The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 804, Huanglong tribe


On the face of the handsome yellow tree, a **** whip appeared.

Three generations of disciples with high-spirited Mingxin Jianzong, holding a whip, sullenly screamed: "The elders of Song are busy now, where can you pay attention to these savage sinners who are carrying sin? Let’s go and stay, if It has provoked the nobles, and your entire Huanglong tribe is so light that it is light."

Huang Shu’s face is angry, but he dares not to speak.

The patriarch Huang Long accompanied the laughter and said: "The little immortal is able to get through, and the little girl is the acolyte of the elder Song, who ordered us to send it today..."

"Attendant?" The disciple smiled awkwardly and glanced at the yellow leaf. The tone was full of sarcasm. "The female slave is almost the same. You are the kind of low-level scorpion, the black one is the first briquettes, and it is also The elders of Song’s elders, haha, I really don’t know how long the face is.”

The popularity of the Huanglong tribe is gnashing teeth.

The yellow leaves are a malt-colored face, and there is also a humiliating color.

For a big yellow niece, this is an insult.

"Your mouth is respectful." Luo Liang looked at the expression of Huang Yeer, slammed the blood into his head, and he couldn’t take care of anything. He stood up and angered.

"Who are you? Here is the share of your speech? Well? Are you a mortal?" The Mingjian Jianzong disciple swept over and fell on Luo Liang's body, his look suddenly dignified: "Good bold, Huanglong Do the tribes dare to afflict mortals? Come and give me."

Several Mingxin Jianzong disciples rushed over.

Luo Liang wants to resist.

But his strength, in front of these disciples, is really looking down on any waves.

When Huang Shu looked at it, he quickly turned his eyes to Luo Liang.

Don't you say that you have an acquaintance in Mingxin Jianzong? Express report number.

Luo Liang is a bit aggressive.

Mingxin Jianzong is so repulsive to ‘mortal’?

Was twisted up by the disciples of Ming Xin Jian Zong, Luo Liang did not know what to say.

This thing is indeed his impulsive.

At this moment, there was a flying sword in the distance, falling in front of everyone, a tall and thin elder, frowning: "What happened? Noisy, disturbing Li Mu, how many of you Not enough brains to cut."

The three generations of disciples rushed to the body and said: "The elders of Zhou, the people of the Huanglong tribe, are affluent mortals..."

Luo Liang on one side, and heard the words of Li Mu, but the eyes are bright.

Is that Li Mu?

"Wait a minute, I am not deliberately messing up, I know Li Mu, I am a good friend of Li Mu adults." The dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor, Luo Liang excused and shouted.

"Hey, would you know Li Mu adults?" The three generations of disciples sneered.

Elder Zhou is a move in his heart.

He knows that Li Mu is also from the mundane world.

Do you really have a relationship with the mortal in front of you?

This kind of thing can't be dare.



Ming Xin Jian Zong's Tibetan arsenal.

The sun is shining and the golden light falls on the bookshelf.

Li Mu sat quietly, holding a roll of antique treasury in his hand, and looking at it leisurely.

"When there are Huanglong, the descendants of the ancient demon, plundering the scorpio, spitting poisonous gas, blaming the mountains and rivers, the major sects can't resist, the creatures are coated with charcoal, and then there is my patron saint, Yushou shot, killing Huanglong and his followers and Tulong Valley, Wushen Kindness, open the net, for the descendants..."

Li Mu read the past events recorded in this volume.

He didn't have much interest in the martial arts exercises, and he read all the books on the past chores and the legends.

From these unreasonable records, Li Mu smeared and wanted to find some truth about the famous small world and the chaotic battlefield.

Two bright-hearted swordsmen of the Ming Dynasty were on the elders, standing respectfully behind the seat, holding a fan in the hands of one person, cooling the wind for Li Mu.

The footsteps came.

The elders of Zhou came in and saw the appearance of the two elders. They twitched their mouths and did not dare to say anything. They bowed their waists and came to Li Mu. They kneeled down one knee and said: "Adult, there is a mortal world outside. Anchor, say your friend..."


Li Mu put down the scroll in his hand, and his eyes flashed a little.


In the main hall.

After listening to Luo Liang’s narrative, Li Mu was a little bit crying and laughing.

He did not think that the arrival of the era of cultivation, the anchor industry has also revived the second spring, the practitioners do not honed their own body, the pursuit of strength and life, but to be the anchor.

However, this is also a way of combining cultivation and technology.

In the Milky Way, there is such a thing on Xian Online, but commercialization is not so clear, mostly backtracking or recording with water mirroring, a bit like a video, not a live broadcast.

"I am just in a hurry, there is no way to say that I know Li...Adult, I..." Luo Liang explained quickly.

Li Mu waved his hand: "Hey, don't stop, let me Li Mu do it. Since it is all Chinese, socialist new youth, what ages are there, you don't have to do these old things. In the socialist well-off society, where are there adults? ”

Luo Liang heard it and was teased by Li Mu’s words.

All the tensions were swept away.

Li Mu really is as easy as a legend.

This is enough to say.

Luo Liang quickly talked about his experiences and said one thing. At the end, he was very excited to add: "Li Ge, I am your brain powder, really."

Li Mu laughed: "Brain powder? Was it because of my deeds and changed brains?"

Luo Liang stunned, and immediately reacted, this is Li Mu is joking with himself.

"Go and ask the guests of the Huanglong tribe to come in."

