The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 872, Rune Forging Gold Furnace

Li Mu knows that he can't go.

He is not nervous.

Because he started, he did not intend to go.

"Stupid dog, take care of the invincible brother." Li Mu whispered.

The stupid dog muttered: "This scorpion doesn't seem to be useful. I don't want to live. What about protecting him? Let me eat him."

Li Mu really wants to kick this idiot, but he resisted.

"Li Mu. You killed the wind?"

The Lord of the Wind Department stood on the shoulder of the great demon god, and his voice was cold.

"Nothing." Li Mu shook his head: "It was just a few grass cuts."

"Stupid mortal." How can the Lord of the Wind Department not see Li Mu's ridicule.

In his voice, with a strange resonance echo, it became more and more cold and without the slightest human feelings: "Well, this is a destined fate, no one can be an exception, Li Mu, the old man sent you to accompany the wind, At that time, when you are alive, you can’t ask for death, let you be my wind, and be a slave forever."

As soon as he was in shape, he came to Li Mu and took a shot.

Unlike the strongest of the first-order gods and the winds of the wind, the mainstay of the wind department is the long-awaited **** Xuan, who has already reached the high-level of the gods, one palm shot, the dense wind runes Just like Wang Yang, Pei Li Mo Yu.

Li Mu did not have a hard connection, but he diddge and fight back.

"Before fighting with Yu Jingfeng and others, I did not really force my bottom line. Only the strong person like the wind department owner made me feel the pressure... Then try it, my current repair is Where is the ceiling?"

Li Mu is war-torn and bloody.


The terrible energy bursts, and the light waves that are turned into circles and circles are like the waves sweeping around. Wherever they pass, the rocks turn into fly ash, and the earth's crust rises layer by layer. The surrounding rockery and statues are like fires. Like the thin paper, it instantly vanished.


The stupid dog whispered, and there was a faint black and white brilliance in the mouth, which seemed to be a black hole. It was blocked in front of the immortality and blocked the shock wave.

The eye is still a blood hole, but the look is calm, and sitting cross-legged, barely running the exercises and adjusting the state.

And the giant like the mountain, still standing quietly outside the abandoned garden, like a lifeless cockroach, not moving, only a pair of eyes, like two **** days, hanging high in the sky, emitting Out of the endless scent of evil spirits, filled the entire imperial palace.


Li Mu's figure was knocked out and flew out.

"It's a pity that a blade of God is falling in your hands like a fire stick." The main body of the wind department is very strange. It is almost at the extreme, and the power of the law of the wind is brought to the extreme. Li Mu is full of force to raise his eyebrows. Can only barely keep up with each other's speed.

"The wind department, originally known as speed, and his speed, I am not an opponent."

Li Mu’s heart is dark.


Continuous strokes.

Under the powerful strength and unparalleled speed of the other side, Li Mu is completely at a disadvantage.

"Sow it."

The Lord of the Wind Department pointed at Li Mu’s wrist.

Most of the wrists almost blasted, and the four-bladed wounded knife came out.

The wind is turning.

The owner of the wind department has been morphed, and the four-bladed wounded knife has been robbed in the hands.

Li Mu’s heart jumped, and the tendon cloud spread, and quickly retreated.

However, the speed of the Lord of the Wind Department is fast, and the knife method is quite brilliant. The blade refers to the shadow, and it directly locks Li Mu's eyebrows.

Li Mu screamed and punched directly, with a sniper technique, punching the side of the four-blade wounded knife.


The knife and the light flow, the long knife is actually directly flying.


The two also exclaimed at the same time.

Li Mu was taken aback.

what happened?

At that moment, the fist knife intersected. He suddenly found that the power contained in the main knife of the wind department was extremely weak. Compared with his previous method, he was weaker than the previous one. Originally, Li Mu thought that he was rushing and punching with a fist. Even if I keep hands, I have to be seriously injured.

Who knows that it was a punch that gave the four-bladed wounded knife directly from the hands of the Lord of the Wind Department.

The main reaction of the wind department is a little faster, and the figure is like a streamer. In the first place, the sword is held in the hand.

He stagnate in the void, looking down at the knife, his look is amazed.

Li Mu did not speak a word, and his body shape pulled out a long-lasting shadow in the void. He approached it in an instant, and the two long-handed knives in his hand were turned into knives and squatted directly.

"It's not the legendary god's blade. However, I don't believe it. I can't break the taboo and can't use it for me." The Lord of the Wind Department will force the powerful and powerful real element into the four-blade wounded knife.

A layer of strange runes emerged in the blade of the four-bladed knives, as if it were a lit candle.

The knife flashed.


The knives of the sky are broken.

The two long knives in the hands of Li Mu were instantly turned into crumbs.

"Thousand stars broken!"

Li Mu had been prepared, and instantly abandoned the handle of the hand, and then slammed it with a real fist.

The terrible thousand stars burst into flames and instantly burst into the air.

"Haha, die." The Lord of the Wind Department laughed and waved the sword.


The blade of God was once again bombarded and flew out.


The Lord of the Wind Department was shocked.

Just now, he clearly has already spurred the blade of the sword. Why did it suddenly fail again?

