The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 871, mortal anger, can also be 诛仙

Yu Jingfeng did not think that this was only a short time in less than a day, Li Mu actually succumbed to this level, one's own power, anti-killing three first-level Shen Xuanjing elders, together with other dozens of the upper kingdom, the king of the peak The time of the strong, the time spent is just a short tea time.

"Li Mu, you stupid, do you know, what did you do?"

Yu Jingfeng gritted his teeth.

Li Mudao: "There is no nonsense of nonsense. Take out the strength of your peerless genius from the health of your life. Otherwise, you will be told by the readers."

The jade stunned a little, and suddenly all the expressions of anger disappeared and turned to laugh: "Well, since you are looking forward to it... you think, is it only you who have been improved?"

He offered a cyan sword that swayed around the body.

"I should say that you are stupid, or should you say that you are insidious?" Li Mu felt the terrible energy contained in the blue sword, knowing that this is the card that Yu Jingfeng still has not escaped under such a situation. "You have to wait until your hands are dead, and you will sacrifice your true reliance. Are you deliberately letting me kill them?"

Yu Jingfeng smiled and said: "Guess?"

On the cyan sword, a group of a group of moonlight-like glaucoma, the strange power is dispersed, the dead, the wind, the third-class god, the soul of the body, the flesh and blood, turned into a **** mist, Gathering towards the cyan sword.

However, it was a blink of an eye. The bodies of the dozens of strong winds lost their last blood, and they were turned into shreds like sand-dried sand sculptures.

After the blue sword absorbs this power, it is like blood staining, and it becomes reddish. A glimmer of glimmer seems to be thick blood flowing.

Yu Jingfeng breathes deeply in an incomprehensible expression, sniffing the **** smell of the sword.

If there is no **** sputum, he will be separated from the sword and inhaled into his nose.

That looks like a sucking. Poison. Addiction. Addiction. Jun.

Li Mu can clearly feel that as the blood color falls into the nose, the breath of jade stunned is increasing at an amazing speed.

This is a sorcerer.

No, it should be said to be a evil sword.

It must be related to the ancient **** summoned by the wind department.

Therefore, Yu Jingfeng just deliberately watched the wind and the third gods and gods died, absolutely deliberate - he needs the blood of the strong, the sword, and then the evil sword, will transform the power of the dead, part of the feedback Gave a joke.

Yu Jingfeng used this to improve the repair.

This is the secret that he finally became a half-step **** in such a short period of time.

The Ministry of Wind is really an evil organization.

In order to gain strength, Yu Jingfeng did not hesitate to sacrifice his own door.

Li Mu thought this way and waved the knife in his hand.

Of course, he will not wait for the jade to completely absorb the power of the evil sword and then start.

"Ha ha ha, now I’m over, it’s late.”

Yu Jing laughed and gave out the sword.

A strange red light flashed.


The tearing of the cloth is as subtle as the sound.

Li Mu only felt that the hand was light, and the reincarnation knife that Yinshan Kistler cast had been split into two sections from the center.

So sharp?

Li Mu was shocked.

The red enchanting light flashed again.

I have to admit that the swordsmanship of Yu Jingfeng is very brilliant.


In the air, a cluster of sparks like Mars, such as fireworks, bursts.

After a continuous fight, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

The rank of the four-bladed wounded knife is really higher than the reincarnation knife, and it can resist the evil sword.

However, under careful observation, Li Mu noticed that on the cutting edge of the four-bladed wounded knife, there was a gap that was as thin as a hair, apparently left behind when it was hit with the evil sword.

The power of the evil sword is far beyond the imagination of Li Mu.

At the time of the jade, the thought of the same as Li Mu was raised in the heart.

There are also many fine gaps on the blade of the blood-colored evil sword.

"It is the legendary **** blade [four-blade wounded knife], it can block the attack of my sword. Unfortunately, you do not know the real secret of this knife, can not play his power, and I... ..." Yu Jingfeng smiled.

The body of the blood-colored evil sword, the thick **** flow.

The few swords were gapped and quickly disappeared.

This scene did not cause too much touch on Li Mu. What really touched him was the meaning of the jade-sounding words. The power of the four-bladed wounded knife is not so much, and there is even greater secret.

Jade stunned the sword and shot again.

Li Mu did not hesitate to urge the body's golden force and greeted him.

The contending sound of swords and swords makes the entire abandoned garden feel like a blast.

I don't know when the stupid dog that was kicked by Li Mu came back, and he was surrounded by the priests. He had a loyal and loyal attitude.

But in fact, who knows that it is afraid that the Huang Yi fairy really caught it to eat dog hot pot and did not dare to stay away from Li Mu.

Oh, it’s really a boring stupid human.

When will you go?

The process of the two geniuses is changed to other people, but I am afraid that it will be attracted to the past, intoxicated, and observed, but for the stupid dog, there is not much difference between the two shrews.

"Wang... a little support, stomachache."

The stupid dog groaned, only to feel that the stomach was like a river, and there was a burst of colic, and the heart was suddenly shocked: Could it be that some of the cooked peaches that I had eaten before?

Find a place to pull.

