The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 803, the gate of the ancestor

Zheng Xiujing is of course spurted by blood.

Tian Jiyi died, Tian Hao died, and the empty sword peak is over.

She felt a huge fear, and this fear even drowned the grief in her heart. There is no need to mention revenge, or leave it here to live.

"Kill him and stop him."

She fled while drinking.

Thousands of swordsmen around, in her eyes, are life-saving pieces, as long as they can delay their time, even if they let all these disciples have funeral, she does not hesitate.

There are a few disciples of the Ming Shou Zong, who are really savage, like a dead man.

Li Mu is a slap in the face.

The knife is empty.

The heavy snow fluttering, these disciples of Mingxin Jianzong, were directly smashed by the sword, turned into a **** rain, diffused, fell to half, and turned into a snow, blooming a beautiful picture of death.

In the eyes of Li Mu, the eyes open.

A purple thunder, turned into a Thunder knife, the sword-sword army blocked in front of it, directly into a gap, gray smoke and smoke in the middle, separated by 10,000 meters, the Thunder blade slashed, and Zheng Xiujing directly flew gray.

Kill again.

He gradually began to use the knife to join the road, and the application of the eye was also becoming more and more subtle. Scorpio was also used by this knife to unfold a crack that could not be healed for a long time.

Thousands of swords and squads have been stunned.

Li Mu has a heart to kill, and he will not keep his hands.

First, the Emperor Xuanzong, followed by the Mingxin Jianzong, the two ancestral gates of the famous mountain world, made Li Mu's impression of these hidden world sects very bad.

He feels that he may have misjudged before. The Zongmen in these famous small worlds are not descendants of the former Xuanhuang warriors. They may be descendants of the extraterrestrial demon. Otherwise, it is impossible to be so mad.

"The surrender does not kill."

The unstoppable will, along with the voice of Li Mu, resounded through the heavens and the earth.

In the snow, thousands of swordsmen bowed their heads.

Li Mu walked through the crowd of Jianxian, as if holding the king of the water-scepting scepter and separating Haitao.

The eye is open and the eyes are swept around.

He was surprised to find that, besides the war-torn Tian Jiyi and Zheng Xiujing, the big Ming Xin Jian Zong Shanmen was actually a master who had no better hand. The most powerful one is only a half-step king. Wind and thunder are similar.

"This is not normal."

When Li Mu was in Xuanzong, he read some information.

Among the three peaks of the Mingxin Jianzong, the first squadron of the empty sword peak is the most violent, and the first Zheng Wheel of the Jianjianfeng is the most mysterious. The first Zhongshutang of Mingjianfeng is the highest, and the whole Mingxinjian is the strongest. It is the old man of the Sword Sword. The rumor has been enjoyed for thousands of years and is unfathomable. It is also the first strongest player in the small world of Laoshan.

Tian Jiyi is dead, the first two peaks and the old sword, why not disappear?

Ran away?

It shouldn't be.

Li Mu crossed thousands of swords and went straight into the Ming Dynasty.

Known as the first gate of the world in Lushan, the staff is prepared for defense, but it gives Li Mu a feeling of being strong outside and being very weak.

"What? The old man of the sword took the strongest of the Zongzhong and went to the Qinling League?"

Li Mu got the news from the mouth of a Mingxin Jianzong who surrendered.

This news made him realize immediately that the small world is not isolated from each other as imagined by the outside world. It is very likely that it is interoperable.

Li Mu stood at the top of Ming Jianfeng and licked his temple.

Behind him, all the top powerhouses of Mingxin Jianzong stood in a black place, all of them head down and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Prior to this, all the rebels have been killed by Li Mu without mercy.

No matter what means, no matter whether it is based on the formation or the magic weapon, no one can block Li Mu’s positive move. In just half an hour, the first door of the world of Lushan has been completely shuddered to the foot of Li Mu.

"What is the Qinling League?"

Li Mu looked at the beautiful scenery of Qionglou Yuyu into the film, and asked without looking back.

Behind the Mingxinjian Zongqiang, I dare not have any concealment. You can say something clearly and quickly explain the matter.

Once, there was a prophecy that spread through the millennium in the Mingxin Jianzong and even in the entire Lushan world.

As long as the door of the ancient ancestors appeared, it means that the monks in the small world of the famous mountains of the earth can pass through the small world, let the monks who are struggling in the small world break free from the barriers and return to the galaxy and regain free.

And before the 10th, in the Qinling Mountains, the door of the ancient ancestors appeared.

The worlds of all sizes are shaking, and they have sent strong men to the Qinling Mountains to conduct the alliance and welcome them.

"A lot of famous mountains are cages. I am imprisoned here. I am not allowed to take off. I have suffered for generations. Therefore, everyone hopes that the door of the ancient ancestors will open, so that we can get out of the fence and have great freedom."

A white-haired Mingxin swordsman’s elders.

Li Mu’s heart is shining with a flash of light.

The gate of the ancient ancestors?

I am afraid that it is not the six races of the Ziwei Star Field, the door to open the starry sky?

In this way, the six ancestors have so far integrated the blood of the **** of war, can open the door of transmission, come to the earth?

Before ten days, it was basically the time when he came to Earth.

The movements of the six ancestors are faster than Li Mu imagined.

I have to go to Qinling to have a look.

Otherwise, once it is as expected by Li Mu, the so-called ancestral gate is the space channel opened by the six ethnic ancestors, the trouble is big.

“How long is the distance opened completely?” Li Mu asked.

