ann very upset?"

Xin ziyao pursed her lips. Fortunately, Mu Qiqi didn't do it. He should really thank her from the bottom of his heart.

Muqiqi stepped forward, approached him and said, "Ann, she has done so many things, but what? But I'm still at the foreign affairs school, and I'm doing well! She wants to use you to stimulate me, but I'm forgetful. As soon as I turn the page, the past will pass! So now Ann feels that you have no use value. She wants to break up with you, doesn't she? "

Xin ziyao was so stunned that Mu Qiqi was right.

Vivian did break up with him

"You are really pitiful..." Muqiqi sighed, very sympathetic.

"Why do you say ANN is using me?" Xin ziyao asked her.

Even though Vivian doesn't show the intimacy of ordinary lovers to him, girls who can be called goddesses have some coldness. He never doubted what purpose Vivian would have with him, and never believed that Vivian was using him.

Muqiqi held the rose in his arms, stretched it forward, looked at Xin ziyao with a smile and said, "do you know what happened to this bunch of roses?"

Xin ziyao has no expression, waiting for her answer.

Mu Qiqi's eyes narrowed and he picked up his lips to smile: "this is bought by the president of the student union of our college! I just got it from the florist! Is it good? "

Xin ziyao was not interested in the flowers in her hand.

Mu Qiqi said thoughtfully: "our chairman! I've been dating a girl for almost half a year! He wants to surprise his girlfriend after today's election campaign! by the way! It's said that the chairman has even reserved a hotel! To take his girlfriend to see his parents

"Why do you tell me this?" Asked Xin ziyao.

Muqi curled his lips: "of course it matters!"

After that, she sighed again and said, "you are so pathetic! I don't know if I'm someone else's junior! "

"What did you say?" Xin ziyao twisted his eyebrows, and then he recognized the trick.

Muqiqi looked up at him and said seriously, "ziyao! I really can't bear to see you continue to be cheated by an an so that I can tell you these things! "

"Why should I believe you? Maybe you want to stir up the relationship between ANN and me! " Xin ziyao found an excuse. In short, he was full of suspicion about Mu Qiqi's words.

Mu Qiqi's eyes turned smartly, looked at him and asked, "Ann, where has she gone?"

"She went up to run for the student union!"

"Why don't you go up? As a boyfriend, you should stand beside her and cheer for her Muqi is smiling.

"It's said that the leaders of the hospital are all on it, and an an doesn't want to..."

Mu Qiqi then said, "she doesn't want to let the hospital leaders know that she has a boyfriend! Let those old guys think that she only knows how to show her love when she is young. If their impression of her is greatly reduced, it will affect the election results, balabalabala... Am I right? "

Xin ziyao raised his eyebrows and looked at her, but she was right again.

Muqi sipped his lips: "ah! To tell you the truth! Our chairman is up there! Ann doesn't want the hospital leaders to see you, she just doesn't want her real boyfriend to see you, do you know? "

Xin ziyao looked at her with a worried look. He didn't believe Mu Qiqi's words at the beginning, but now he is half convinced.

Is what Muqiqi said true?

Mu Qiqi sees that Xin ziyao's psychological defense line has been almost attacked by her. She holds Xin ziyao's arm and pulls him to the direction of the university student activity center.

"Don't you go and see if what I said is true?"

Xin ziyao was teased by Mu Qiyi, and his doubts gradually deepened in his heart. Go and have a look.

Push open the glass door, two people into the university activity center.

The doorman sat on the wooden stool, raised his hand and said, "take a look at the student ID card!"

After all, there are a lot of multimedia equipment stored upstairs. Except for the students of our school, they are not allowed to pass without the approval of the leaders.

Mu Qiqi took out a student ID card from the bag hanging around his neck, and a box of cigarettes from his trouser pocket. He pressed it under the student ID card and muttered in a low voice: "uncle! The multimedia upstairs is out of order. This student is from the network technology department, but he lost his student ID card. He's going to make it up

Before Muqiqi finished, the doorman took the cigarette, pushed the student ID card to Muqiqi and said, "go! Go

Mu Qiqi smiles.

