The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1381: Steal the statue

The tribal leader looked at the hut with a heavy face: "The mantras in the hut are unique to the green snake tribe. I hope you can help us break into the green snake tribe and regain the practice of the green snake curse. Only by getting the magic spell can we find a way to unlock the magic spell. "

Su Yu put up two fingers: "Two questions. First, why don't you go by yourself and send me an outsider! Second, why are there conflicts between you?"

The tribal leader sighed, and the old face was full of helplessness and resentment: "As you can see, each tribe has its own witch ancestor idol. The idols are very sensitive to the approach of the tribe. If we approach, we have not yet reached the green snake tribe Be noticed immediately! "

"As for the conflict, it ’s hard to say. The most beautiful flower of our tribe was snatched by the prince of the Green Snake tribe on the way to marry. The tribe ’s popularity was unreasonable and was wounded! Now we do n’t expect to find Return to the most beautiful flowers of the tribe, but find a way to unravel the green snake curse. "

After listening, Su Yu said, "To sum it up, you were robbed of a woman and fell into a trap. Incompetent you, with luck, let me, an outsider, round the field for you."

The tribal leader opened his mouth and tried to justify it, but that was the case.

"Finally, let me guess. Among those who have been hit by the Green Snake Curse, there must be someone who is very important to your tribe."

The tribal leader looked dark and looked at Su Yu: "Although your enemies in the ancient **** domain hate it, they are really smart. Among the injured, there is the boss's son."

"Okay, I already understand your situation. So how can we leave here? Can you tell me one or two?"

The tribal leader pointed to the idol next to him: "It's very simple. By borrowing the power of a ten thousand idols, you can break the impact of the forbidden space on this space and send you away billions of miles."

Speaking, the tribal leader sternly said: "Although I don't know what you are going to do at the Moon God Holy Land, I advise you to be cautious. Like me, the Witches who are willing to deal with the enemies of the ancient **** realm are among the minority. The minority, the vast majority, see you only have one thought, kill! "

"Oh, this will not bother you, and give me the details of the Green Snake Tribe and this trip."

The tribal leader smiled: "Come on!"

Saying, take out a few things: "This is the internal map of the Green Snake Tribe! You are going to the cottage of the Green Snake Tribe leader, which has the method of cultivation of the Green Snake curse sealed inside! This is our specially refined idol, Throw it out at a critical moment, enough to withstand a spell from the triple sky wizard. "

Su Yu got all the items, and immediately left the tribe, saying, "I hope you will talk."

Coming to the dense forest, Su Yu meets with Yong Ye siblings.

Knowing what happened, the two sweated out for Su Yu.

"Fortunately, Brother Su is very clever and finds out the weakness of the other party. Otherwise, what is waiting for you may not be a transaction, but you will be subdued and you will be forced to die for them."

Su Yu said: "This is no longer important. I am going to go to the Green Snake Tribe. Many people have difficulty moving. If you can trust me, you can take a break in the space of the beads."

Letting go of a Buddha's bead space, the brother and sister looked at each other and entered with great confidence.

Without worries, Su Yu can follow the map to the Green Snake Tribe.

It's weird to say, according to the route on the map, all the way is smooth, but it was not transmitted back by space.

Five days later, in a messy mountain, Su Yu gathered her breath, hiding her figure, and stood in front of a dazzling yellow cottage built against a mountain.

Looking from a distance, it can be seen that most of the tribal villagers are green snakes, with snake-like faces, yellow eyes, and the same race.

In terms of overall strength, it is slightly stronger than the Dayu tribe. In addition, these messy rocks contain special energy, which is very suitable for the green snake tribe to play the magic spell. Therefore, the Dayu tribe is not its opponent.

But for Su Yu, as long as it is not exposed, there is no majesty at all.

After a few strides, Su Yu Feiyan walked into the cottage.

In accordance with the situation, Su Yu went straight to the cave of the leader of the Green Snake tribe.

The caves are spacious, cool and humid, and there are caves of numerous sizes.

According to the map, Su Yu went straight to the deepest cave to steal the spell.

However, as he passed by a small cave, he whispered, "Ah!"

Su Yu turned to look at him, but saw a creature in the shape of a fish head standing at the door, the other stared at Su Yu in surprise.

Su Yu froze, Shinto was loose and was seen?

Close inspection, still in a stealth state. Su Su was suspicious, but the other side stared at Su Yu and said, "You, are you sent to save me from the tribe?"

Can you really see it? Su Yu was slightly surprised, and walked into the cave, saying: "You are ..."

"I, I am the bride stolen from the Dayu tribe!"

Looking at the woman with a fat body and a black fish head in front of her eyes, Su Yu blinked.

The tribal flower, hemp eggs, the taste of the Dayu tribe is too heavy?

