The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 984, the truth

"You don't want to ask who is that person?" Liu Yun said unreasonably here, paused and looked at Li Mu.

Li Mudao: "Isn't it the mainstream cloud that you hate?"

"Yes, this is the beast." Liu Yun said with no heart: "The head of the family, for the sake of one's own private, all the family's elite, killed in the mine, including his own son, and his Dear brother, nephew, prostitute... In order to hide people’s eyes and ears, they also secreted poisonous hands, and some family guards and disciples who heard the wind, and their bodies were poisoned into evil spirits, which made them become sensible, half-human and half-ghost monsters, you said, The beastly beast, shouldn’t it be killed?"

Speaking of the cloud without a front, the unintentional hatred of the cloud, it is difficult to suppress.

Li Mu suddenly said: "Your relatives, did you die in the Jiuyun Temple?"

Flowing clouds are indifferent to the teeth: "Yes, my eldest son, two sons, three daughters, and the wife of the two sons who accompanied me, all of them were killed by the sap of the cloud, killing them in the nine secluded temples, only I, because of my good luck, I was able to get a body-protecting treasure when I was exploring the Jiuyin Temple. The key moment, blocking his sneak attack, was spared and escaped..."

Li Mu suddenly understood the expression of hatefulness when the name of the owner of the cloud was unintentional.

The family is broken.

Killing your wife and killing you!

Not wearing the sky.

"The opportunity is right, I will give you a chance to take revenge." Li Mudao.

Flowing clouds unintentionally converge on their own emotions, saying: "I am taking risks, using half of the heart, forcing fusion [nine secluded souls fire], just for revenge, the day is pitiful, let me merge successfully, but now I am Perhaps not the opponent of the beast, he got three [Nine Quiet Souls Fire], and also got a complete fusion of the heart, it is estimated that before me, the fusion of fire has succeeded."

"What?" Li Mu was really surprised.

The flow cloud homeowner has merged into a successful fire?

Then his strength, at least in the Taoist, may even be at the peak of the Tao.

Before, I did not find any clues.

"According to your statement, isn't it necessary to keep secrets and block all news? Why do he have to report to the military and tell the things of the undead emperor, so that he can't keep himself alone? The legacy of the temple, once the parties are looking at each other and vying for it, isn’t he very dangerous?” Li Mudao.

Flowing clouds are indifferent: "How can such a secret be kept? The Liuyun Mountain Villa is not a piece of iron. There are nails buried by some outside forces. Some of the air blows are moving, and outside can still be perceived. If he keeps secrets, In the end, it may be that people and money are both empty, and even death is possible. Now the news is released. Not only the military, but all the holy places know this thing. Things are open, all parties are concerned, some people want If you move him secretly, you have to take a good look at it. What's more, he has compiled a story to explain the things in the mine. No one knows how many treasures he got in the Jiuyun Temple. I can change my fortune, why not do it? The cloud is not arrogant, but he is not stupid, knowing that the pie is too big, he can’t eat it alone, he only eats the part he can eat. Yes."

Li Muyi listened and silently felt a bit in his heart for his simple and childish thoughts.

At any time, you can't imagine others too simple.

In particular, the old foxes of the old rivers and lakes, such as Liu Yunfeng, have many means.

"So, what happened in the mine is a bureau where the cloud has no front?" Li Mudao: "Does he know that you are still alive?"

"Of course I don't know." Flowing clouds have no intention: "He can enter and exit the mine at will, and there are [nine secluded souls fire] in the body. The red-haired monster does not dare to attack him. He enters and enters here. In his plan, therefore, he dared to let your disciples of these holy places enter the mine, because you could not find anything at all. This is what he did not expect, I am still alive, successfully merged with the fire, and met you."

Li Mu licked his nose.

"Is the treasure of the nine secluded temples all obtained from the clouds without a front?" Li Mudao: "You are inside, have you found something strange?"

Liu Yun had no thoughts and thoughts. He said: "At that time, the exploration was not over yet. Then I was a hot hand, so I was not particularly clear. Besides the things we found at the time, the old thief found other things. I want to come now, I am afraid that he has discovered it, enough to make him crazy to sacrifice everything... Of course, this is only my guess. However, if you want to be in this small palace, you can get the complete inheritance of the undead Emperor. That is to think more, after all, it is just a palace, not the legendary [not dead immortal]."

Li Mudao: "I am not asking about the inheritance of the undead Emperor, but some other strange things, such as strange things like human souls. Have you seen them?"