The color of surprise on Li Mu’s face is fleeting, and the double fists have been like the dragons in the sea. They have been playing continuously, and the fists of Zhenwuquan, such as [Breaking the Hammer] and [Crashing the Sky], have been integrated, and there are mountains and caves. The collapse of the Milky Way has suppressed the Lord of the Wind Department.


A fist hit the face of the Lord of the Wind.

The head of the high-order **** of Xuanjing immediately became like a gyro, and turned wildly in his neck. The neck bones did not know how many roots were broken.

However, the power of Zhenwuquan is purely physical and does not have other forces. Therefore, it is not difficult to recover from a strong martial artist.

Almost one thought, the injury of the Lord of the Wind Department has been restored, and it is a trick to take the four-bladed wounded knife into the hands and launch a counterattack.

A knife and a knife, with the high-level tyrannical real yuan of the gods, is sharp and unparalleled.

Li Mu knew the sharpness of the four-bladed wounded knife, so he did not dare to resist the flesh and body, and continuously changed several weapons in his hand, all of which were cut and chopped.

Li Mu voted for the rat, and soon fell into the wind.

"To be defeated."

Li Mu’s heart raised such thoughts.

He began to plan for a retreat.

It’s a pity that this blade is in the hands of the enemy.

"Don't be afraid, fight with him."

A voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Li Mu without warning.

It is the voice of the fairy in yellow.

Cold light flows.

The Lord of the Wind Department attacked with a knife.

Li Mu is subconsciously evading.

The voice of the yellow fairy is ringing again: "Don't worry, this knife can't hurt you."

Li Mu will have a heart and a punch in the blade.


The owner of the wind department who deliberately gripped the handle of the knife was directly taken by a person with a knife. He was smashed by hundreds of meters by the pure flesh force of Zhenwuquan, and then stabilized his body shape in midair.

“Why is this?”

The Lord of the Wind Department is frightened.

This knives are sharp and sharp, and they are invincible. Any weapon can collide with it, but it can be destroyed. However, it is impossible to smash the body of Li Mu. Is this mortal enchanting and physical cultivation, has it already reached this level? ?

Li Mu was also surprised.

Thirty or two times before, he didn't care too much. Now it seems that the Bingdao has not smashed his body.

The painful pain from the fist is like a crack in the bone, but the place where the skin has been cut by the sword is only a few white marks, and the skin is not broken.

"Ha ha ha, the so-called **** Xuan, but this is the case."

Li Mu’s heart is big, and he is on the top.

This time, he used the real Wushu to the extreme, especially the first seven strokes, coherent, quite fragmented star marks, disrupting the power of the Galaxy, endless, horrible boxing, madly vented.


The anger in the heart of the wind department is difficult to control.

When was he so mocked?

Once again, the situation has changed dramatically.

After a few cautious attempts by Li Mu, he found that no matter how the Lord of the Winds used his swords and tactics, he couldn’t really hurt himself. He completely let go, directly with the flesh and body, constantly resisting Four-bladed wounded knife.


The knife is constantly standing on the body.

Li Mu’s painful cheeks.

But it is just a pain.

There are no scars except for a white mark.

"Fun force into the bones, to be the furnace, the external force is the fire, the sacrifice of the inside ..."

The voice of the yellow-haired fairy once again sounded in Li Mu’s ear.

This is an ancient mystery.

Li Mu took a brief look and immediately captured some of the true meaning.

He noticed that the expression of the Lord of the Wind Department, except for anger, did not change anything. That is to say, the voice of the Yellow Lady was only heard by him alone.

Li Mu learned while fighting.

The voice of the fairy in the yellow dress continually rang, and he puzzled him. He wrote a secret method called "God's Forging Gold Furnace", and he explained it with patience.

Li Mu soon became clear to the chest.

He secretly runs the mysterious mind, and in the battle, he continues to use the body of the wind to bear the power of the four-blade knives, and introduces it into the body to exercise the golden force.

The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor turned the real element into a force, and played a lot of magical effects.

This is one of the reasons why the Imperial Emperor is stronger than the King.

Li Mu was confused and mistakenly entered into the Imperial Emperor. After the "chemical character", the power of the gold rune chain in the body, many magical effects, were not developed. At this time, according to the yellow coat fairy, the **** charm forging gold furnace , constantly relying on the power of the Lord of the Wind Department to exercise your body.

Gradually, the golden rune chain in the body blooms with a more brilliant golden light, which makes the Li Mu like a golden day, not to be overlooked.

"How could this be?"

The toothache of the main part of the wind department.

He tried several times to force the power of the four-bladed wounded knife, and he could not succeed. As a result, Li Mu, the whole body did not know how many knives he had suffered, and it is reasonable to say that it should have been boiled, but now it is still alive and well, and it seems that every Every second is getting stronger.


Li Mu only felt that there was an unparalleled change in the body.

In his roar, he punches and vents.


The Lord of the Wind Department was shocked and crossed with a four-bladed wounded knife.

But at this moment, the moment when the boxing and the knife-knob intersect, there was something that Li Mu and the owner of the wind department did not think of.


There is one more.

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