Well, Su Yu forced herself to accept the reality that the woman in front of her is the first beauty of the Dayu tribe, saying, "You stay, I will take you away later."

"Wait, are you stealing the green snake curse? I can you." The first beauty said: "The leader of the green snake tribe has long been guarded, and the green snake curse must be closely guarded. Can't take it. "

Any precautions? This is expected by Su Yu.

"Okay, but be careful." Su Yu said, taking him into the deepest cave.

The leader of the Green Snake tribe was not there, only empty caves, filled with a hint of fishy smell, and the remaining cold magical power, very similar to the mantra of the wounded in the Dayu tribe.

Looking around, Su Yu turned her eyes to see through everything in the stone cave.

After a while, he walked towards a seemingly smooth stone wall, raising his fists and breaking up with violence.

A hidden pit containing only one person appeared, but saw a statue exactly like the idol outside.

The difference is that the size is the same as that of a normal person, and the material is also very special. It has a cool and cold atmosphere unique to the people of the Green Snake tribe.

Su Yu remembers that the Wu tribe cultivates spells, which are not the same as the ancient **** realm.

They need to perceive the spell from the statue of the witch ancestor.

This statue with the flavor of the green snake tribe is mostly what Su Yu wants to find.

The first beauty behind her had her mouth wide open. She hadn't given any instructions yet. Su Yu easily found the place where the statue was hidden. It was amazing!

After finding the statue, Su Yu didn't go to take the statue immediately, but squinted his eyes to look.

After thinking about it, he took out a Jinyan forbidden wood ball and ejected it towards the statue.

吭哧 ——

As a result, the surface of the statue ejected a cyan ripple and bounced the ball back.

On the surface of the bead, a not shallow dent was left.

Su Yu was slightly surprised. The hardness of Jin Yan's forbidden wood was popped out of the dent. The physical body without the quadruple realm touched this object, and it was definitely a death hunt.

Thinking for a moment, when Su Yu thought about the method of taking out, the first beauty said: "This is the way the leader of the Green Snake tribe arranges. It is very powerful, but we can use the mantra of the Dayu tribe, set the water curse, and leave it on. Cracked. "

Su Yu rolled her eyes: "Isn't that quick yet? I'm not here to travel and listen to your comment."

"Oh oh." The first beauty immediately cast a spell, and a strong horizontal ripple that did not weaken collided with the cyan ripple on the statue's surface and melted into each other.

"Hurry up, or the spell will resurface soon!"

Su Yu flashed light, taking advantage of the spell to crack, took the statue out.

"It's in your hands, hurry up, your spell will probably alarm the leader of the Green Snake Tribe!" Su Yu is still in a stealth state, grabbing the first beauty and quickly leaving the cave, heading directly out of the cottage.


But who knows, just as they were about to cross the square, the tribal idols in the square showed no signs of attack.

A wave of forceful spells very close to the triple sky suddenly swept towards the invisible Su Yu.

The attack was sudden, fierce and urgent, as if it had been expected that Su Yu would pass by this place, the blow was extremely close.

Su Yu was caught off guard and snorted, holding the statue and being shot from stealth.

唰 唰 唰 ——

At the same time, more than a dozen people of the Green Snake tribe hidden in the dark flashed out of the dark.

The one headed by it is the mighty existence of Wuzhongtian's peak, and the one beside him is also the mighty existence of Wuzhongtian.

What makes Su Yu even more unbelievable is that the first beauty did not know when she smiled and embraced the young green snake believer, staring at Su Yu with a sneer look.

"You ..." Su Yu couldn't understand.

The first beauty Lengyin: "I can't think of it? You must be wondering why you were ambush! Yes, it is me!"

Su Yu couldn't believe it, with his mouth full of blood: "Why are you doing this? You are from the Dayu tribe. I came to save the people of the Dayu tribe ~ ~ More to save you!" ! "

"Yeah!" The first beauty said in disgust: "Who wants you to save? I and the Green Snake Tribe Prince, I originally agreed, it was the tribe who had to break us up and force me to marry the Baihu tribe in exchange for a treasure of the Baihu tribe! It wasn't the prince who rescued me halfway, now I have fallen into a person of the White Fox tribe! "

Knowing the reason for this, Su Yu scolded: "What an old fox, actually cheated me!"

The first beauty said coldly: "The Green Snake Tribe had long anticipated that you might send someone to sneak in here and steal the Green Snake Curse, so the arrangement was made, and the Green Snake Curse statue you got is fake!"

Su Yu looked down, and sure enough, the statue cracked an incomparable fissure from it, the center was empty, and it was broken at the pinch.

Su Yu resentfully said, "What about the real statue? Where are you hiding?"

"Oh, I just don't tell you!" The first beauty smiled proudly, her eyes full of hatred.

Su Yu sighed furiously: "Then you should always tell me, how did you find me, and how did you remind them to set an ambush here?"

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