The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1380: Dayu tribe

Ten days later, three figures descended on a village.

In the village, there are countless souls walking and coming and going. They are of different types, but they have one thing in common.

They are all full moon gods.

The advent of the three figures, silent, did not attract their attention.

"It's still the village of the moon gods!" Yong Ye sank, his face sinking into the water.

At the beginning of the night, Xuexue couldn't help showing the intention of giving up a bit: "It's been ten days, what's going on around here? Brother Su Yu has used the Taiji Yinyang wings ten times in a row. According to common sense, we have already surpassed one billion The round mountains and rivers, why is it the actual situation, but only 10 million miles forward? "

Su Yu's face was a little pale, and she was faintly tired.

The radius of the cave space is only 100 million square meters, but in ten days, he used the Taiji Yin Yang wings no less than ten times.

The result, however, was almost in place, not much progress at all!

The village in front of them was discovered seven days ago. As a result, within seven days, whether they were walking, flying, or even using the Taiji yin and yang wings, they were unable to cross the village too far and always hovered nearby.

Su Yu thought for a long time, staring at the dimly visible cave space, Shen Shen said: "I think, I know your ancestors, why would you choose a dangerous place like cave space instead of detouring."

Yeongye brothers and sisters also know.

Because there is only one way.

"The existence of that cave space has affected a large area nearby, and a huge and incomparable space barrier has been formed virtually. We cannot get around."

No matter how they go, they can't go around the village.

Eyes of contemplation, Su Yu thought for a long time, staring at the village, said slowly: "I think I should go to that village to find out."

"No!" Yong Ye Wuheng and the snow in the beginning of Yong Ye were startled together.

There is no perseverance in Yongye: "Brother Su has no idea. The members of the Goddess of the Moon God are all based on the tribe. Each tribe has the idol of their witch ancestors, and each idol contains the pure line of witch ancestors. The power of the ancestors to defend the tribe. "

Su Yu set her sights on the village.

The village's most central square is erected with a statue made of special materials, which is the tallest building in the village.

"This idol should not threaten me. At best, it can only kill the Five Realms of God. If I'm careful, it shouldn't matter."

"No way!" The two brothers and sisters chanted again, this time at the beginning of the night of the night, adding: "Don't underestimate the idols, the ancient gods and the moon gods war, that's how they neglected, and I don't know how many contemporary strong men have fallen. The Heavenly Powers have fallen countless times, and even the fall of the royal door masters! "

Yep? Su Yu was surprised. Is the idol so powerful? The royal gatekeepers are the top gods of the double sky, will they fall as a result?

"Every qualified tribe will be rewarded by the full moon gods, a idol made of special materials! The power of an idol may not be very powerful, but weirdly, this tribe You can borrow power from the idols of the remaining tribes, and you can borrow at most one idol! How powerful will you be if 10,000 powers merge? "

Su Yu was slightly shocked. In other words, all the idols in the Lost Kingdom could borrow power from each other, and an amazing power broke out in a short time?

If so, these idols are really dangerous!

"Even the anti-Emperor army must rely on the absolute power of more than 10,000 people to dare to attack a tribe. The power of idols is the fear!"

Listening, Su Yu naturally did not dare to care, but still said, "Well, then I will go in another way."

After speaking, in the stunned brothers and sisters of Yong Ye, there was a magic power in Su Yu's body.

At first glance, I thought Su Yu was a witch!

"Brother Su, you ..." Yong Ye Wuheng said in shock, unbelievable in his own eyes. He had heard it for the first time in the dynasty for the first time, and the people of the ancient gods could cultivate their magic.

Su Yu didn't explain, and said, "Please wait patiently and don't be found. I'll go and listen to the news."

Yan Bi stepped out of the deep forest and went straight to the tribe.

His arrival immediately caught the attention of the village guards, and two dark moon-watchers immediately found Su Yu and issued an alarm.

The alarm sounded a lot of experts in the village, among them there was an old man in the fifth heaven.

Holding a strangely shaped crutch in his hand, he looks quite majestic, and the moon-watchers around him respect him.

Think of it should be the leader of the tribe.

"Who are you?" The other party didn't relax because Su Yu was a witch.

The ancient gods of the people still meet each other in life and death, of course, there is no harmony among everyone in the witch tribe.

"I am a distant tribe, a visitor to the ancient kiln tribe, passing by your tribe, pretending to disturb."

The Lost Kingdom has a vast territory and thousands of tribes. It is not unusual that they do not know the ancient Kiln tribes.

"It turned out to be a distant guest." The tribal leader carefully looked at Su Yu, and noticed that the magical power was not strong, and there were no even gods, and the precaution was much lower.

"I have recently passed by this place, but I still can't go out. I have no choice but to ask." Su Yu said.