Li Mu is also on the side of the perimeter.


Everyone in the Huanglong tribe, outside the main hall of the Mingxin Jianzong, was worried and uneasy.

Especially the patriarch Huang Long.

When he was tribute, he also came to Mingxin Jianzongshan Gate several times, but his status was humble. When was he so close to the main hall?

I don't know which mortal named Luo Liang is really in a relationship with the 'Li Mu adults' in the mouth of the Mingxin Jianzong disciple. If it is fake, it will be seen, and the whole Huanglong tribe is afraid that it will be devastated. .

Moreover, Huang Long is also uncertain, what kind of status is the ‘Li Mu’s ancestor’ in the Ming Xin Jian Zong, and whether the speech can count.

After all, as far as he knows, the great things of the Mingxin Jianzong can be decided by the old man of the Swordmaster.

At this time, the elders came out of the hall.

"Li Daren invites you to go in."

The attitude of the elders of Zhou can be much warmer and gentler.

Huang Long took his son and daughter, and a dozen other tribal warriors. In his heart, he entered the main hall under the leadership of Zhou.

Qionglou Yuyu's beautiful and beautiful architecture has opened the eyes of the original tribal warriors.

Huang Long wanted to ask the elders of Zhou several times to inquire about some news, but hesitated for a long time and did not speak.

When I came to the main hall, I saw Luo Liang and a short-haired young man dressed in a fancy dress, laughing and joking, especially the heroic young man, sitting in the main seat and swaying, immediately realized that this must be It is a big man.

"Haha, you are coming, please sit down."

Li Mu stood up and greeted Huang Long and others.

This attitude made everyone flattered.

Luo Liang appeared very positive and introduced to Li Mu one by one.

"Haha, it turned out that because of the tribute, the Huang chief does not have to worry. From now on, you don't have to tribute to any of the ancestral gates of the Lushan world." Li Mu smiled and made people drink and fruit.

He is going to talk to the people of the Huanglong tribe.

Because just now, the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures "Huanglong Biography" that he had read mentioned Huanglong, which was once a disaster for the mountain world. If he did not guess wrong, the descendants of Huanglong mentioned in the book are the Huanglong tribe.

Li Mu vaguely feels that the Huanglong tribe and the Xuanhuang tribe have inextricably linked.

Soon, the wine was brought up.

Li Mu’s warm hospitality has made the Huanglong tribes somewhat inexplicable, but with regard to the tribute, it is finally a breath.

"Which elder Song is a strong girl? This kind of thing is too disgusting to do. You send someone to check it out. If there are other things in the crimes, you will be directly stunned." To the elders of the week.


Zhou Chang Lao respectfully went.

Li Muyan invited the Huanglong tribe.

During the dinner, Li Mu did not speak quietly.

But as long as it is related to the fallen ‘Yellow Dragon’ in the legend, the others are okay, the patriarch Huang Long is unnatural, and deliberately shifts the topic several times, apparently not wanting to talk.

"My family is in this world, and it has been multiplied for generations. The patriarchs of the past are all named after the "Yellow Dragon". In my generation, it is actually Huanglong." Huang Long, the patriarch, explained the origin of his name.

Li Mu nodded.

"When I heard that the Huanglong, which was taken off by the patron saint of Mingxin Jianzong, was actually a beast guarding the gate of a fairy palace. Unfortunately, as Huanglong was desecrated, the fairy arsenal disappeared." Li Mu deliberately said: "I don't know the patriarch of Huanglong, can you know the whereabouts of the Imperial Palace arsenal?"

The eyes of the Huanglong patriarchs flashed a bit of vigilance, but on the surface, they were extremely sincere and sincere: "This is a secret matter of the immortal masses. How do we know the things like these grassland people?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "I originally thought that the Huanglong tribe had a relationship with the smashed Huanglong. I didn't expect it, but I missed it."

The Huanglong family said: "My family really respects the Huanglong as a beast, but this is just an old tradition. It has nothing to do with the Huanglong."

Between the words, the elders came in with two disciples.

The disciple's hand held a plate of lacquered wood and red, with a fangs and a grin on his head. His hair was gray and his face was twisted, and the blood drips on the plate.

"To sue an adult, to check the empty sword peak elder Song Ju, there is a crime of committing a crime of a crime, a total of thirty-eight, the heavens are not allowed, according to the Zongmen law, have been executed, especially to the adults." Zhou Changsao respected tunnel.

Li Mu waved his hand.

Zhou Chang and others retired.

The Huanglong tribe and others have a complex taste.

The elders of Song in their hearts are the big men who can't provoke them. They can decide the fate of the Huanglong tribe in one word, but the heart is, Li Mu is just a sentence, let the old man of Song Chang land head...

What is a big man?

This white, fancy-dressed young man is the real big man.

Just don't know, what is his identity?

It’s too mysterious.

The banquet is over.

Li Mu’s temptation has no clear results.

However, from the reaction of the Huanglong patriarch, it is basically certain that something can be determined.

Li Mu got up and smiled. "When you hear the Qinling Mountains, there are [the gates of the ancient ancestors] that are about to open. At that time, the monks in the small world can get rid of the barriers and have great freedom. You can go to the Qinling Mountains. One peep?"

"What?" A stable Huanglong, when he heard this, his face changed instantly, and the dark old face showed an extremely shocking color. "[The Gate of the Ancients]? No, it is impossible. ...this is troublesome."


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