The elders did not dare to conceal, saying: "According to the news received before, it has already appeared, but for another month, it is completely stable, and it can be carried through. This time, the worlds of all sizes are competing for the entry quota. ”

After listening to Li Mu, he licked his temple.

A month's time?

Fortunately, it is not particularly anxious.

However, the monks in the famous world of small mountains are so faring to the outside world?

"You haven't been to the other world. Why is it so sure, in the Milky Way, it must be better than here?"

Li Mu asked.

That is too elders: "No matter what the world behind is, but one thing is certain, there will be no suppression and curse of Shouyuan on the opposite side."

Others have also agreed to the agreement.

Li Mu gave a slight glimpse.

Wait a minute.

Shou Yuan's suppression and curse?

He suddenly realized that he might have overlooked something.




In a long groan, Luo Liang suddenly opened his eyes.

The headache is cracking.

There was also a pain in the body.

Looking at the object, there is a blue stone room in front of it. It is quite simple and simple. There is a hint of ancient charm, stone table stone chair, red yarn pot, and a sheathed lancet hanging on the wall. The air flow is cold and cold. The meaning.

This is where?

He suddenly put his hands on the bed and suddenly remembered that he was chasing Li Mu, too deep and lost, stumbling and smashing. In the end, he encountered a yellow-winged giant winged tiger, and under the chase, he fell into a Squat, then unconscious.

It seems to be saved now?

He looked down at himself and was wrapped in layers of green cloth, like a mummies, but there was a faint scent of medicinal flow, apparently a lot of herbs under the green cloth, a cool Gas, flowing between the waist and abdomen.


The door was pushed open.

A healthy and beautiful girl with a wheat complexion, and a strong young man wearing a tiger-skinned leather armor, pushed in the door.

"Hey? You woke up..." The young tiger head and brain, thick eyebrows and big eyes, when Luo Liang woke up, turned and rushed out again, shouting with a scorpion: "He woke up, the genius boy. Woke up, elder, patriarch, he woke up..."

Luo Liang: "..."

The wheat-skinned girl smiled generously and said: "The son, are you awake? The wounds on the body are all coated with Shennongcao. How do you feel now, bones and flesh wounds, should be grown now, what is the discomfort? ”

Looking at the girl's smile, Luo Liang was a bit sluggish.

I don't know why, he only felt that at this moment, there was a glory of glory, and he entered the heart of his own twenty-five-year-old man who was about to dry up.

Oops, it is a feeling of heart.

As a big anchor with hundreds of thousands of fans, Luo Liang is also a sight to see the storm, but this moment, his face, suddenly very disappointing red.

"Ah, I, I, I... I'm fine, you...thank you." He was arrogant and incoherent.

The girl giggled, like a crisp silver bell swaying in the room.

Without saying a few words, the door opened, and the pierced young boy with some men and women, young and old, left the house.

Luo Liang had a good luck and met a tribe who was friendly to mortals.

A cold and warm question.

A few hours later, he was well integrated into this little tribe called Huanglong.

He did not think that there are such small tribes in the world of famous mountains.

The Huanglong tribes add up to hundreds of people. They live by the grass and are relatively primitive. They belong to the bottom-level forces of the Lushan world. Because of the secrets of the ancestral breeding and training of flying tigers, they are enslaved by the great forces in the Lushan world, just like serfs. Work hard.

Every year, they have to 'pay tribute' and hand over a certain number of winged tigers to the major forces before they can get lenient and shelter.

Luo Liang soon became familiar with the people in the tribe.

However, his gaze has always been stuck on the girl named Huang Yeer.

He fell in love with the girl at first sight.

However, soon Luo Liang knew a terrible loss.

Huang Yeer is going to marry.

"A sister wants to marry an elder of Mingxin Jianzong, because the tribe did not cultivate a sufficient number and quality of the winged tiger in the first half of the year, so the Mingxin Jianzong angered to kill the head of the aunt and the tribe. A sister had to accept the benevolence of an elder of Ming Xin Jianzong to save the tribe from disaster..."

The young boy is called the yellow tree, the tiger head and the tiger's brain, sighing and sighing. When talking about the Mingxin Jianzong, hateful teeth, but there is nothing to help.

"Let's go, go tonight, go to Mingxin Jianzong."

The patriarch of the Huanglong tribe, a man with flesh-and-blood body and black skin like a pig, summoned the warriors in the tribe, selected some elite, prepared ‘dowry’, crossed the flying tiger, and prepared to hurry.

From the tribe to the mountain gate of Mingxinjianzong, it takes about half a day to speed up the flying tiger. It takes a long time to go, take the night road, take more time, you can reach it when it is dawn, and then wait for Ming Arrangement of the Heart Sword.

Said to marry a woman, in fact, and sent to a woman.

Luo Liang stared blankly at the girl Huang Yeer who lost her laughter and a little silence. There was a feeling of heartbreak.

In the past, he felt that at first sight, it was all nonsense. How could the two people who met for the first time have a deep feeling, but now he believes.

"I also need to go."

Luo Liang suddenly said.

"Maybe my help can help." He shouted.

The handsome boy looked at the mortal who was rescued last night and shook his head. "I know that you are looking at A sister, but the people who are imaginative of the swordsman hate mortals. It is very dangerous to go, don't go to death."

Other Huanglong tribes have also persuaded.

Luo Liang was anxious, said: "Don't worry, I know someone in the Mingxin Jianzong, I can speak up..." He is of course lying, but other than that, he can't think of other things that can convince the Huanglong tribe to send relatives. The team takes their own methods.

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