It was said that a group of people dispelled their doubts, similar to Su Yu. When they walked nearby, they could no longer walk out of many creatures.

The tribal leader said: "So, come with me and tell you while walking."

Unable to be suspected, Su Yu followed him into the heavily guarded tribe, and heard the tribal leader's explanation in his ears: "This is all caused by the forbidden land of all demons! The space of the forbidden land has affected the nearby rivers and mountains of one billion square meters. There is no special way out. "

"Excuse me, how do I leave?" Su Yu asked.

The tribe head tied a smiling face, but after Su Yu entered the tribe, it suddenly turned overcast and said coldly: "Do you think I will tell an enemy in the **** realm?"

Su Yu looked calm, Yu Guang glanced at the tribe's door that was gradually closed behind her, without much panic, and said lightly, "You still see it."

"I didn't see it, but you have been exposed long ago!" The crutch in the palm of the tribe leader hammered the ground.

Two fish-headed witches came out of the crowd, and they definitely pointed at Su Yu: "It was them. Ten days ago, they attempted to cross the Wan Mo Forbidden Land and failed."

The tribal leader sneered: "We Dayu tribe, have been waiting for you for a long time! When you learn that someone has crossed the forbidden land, you will definitely choose a detour, and sooner or later you will be trapped in this space and cannot leave."

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so bold and come to pretend to be my Witch!" The tribe leader's eyes lightened down, and suddenly the voodoo ripples hit Su Yu.

Su Yu's face was calm and he took out a section of the soul tree.

Dinghunmu exudes a slight warm breath, and the ripples and breath encounter naturally resolve.

"Eight years of the soul-fixing tree!" The tribal leader was slightly surprised: "No wonder you can get lost in the country. This thing is in your body. Unfortunately, you encountered my Dayu tribe!"

Without a hit, the crutches in the palm of the tribe leader waved towards Su Yu.

Even though the spell curse has no effect, the existence of Wutiantian Realm can cause fatal damage to people in the Realm of Dust Fairy.

Su Yu didn't move, and the dark dragon scales appeared on the surface of the body. As soon as he lifted it, he blocked the crutch with a single blow.

Continuously underplayed to resolve the attack, the tribal leader finally got jealous, pulled back his cane, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"A passerby," Su Yu said calmly, "I just want to know, how to leave here."

"Not a secret whistle against the imperial dynasty?" The tribal leader wondered.

Su Yu frowned slightly: "It is too fast to march against the Emperor Dynasty. Is it approaching here?"

Without getting an affirmative answer from Su Yu, the chief of the tribe was embarrassed: "Regardless of whether you are against the Heavenly Emperor, the Dayu tribe is the most faithful tribe who guards the Moon God. You don't want to leave!"

Su Yu calmly said: "Do you really think it would be difficult if I want to kill you?"

The tribal leader said, "Hum! Do you think my crutch is just as simple as striking?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yu grabbed the palm of the crutch, and a dark mark appeared.

At the same time, a huge statue in the middle of the tribe suddenly burst into a formidable atmosphere comparable to the triple realm.

At this moment, the statue is like the resurrection, and his eyes revolve around the mark of Su Yu's palm.

It seems that Su Yu was marked, and the statue turned to look at Su Yu, and her eyes were brewing a deadly attack close to the triple heaven god.

"Our Dayu tribe, began to prepare ten days ago, just waiting for you! I thought that the power borrowed by the idols would not be used, but now it seems that I am careful." The tribal leader proudly said: "You can move it at will, Killed immediately! "

Su Yu also has the feeling of being stared at, and if he acted rashly, he might be bombarded.

However, Su Yu looked so happy that she did not panic. Instead, she looked at the tribal leader and said lightly: "What transaction I want to do, even though the method of getting away through the transaction is within my bottom line."

The tribal leader was taken aback, and several important tribal villagers around were also surprised.

"What are you talking about? My Dayu tribe will never trade with the enemies of the ancient **** realm!" The tribal leader showed slyness and pretended to be angry.

Su Yu said indifferently, "Yes? You really want to kill me ~ ~ You still need to grind it up, just move the idol to kill me!"

Saying, Su Yu looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on the tribe, in a huge hut, as if seeing everything through the hut: "Also, your tribe seems to have encountered a lot of trouble, so many wounded, All are suffering from strange mantras, and your people are trying their best to rescue them. "

They heard that everyone was taken aback and looked at each other, wondering who had leaked the news.

The tribal leader was furious: "Who told you, say!"

"The transaction is important now, right?" Su Yu smiled.

The tribal leader's complexion changed, and it took a long time for his eyes to relax. The crutches went to the ground a bit, and the power of the statue of the ancestor receded.

He said in a deep voice: "As you know, I really want to make a deal with you, an outsider. If you can help us, I can help you leave this space."

"What to say first." Su Yu calmly said.

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