Two minutes later, Mu Qiqi and Xin ziyao came to the fourth floor of the university student activity center.

There was no one in the corridor, and the empty corridor echoed with passionate speeches.

The campaign started

Mu Qiqi takes Xin ziyao to the multimedia hall.

When he was still a few steps away from the door, Xin ziyao stopped, breathed heavily, and left a sentence: "I won't go! I believe in Ann! She won't be like that

After that, Xin ziyao turned and left.

Muqiqi ran to him and surrounded him: "here we are! Don't you want to know the truth? After being cheated for so long, do you want to be cheated all the time? Or do you think that if you go on deceiving yourself in this way, it will give you some psychological comfort? "

A series of rhetorical questions, like a sharp sword, are in the key.

Xin ziyao pursed his lips and said nothing. His bulging Adam's apple rolled with tension.

Mu Qiqi heard that the speech was coming to an end and said, "the next one is An'an! You don't want to see her? "

After a pause, Xin ziyao turned and went on.

Muqiqi followed.

At the back door of the multimedia hall, the two stopped.

Through the window on the door frame, the view inside is clear.

Muqiqi sees that in the distance, Shu Yao is combing her speech carefully. Seeing that Shu Yao is wearing her bright yellow shirt which doesn't fit her very well, she has to reach for her back and pull her skirt from time to time. Muqiqi can't help but feel funny.

All of a sudden, there was a dull sound, and the sound of heavy fist hitting the wall suddenly came to my ears.

Mu Qiqi was shocked and looked at Xin ziyao standing on one side.

Xin ziyao was staring at a direction, his eyes were stagnant, his thin lips were shaking, and he didn't know whether he was flustered or angry.

Mu Qiqi looked forward along Xin ziyao's eyes.

Just a few meters away from her, Yao Ke, as the campaign host, did not sit in the first row of the host seat, but did not know when he came to Vivian's side.

Yao Ke stood in front of her, blocking other people's sight, and kneaded Vivian's head with the broad palm of his right hand. They talked and laughed, but there was nothing unusual.

Muqiqi looks at Yaoke's other hand and sees Yaoke's left hand go into Vivian's chest.

Under the cover of the pillow, the boy's big hand is attached to the girl's soft heart

Muqiqi was surprised!

Shit! In public, in front of dozens of people, so naked flirting, these two people are not afraid that someone in front of them will turn around and be blocked?

Mu Qiqi looked back at Xin ziyao again and muttered in his heart that if he could bear it, he would not be a man!

The air was silent for a few seconds

Yao Ke went to the platform and took the microphone from the students on the stage.

Clear voice from the multimedia sound, gurgling out: "thank you for your wonderful speech! The next speaker will be Vivian, the current director of the dormitory management department from class 4, grade 3 of our college! Welcome to Wei

Hearing this, Vivian got up from his seat, holding the $100000 microphone Yao Ke had just sent to him, with a light pace and full of confidence.

Soon, Vivian's voice came from the microphone: "Dear leaders, dear students, good morning..."

With Vivian's inspiring speech, the multimedia hall was filled with applause from time to time.

A few minutes later, Vivian's speech came to an end, and she entered the personal defense.

The teacher asked questions in a deep voice. Vivian listened carefully and was about to answer

The back door of the multimedia hall was pushed open and Xin ziyao stepped in.

The people under the stage turned their back to the back door and were not on guard against strangers coming in.

However, Wei Wei'an on the stage, watching Xin ziyao's step closer and closer, sees his dull expression, which is quite different from his usual warm image.

Anyone can see that Xin ziyao is not good at coming.

Do you? Just now she and Yao Ke's intimacy, was he hit?

Wei Wei'an's eyes are gradually full of tension, the wording of the defense is no longer rigorous, the voice has a trace of shaking.

Muqiqi holding a big bunch of roses, calmly walked to Shuyao, sat down quietly beside her.