Flowing clouds have no thoughts: "The soul? You said, I seem to think of a strange thing. In the nine secluded temples, it seems that there is really a shadow of a white woman. It seems like a illusion, once appeared, but at that time I am being chased by an old thief, maybe it is not necessarily wrong."

When Li Mu heard this sentence, he was excited at once.

He took out the portrait of Wang Shiyu and said: "When you take a closer look, the shadow of the white woman is not like this portrait?"

It is quite strange that Liu Yun’s heartlessness, Li Mu’s inheritance of the undead Emperor, does not seem to have much interest. It seems to have another purpose. Is it that this white woman’s illusion is not significant?

He carefully looked at the portrait of Li Mu's hand and said: "It seems a bit like, but at that time, the situation of the electric stone fire was only a moment, I can not be completely sure..."

"Go, let's go to the nine secluded temples." Li Mu can't wait.

Flowing clouds have no intention to swear to be Li Mu's knife servant, naturally will not violate the meaning of Li Mu, said: "Here, from the depths of the mine, the nine secluded temple, there are some distance, but there is me, the red-haired monster can ignore If you meet other people in the Holy Land on the road, what should you do?"

Li Mudao: "You can have nothing to do with peace. If you don't know the road to death, you will kill."

Flowing clouds did not want to hear such a murderous answer, and the heart moved.

It seems that this new owner, on the surface, does not seem to be so harmless to the human body. If it is really fruitful, it is definitely a decisive and decisive life. It is also good, without the wrong person, if you encounter the kind of woman. Master, it’s the real trouble to do things.

Leaving the lair, under the unintentional leadership of Li Yun, Li Mu speeded up and rushed toward the Jiuyun Temple.



Yan Aaron’s face was frightened and he gasped fiercely.

He escaped.

However, he saw his own brother and the tragic death of the four powerful followers of the Millennium.

"Li Mu, how dare you ... the Holy Land, you will not let go of you."

He swears hatefully.

Looking at the surrounding environment, his heart has produced some fear. As a typical second ancestor, Yan Aaron has some strengths, but without his brother and guard, he disappears and is surrounded by strangers and full of The dangerous environment makes him uneasy.

"Yan Erzi, are you alone? Yan Dagong and the rest of the Millennium Holy Land?" A voice, like a ghost, appeared behind Yan Aaron.

"Who?" Yan Aaron was shocked. He turned around for the first time. At first glance, he was overjoyed and said: "You? It’s too timely, fast, tell me, how to get out of here, I have to go back to the Millennium."


"Sister, how do I feel that this mine is strange, except for the red-haired monster, there seems to be other dangers." The Jianing Shimei of the shrine is very horrified.

"Follow me."

The sorcerer's sister frowned slightly.

She knows that her little teacher and sister have a special talent, that is, they can perceive the arrival of danger, and the intuition is extremely accurate. If the younger sister thinks that this experience has unexpected risk factors, then it means that things have changed. It’s very troublesome.

Of course, there is another thing that makes things very troublesome -

There are some mistakes in the map of the mines given by the family.

After several times standing at the three-pronged hole and choosing the 'safe route' shown on the map, I finally realized that this map in the hand, there are some places where the logo is wrong, true and false, difficult to distinguish .

Things don't seem as simple as they were originally imagined.



"The following is the nine secluded temples, but I have to be careful, I don't know if the old thief is a cloudless front, is it inside, and what is left behind."

Flowing clouds unintentionally pointed to a huge vertical pothole in front of the underground crater.

There is a road surrounded by the "Nine Quiet Soul Fire", along the way, all the red-haired monsters like the zombies, once you see Li Mu, just like the courtiers met the king, they are all Volt on the ground, do not dare to move.

So the two of them went to the vicinity of the Jiuyun Temple in less than a fragrant time.

Li Mu jumped from above.

The light below is dark, like a dark abyss. After a hundred meters, it falls to the ground.

Li Muyun is full of eyesight.

The position where he stood was the stone steps in front of the tower of the towering black palace. It appeared in the nine-story temple in the field of vision. At first glance, it seemed to be a sleeping beast, and stood silently in front of you. The temple door opened in the hole seems to be the same as anyone at any time.

"This pit naturally exists. It was covered by a giant slab rock. When we opened the mining pit, we accidentally broke the slab rock and found it. I don't know how the undead Emperor would be [Nine Spirit Temple] Buried so deep."

Flowing clouds have no heart to follow.

Li Mu felt that the vibration and heat flow frequency in the rusted sword was getting higher and higher and faster, which made him excited and excited.

"Go, go in and see."

Two people directly entered the [Nine Spirit Temple].


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