It sneaked into a corner of the garden, kneeling behind the stone, and began to solve the problem of personal, no, a dog.

Until it suddenly found out that the stone was engraved with a strip of fine stripes, which also linked strange patterns such as squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses, triangles, parabola, etc., all of a sudden. I opened my eyes and even forgot.

what happened?

This pattern is clearly part of a complete pattern, which is ruined and has no meaning.

This rock is just the broken cornerstone of a collapsed statue. The wind and the rain hit, and the mottled and rough texture is full of vicissitudes.

But, really, seems to have seen it the same?

The stupid dog only feels in his mind, as if something is lit up, as if the dust covering the mirror was wiped out and printed as bright and clean as the world.

The stupid dog that has always been chaotic suddenly feels that in his mind, it seems that there are many more things at once.

"I seem to be smart?"

The stupid dog was excited and pinched the cockroach that was being pulled out.


A sharp burst of sound came from far away.

Li Muchang knife held the evil sword, and the left fist directly recorded a [smile fairy] hit.

Yu Jingfeng spurted blood and directly flew out, half of the body was directly broken up by the fist.

"The evil sword is good, but you are too bad."

Li Mu continued to attack.

The longer the fighting time, the more Li Mu discovers the subtleties of the golden force in his body. With this new force, he is urging [Zhen Wuquan] without any stagnation. He has a feeling of locking.

This is the first time that Li Mu feels that the fusion between his body and internal strength is so perfect.

With continuous assault, Li Mu directly defeated the jade wind.

"The genius of the wind department?"

Li Mu stepped on his chest and overlooked it.

"Ah, ah, Li Mu, you are a low-lying mess, I want to kill you..." Jade winds like a furious mad dog, struggling, urging the evil forces in the body, trying to counterattack, physical damage, and gradually recovering With.

Li Mu’s knife waved.

"Ah..." Jade’s arm was smashed by the arm of the evil sword.

Li Mu directly smashed his chest and said: "Is it very angry, desperate? The innocent mortals who were killed by your cruel slaughter, their desperation before the death is unwilling and angry, it is ten million times yours."

"Oh, they...but...a bunch of weeds..." Yu Jingfeng coughed up blood, a handsome face was distorted by anger and pain, saying, "Whoever pulls the grass, will care about the idea of ​​weeds, Ha ha."

"If they are weeds, you are in my eyes, even weeds are not as good." Li Mu was angered and said: "If you call the fairy door, use this self-righteous gesture to overlook the mortal, then I will let You understand that if a mortal is angry, he can also marry him."

"Oh, poor and stupid self-confidence." Jade spurted the blood in the mouth, said: "You are like a duckweed without roots, looking at the green and dazzling, can you support it?"

Li Mu shattered his body directly.

"When I can support it, you can't see it, go on the road, go to **** and apologize to those who have been maimed by you." The blade of the four-bladed wounded knife refers to the eyebrows of the wind.

"Ha ha ha, death? Do you kill me? Do you know, the third list is in the end..." Yu Yu laughed and laughed, his eyes showing a deep madness.


Li Mu directly cut a knife and pierced his head.

The four-blade knives have a special lethal effect on the people of the heavenly throne. This time, the jade screams the wind and the soul is scattered, and the death is transparent.

Li Mu received the knife.

Very strange.

Yu Jingfeng is not the kind of unyielding person, but this time, before he died, he was so hard and let Li Mu accident.

But Li Mu can be sure that he is dead.

[The flaws of the flaws] did not see the jade stunned spirits fleeing, it can be said that the gods are gone.

Li Mu walked over and picked up the evil sword that had been quiet after losing the master.

At the moment of holding the hilt, a bitter cold killing chill came, as if this moment, not a sword, but a fierce and fierce peerless soul, that incitement to kill, crazy invasion of Li Mu God knows to pollute it.

Li Mu took a cold breath.

A terrible evil sword.

It can definitely devour the minds of normal people and pollute them. I am afraid that in the end, people will be enslaved by swords and become slaves of swords.

Li Mu's operation [congenital power], this cold and killing intention was removed, I wanted to destroy this sword, but the thought was inexplicable, and finally sealed it with Taoism, temporarily collected.

"Li Shixiong, I didn't expect that your strength is already...but we must leave here as soon as possible." The invincible Taoist who has been hanging the heart for the first time spoke up, saying: "The Lord of the Wind Department is already crazy, for the devil. In the fairy palace, killing, he is looking for you..."

The voice has not fallen.


The big earthquake swayed.

A shadow casts from a distance.

Li Mu looked up subconsciously, and saw a huge figure of 10,000 meters tall and towering into the sky. He was surrounded by ancient magical spirits, like a flame burning, and the light was around him, and began to twist.

Step by step toward this side, the giant's two eyes, like two pieces of blood, looming in the white clouds of the fairy palace, between the breath, in the void in the void of a hurricane tornado.

"Li Mu..."

An angry voice was uploaded from the shoulders of the giant.

It is the figure of the Lord of the Wind Department.

"Wang Wang is a king, you are a crow mouth, say you come." The stupid dog got out from behind the stone and looked terrified.

Li Mu is also a forehead black line.

Pure Yang will not be a Bailey passer?


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