The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 983, Jiuyun Temple

"I am from the Dojo."

Li Mudao.

This old man obviously didn't know what happened when he merged [Nine Soul Eater Fire]. Li Mu briefly said it again, "What happened in the mine?"

"The old dog of the cloud without a front, said that he is so innocent." The old man's face, showing a fierce hatred.

He looked at Li Mu and said, "Hey, the people in the palace. Before I merged with the fire, there was no resistance. Why didn't you kill me?"

Li Mudao: "I am afraid that I will kill you innocently."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, wrong to kill innocent?" The old man laughed coldly.

"Unsure whether [Nine Quiet Soul Fire] will devour your reason, so if you merge successfully, if it is really a killing demon, it is not too late to kill you." Li Muzheng.

The old man groaned and said coldly: "If you kill me, you can get [Nine Quiet Souls], don't you be tempted?"

Li Mudao: "The law is determined by the law, the fire is the Lord, the Tao is inaction, and nothing is done."

"Hey, the people in your palace are really..." The atmosphere of the old man gradually converges, and the small stones suspended in the air fall on the ground, and the violent power of the waves disappears. The red mans are also gradually dissipating: "If you say it in the mouth of anyone else, the old man will sneer and kill him, but you...hey, the old man is a little bit convinced of you."

"So now, are you sure that your mind is normal?" Li Mudao said: "Whether those who have become red-haired monsters are stalking the mountain guards, is it related to you? What happened in the mine?"

This is the military's experience mission, to understand the truth, Li Mu can report to the Daogong, it is also a thing, you can look for Wang Shiyu's soul wholeheartedly.

"What happened? The old dog, no one, is the clearest." The old man hated the sky and said: "The little doll, the old man has a clear grievance, although you did not intend it, but it is also a few in the Millennium." In the hands of the despicable villain, I have delayed the time. I can succeed in the fusion of the fire at the most critical time. Otherwise, it will fall into the hands of the hypocrites in the Millennium Holy Land. It is better to die than to die. The old man owes you a favor. Let me say, you Want something to pay back?"

Li Mudao: "Reward? Oh, I said a big disrespect, you are a little old-fashioned parent, what can you come up with? Is there a treasure that the Tao Palace does not have?"

The old man stayed.

Li Mu’s sentence really asked him.

He has successfully merged with Shenhuo, his skill has increased greatly, and his confidence has increased greatly. He only feels that this world is big and there is no place for him to go. The whole person has inflated, but now I think about it again, yeah, this young man However, the descendant of the first holy earth palace of the Terran, should be the Tao Palace completely pampered, can you still be richer than the Taoist palace?

"The old man is successful in the integration of Shenhuo. Within a hundred years, he will be able to achieve the Great Emperor. What you want, even if I can't do it now, I can help you with it after a hundred years." The old man's tone suddenly became a lot weaker.

Li Mudao: "But in my palace, there is already a great emperor sitting in the town."

The old man’s tone was weaker: "How noble is the emperor of your palace, can you easily see it?"

Li Mu laughed: "Ha ha ha, you don't know, I can't easily see the owner of the palace, but I can easily see the first sword fairy of Jian Jianhai [Jian Jun], and also called Xiong Dao with Jian Jun. Do you believe it or not?"

The old man stayed in a hurry and immediately angered: "I thought you were a honest and loyal Daogong disciple. Who knows that this is so nonsense."

Li Mu took out the token given by Jian Jun and lit it up. "Do you know?"

Of course, the old man has not seen the token of Jianjun.

However, the sword on the token is unmatched, and the repair of his venerable position is clear, and it can only be repaired to the ultimate sword fairy to be imprinted on the token. Such a powerful sword fairy, no more than three in the world, Jianjun is one of them.

Is this young man really in deep contact with Dao Gong and Tibetan Jianhai?

The common descendants of the two holy places?

The old man looked at Li Mu’s gaze and suddenly it was different.

Li Mu said again: "You don't realize it yourself. Your troubles have only just begun. You have already reported to the military department, saying that you and other disciples of the family have been invaded by evil spirits and become monsters. It is incorrigible. Now all the holy places send people to kill you. Your body has already carried the name of a demon, even if you are not afraid of the clouds, you can kill him. - Although I don't know what hatred is there between you, but after the joint strangulation of the great holy places, you will eventually escape. Even if you can't even report the enemy, you will die in the holy places or the military. In the hands of the strong, after all, your status is not really invincible."

