The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1430: Break out of the siege

Although they were confused, they still believed in Su Yu, preparing to jump on the Witch Phoenix, and use flying WoW to leave.

But Su Yu stopped them and said, "Wait a minute!"

He said, he sacrificed an avatar and jumped to the Witch Phoenix.

分 Under the control of the avatar, Wu Phoenix quickly took off, flew out of the sky in a blink of an eye, and disappeared without shadow.

But shortly after leaving their eyes, Su Yu's eyebrows felt a little pain and his face was slightly heavier: "The avatar was destroyed, and the Wu Phoenix was killed!"

The two daughters realized that Su Yu's intentions were shocked and said, "A strong enemy is blocking us from leaving?"

Qi Suyu looked into the garden deeply, smelled a touch of blood, and shook her head: "To be precise, it is to prevent any creatures in the station from leaving. This place is an inaccessible and fierce place!"

The two women were stupefied and shocked: "Who did it? Who dare to shoot at the station of Vatican? This is a blatant enemy of the Witch!"

Wu Suyu gazed at her: "Is there a blatant enemy to the Wu clan, isn't there one in front of me?"

Xue Ying horrified and exclaimed: "Impossible, how could the enemy of the Divine Realm march so fast? There are tens of thousands of tribes around Vatican. It is impossible for them to bypass the tribes, go straight to Vatican, and the soldiers will be under the city. "

Qi Su Yu still looked heavy, saying: "There is no impossible thing in the world. I have seen against the cold stars to use soldiers. Secret and unpredictable. Hu Dongdong Xi, if he personally led the army, it is not surprising that the soldiers came to Vatican."

He remembered the soldiers of the gods in the stone cave, and he was even more convinced that the anti-cold star had reached outside of Beijing.

"But why did they spread their forces and besiege the station?" Cai Lin thought.

Su Yu shimmered slightly: "Isn't it easy? Where is the vanguard Beijing? The vast black woods, isolated from it, help the Quartet! The only way to ask for help is to get help from the nearest Shengjing through these stations! Destroying the station will cut off Vatican's call for help and destroy them in despair. "

I heard the words, the two women look extremely difficult to look.


At this moment, in a dark alley, a figure dressed in a black robe, breathing into the darkness, stepped out.

He patted his palm, hard to conceal the admiration: "It is indeed Su Yu! I thought you would panic and use the phoenix and phoenix to leave and then be ambush and perish! You didn't do that, to be honest, I don't Disappointed! Because of this, it's like they beat me! "

Su Xueying and Cai Lin suddenly looked, their faces changed slightly, and immediately as if they were close to their enemies, Xue Ying was even more conspicuous, saying word by word: "Holy Son!"

Instead, Su Yu had no surprise on his face, and said lightly, "You are still here."

The man in the black robe took off his hat and showed the true face of the Son, smiling and smiling: "To be precise, I just came back soon. Well, probably when you returned to Vatican, I returned to the station. "

Su Yu's gaze turned slightly: "It turned out that when you found you that day, you also found me, and have been following me for this time?"

"Hehehe, if you don't follow you, how do you know that Su Su is the best at all except for his strength? The three beasts were provoked by you with two words and two deaths and one injury. This is really amazing." Road.

Wu Suyu said calmly: "Then you should have seen my weakest moment, but you didn't take the opportunity to take the shot. I used to look down on you."

Shengzi grinned: "That's because I don't think the platypus is wrong. Before you die, no one knows whether you are hiding more terrible means. Zhao didn't want to walk three fierce beasts. Footsteps. "

I walked out of the alley and Zhao Tianyin was interested to talk to them.

"You show up, don't you just tell me the old?" Su Yu said.

Zhao Tianyin shook his head: "Only between you and me, there is nothing but revenge! I show up, I just want someone who can work together to break through the siege. Although you don't want to admit it, you are the most suitable person. "

He also said: "You are the same. Looking at this station, the best partner you can find is only Zhao."

Now it can be determined that the quartet is surrounded by all sides, and the number and strength of the strong are unknown.

Breakout is the only thing that must be done. The only thing to worry about is who to break out with?

Now it seems that Zhao Tianyin is indeed the most suitable candidate.

His strength is beyond doubt!

They turned the enemy back, but in the face of common danger, they had to fight together.

"How much do you know about them?" Su Yu opened her eyes.

天 Zhao Tianyin smiled and said, "Since joining forces, Zhao will certainly not be stubborn."

首先 "First of all, they have spies in the station, such as the guards stationed at the Wu Phoenix Garden, and the remaining 30 or more of the Phoenix are killed by him alone! He has fled the station half a day ago."

"Secondly, thousands of miles away, they arranged many large magic weapons I have never seen. They are very powerful. I saw a four-day wizard with my own eyes, and was smashed by a cannon without any resistance. Into the dust, the gods are destroyed! The power of that huge artillery has changed for me, and I believe there will not be much change in the end. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Tianyin's face was much solemn.

It ’s Su Yu, who is full of thoughts, and has never seen a large magic weapon? cannon?