"What did you do?" Shu Yaogang asked, glancing at the rose bundle in Mu Qiqi's hand, "who sent you? How beautiful

Mu Qiqi squinted and pushed the bouquet to Shu Yao, saying, "66 flowers! It's for you! Good luck in your campaign today

Shu Yao took it and said, "hum! Then you should give me 666! "

After that, Mu Qiqi thought of something and asked Shu Yao, "wait a minute, how does your PPT play? Copy it to another computer, or? "

Shu Yao then said, "no! Bluetooth transmission! Wait a minute, when I'm running, you just connect to Bluetooth and press the play button! The projector above will switch to my ppt! Then, look at my gesture. As soon as I extend my index finger, you can change a picture for me! "

Muqiqi nods, smiles, takes out his mobile phone and plugs the data cable on Shuyao's notebook into his mobile phone.

On stage.

Vivian finished his speech and stepped down from the platform.

When Yao Ke passed by her, he seemed to accidentally hook her tender right hand. Others didn't mean it, but the viewer meant it.

Xin ziyao saw it clearly.

Wei Wei'an flurried down from the stage, quickly walked to Xin ziyao, pushed his arm, whispered: "Zi Yao! Let's get out first! Go out and talk about it! "

Xin ziyao put aside her hand and asked coldly, "who is he?"

It's a little loud.

People around turned their eyes on them.

Wei Wei'an felt hot, pushed Xin ziyao's chest and said, "ziyao! Let's get out first! Go out and I'll explain to you! "

"He's the president of your student union, isn't he? You've been dating for half a year, haven't you? You're going to see your parents with him! Is it? Am I right? " Xin ziyao's voice was higher than before.

After listening, the people around them could not help whispering.

Seeing the sudden situation, Yao Ke stepped down from the stage and came to Vivian. Naturally, he swept her shoulder, glared at Xin ziyao and said, "how did you catch up here? Don't you know how much Vivian bothers you? She has rejected you! If you pester my girlfriend like this again, I'll be rude to you! This activity is very important today! Please get out! Don't affect everyone's time

After hearing this, Xin ziyao's forehead was bulging.

Vivian's shoulders are shaking. This kind of scene makes her nervous and scared

Tears rippling in the corner of her eyes, she subconsciously tightly grasped the hem of her clothes, slender nails embedded in the meat, she did not feel pain.

Shu Yao shook Mu Qiqi's arm and said, "Qiqi! You are so awesome! The master downstairs is tough! How did you bring Xin ziyao in? "

Just now Mu Qiqi said that he would add some materials to Wei Wei'an. Needless to think, Shu Yao also guessed that Mu Qiqi must have brought people.

Muqiqi said: "a pack of cigarettes is done! How hard is it? "

"Fart! Last time I forgot to bring my student ID card. My uncle said nothing to let me in! I gave him the two apples I just bought, but he just refused to accept them! "

Mu Qiqi picked his eyebrows and said, "this is a gift from Miss Zhonghua!"

Shu Yao turned her lips. She had dozens of yuan to buy a pack of cigarettes for an old man. She would rather save money and go back to the dormitory to get her student ID card.

Under the stage.

Xin ziyao asked, "am I your boyfriend?"

Everyone here is waiting for the answer.

Yao Ke looked at Vivian, full of faith.

After a long pause, Vivian said, "no!"

At the moment, Vivian must not admit it.

"We also had a party, so many high school students witnessed the two of us together. Now you say, I'm not your boyfriend?" Xin ziyao held back his anger and said word by word.

There was an uproar at the scene.

"No! You're lying Vivian is determined.

"Look In the crowd, someone yelled.

The crowd followed the direction of the man's finger and looked at the big screen.

In the projection picture, Xin ziyao, Wei Weian, holding hands, hugging

And the two people as like as two peas in the picture are just the same clothes.

The picture should have been taken not long ago

Mu Qiqi fiddled with the mouse, operating Shu Yao's laptop, said to Shu Yao with a smile: "dear! Your computer! What a resolution! "

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