The old man listened to Li Mu’s words and his face changed.

He fell into meditation.

Gradually, the look of the previous high and high above the sky disappeared.

The sweat on his forehead burst out, and unconsciously, there was a cold sweat behind his face, and his face was horrified.

It can be said that Li Mu’s words, like a heavy hammer, slammed into his heart and made him feel scared.

"You...what do you want to say?" The old man’s throat was dry and his face was smiling.

Li Mudao: "It's better to follow me. I have to protect you. Even if you don't really have a frame, you have a chance to speak."

"Let me follow you?" The old man's eyes swelled in the eyes, and the sorrowful sorrow said: "Be your servant? Little doll, your tone is not small."

"When my servant is not wronged, I am less than 30 years old this year. I have already killed the gods. The first swordsman in the world will also call me a good brother. There are Tibetan sword sea and Daogong behind. I endorse, can't I still keep you?" Li Mu smiled and said: "If it is as you said, after a hundred years, you can enter the realm of the Great, then you will be free, how?"

The old man stared at Li Mu.

The expression on his face changed continuously, and eventually all the pride and ambitions turned into a sigh. "Well, I promise you, but you have to remember what you said."

In fact, he really has no choice.

Li Mu laughed and said: "My Li Mu talks, it has always been a promise."

The old man converges on the breath, saying: "Well, the old man is unintentional, and he swears by the Tao. He is willing to follow Li Mugong today and ask the son to help me."

It is also crisp and neat.

Li Mu nodded and said: "Well, then you tell me now, what happened in this mine?"

Flowing clouds are indifferent: "This thing, long story... In fact, as early as a year ago, this rich mine has already exhausted resources. For the family of Liuyun, this is a devastating blow, because After the fall of the Juggernaut's ancestors, the status of the family of the Yunyun family in Chenzhou has plummeted. Originally relying on this mine, it can barely support. Once the Xianjing ore is exhausted, it is worthy of the end of the day, in order to find new ore, the family. All the mining teams, day and night, did not break the new mines, and continued to dig down until one morning nine months ago, the old man was on duty in the mine, leading the team to the K-port, mining the pit in the southwestern C When I suddenly dig into an ancient temple buried in the ground..."

Li Mu’s heart was moving.

I listened to the flow of clouds and continued to say: "The southwestern C-site pit is already 1,600 meters deep. Except for the stones and sand, even the dead bones are missing. Suddenly the temple was discovered, and the old man and the miners were shocked and explored. Underneath, it is even more incredible to discover that this temple seems to be a palace of the undead Emperor. The old man immediately realized that the matter was of great importance. The six miners who went with the old man quickly kept the news confidential, stopped exploring, and then reported. After giving the home a mainstream cloud without a front, he was so excited. After that, the family chose to trust the core blood disciples, a total of 30 people, together with the old man, with the mainstream cloud without a front, into this palace, to explore The ruins, hope that you can find some inheritance of the undead Emperor, so that I can hope for a renaissance."

Li Mu nodded and continued to listen.

"This palace, named [Nine Seclusion Temple], is the name we know from the stone tablets in the temple. We are inside, and we have discovered some of the remains of the undead Emperor, some armor weapons, and so on. But the undead Emperor is enlightened by the caster. It is conceivable that even if it is a defective product, it has a powerful power. Our party, ecstatic, continues to explore, and there are some new discoveries. Finally, in the Nine In the depths of the Temple of the Gods, I found out that [Nine Quiet Souls], which is why this temple is called the Nine Temple. This is the reason. Not only that, but what makes us crazy is burning. Next to the furnace of the Nine Quiet Soul Fire, we also found an alchemy caster room of the Undead Emperor. There are some well-preserved materials in it. One of them records how to condense and integrate [Nine Quiet Souls 】, transforming the body, increasing the method of cultivation..."

When Li Mu heard this, he realized it and said: "So you have the same method of "Nine Quiet Souls and Fires", is this so?" This is reasonable, otherwise, this kind of fire is combined, and it is required to cough and cough. An elder, if you master this kind of method, is not reasonable.

Flowing clouds are indifferent: "This is the case, but when we have a good harvest, everyone is eager to revitalize the family's bright future, someone suddenly opened the seal of the furnace and released the [Nine Quiet Souls] Almost killed everyone present, and then swallowed the treasures in the caster room..."

When Li Mu heard this, he basically guessed who was suddenly shot, slaughtered the same family, and vie for the treasure.


There is one more.

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