"Finally, I found out that in eight directions, they were equipped with strong guards, and each direction had a triple heaven god, so it is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there are a group of troops under him, and there are three of them in the army. If the artillery in question is locked when we break through, the artillery can kill us in an instant. "

Su Yuma, please let me know: "Do you mean to either sneak in silently, or break through with the thunder, and not give them the opportunity to use huge artillery?"

"Yes!" Zhao Tianyin said, "However, it is not so easy to lurk in the past. I have found out several investigations. No matter how well I hide, it does not help. I believe there is a large induction array there. Lurking in the past, will be discovered immediately. "

Are you stubborn? Su Yu stared thoughtfully, staring at Zhao Tianyin and said, "Since you asked me to join forces, do you already have a plan?"

天 Zhao Tianyin smiled confidently: "Of course! My plan is to hit the West!"

"The northwest and north directions are a million miles away, and two groups of people can support each other at any time. If we attack the northwest direction with superb magic power, what will happen in the north direction?" Zhao Tianyin said.

Wu Suyu pondered: "I guess they will ... do not move!"

天 Zhao Tianyin's eyes were applauded: "Yes! They will not move! Every group of people will perform their duties, and they will never relax themselves because of problems in the rest."

Wu Xueying crooked her head: "In this case, what use is it to strike the west?"

Zhao Tianyin glanced at him strangely, revealing a few touches of familiarity, but the thought flashed, and said, "So, what if the attack is also directed to the west? The southwest is also attacked, the south, southeast, and east. Northeast ... eight directions, at the same time being attacked? Do you still think the people in the south can hold it? "

Wu Xueying's eyes gradually brightened: "Do you want to create the illusion that the blockade has been broken and confuse the defenders in the south?"

天 Zhao Tianyin smiled and said nothing.

Cai Lin said: "This scheme is very good. It can be said that the seven parties are attacking one party. The question is, how can the seven directions be attacked at the same time, and how to make Zhengnan think that the remaining seven positions have fallen? After all, The distance between them is not too long, and they can pass on the situation to each other through the communication of Yu Pei. "

Zhao Tianyin said: "Did you forget that I am proficient in the highest witchcraft of the Witch tribe? Use the rule of time to temporarily freeze the time in seven directions, causing all seven directions to be instantly killed by the terrible strongman. The false impression! In this way, the best situation for the south-facing garrison is to flee and retreat, and the worst situation must be panic! Our chances of breaking into the past are much higher. "

With careful taste, this plan is indeed feasible.

If implemented exactly as planned, the probability of success is as high as 90%! !!

"It is not too late, before they are under siege, act immediately." Su Yu said.

天 Zhao Tianyin's eyes are clear: "Okay! As long as we cooperate well and break out, I believe it is not a problem."

A group of four immediately discussed the specific plan.

After the trance, they walked around the secret place of the station, leaving silently, and the people in the station were unaware of it.

Guo Cheng, the defender of Zhengzheng South, is a strong general under the Anti-Hanxing Star. Not only is his strength outstanding, but the marching soldiers have also been praised by the Anti-Hanxing on many occasions.

Zheng Zhengnan is the direction of fleeing Sheng Jing, which is the top priority, so he sent Guo Cheng to sit in town.

On this day, Guo Cheng received a message from the southwest and shot down a Wu Phoenix who was about to escape from the station. The soldier who went to search only found the Wu Phoenix corpse, but did not find the remains of the creatures carried on it.

After receiving this news, Guo Chengmulu thought deeply about the thoughts, and looked deeply at the direction of the station.

At this time, a number of cases in front of him, a message rushed through Jade Pei.

Guo Cheng opened Yupei and immediately heard a rushing voice: "A strong man rushed into the station, two triple sky wizards, a divine strongman ~ ~ and one ... is Su Yu !! It is Su Yu wanted by the four dynasties! "

Guo Cheng was shocked and immediately sent a message back: "Su Yu? Are you sure this person?"

But there suddenly fell into silence, there was no response.

Guo Guocheng's face was more dignified, wasn't it ...

At this time, something unexpected happened, and the other six positions were attacked one after another.

方位 These positions were only urgently communicated, and the contact was immediately interrupted, as if they had suffered a devastating blow.

Catch up with the dead silence of seven jade pendants!

After Guo Guocheng stopped, the two sweated from his forehead and pale.

失去 It is acceptable to lose contact with one of the guards in one position, but all of the guards in seven positions have lost contact ... Could this be a terrible enemy, such as the Lord of the Moon, who killed them at the same time?

Xun Rao is an experienced Guo Cheng, and he is also shocked at the moment.

The soldiers in the vicinity of the puppet were even more frightened, and their heart was beating fiercely.

Only their positions have not been attacked, but in the order of the eight positions, the next one is them! !!

At this moment, the four shadows shrouded in magic and divine light came at a rapid speed.

The coercion created by the twenty-four people was like the last straw that crushed the camel, completely defeating the panic soldiers.

One change, tomorrow at two five.

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