The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1431: Conjecture

? Even Guo Cheng, who has been in the army for many years, can't help but play a drum at this moment.

The soldiers were defeated like a mountain. At this moment, the army was in a state of confusion, and they lost three points before facing the enemy!

He was hesitant to see whether he would retreat and maintain his strength so that he would not be destroyed by the regiment. He still insisted on fighting and died here.

Suddenly hesitated. Suddenly, a soldier under his hands inexplicably glowed with dark fog, his eyes were empty, and he walked in front of Guo Cheng dullly.

Guo Guocheng's gaze was fixed: "Witchcraft, possession?"

He said, the gesture was to kill the soldier possessed by witchcraft.

Suddenly the soldier spoke up, his voice was actually the Son!

"General Guo, please slow down! I'm here to give you a big gift!" Shengzidao.

Guo Cheng stopped attacking, but was extremely prepared, and said coldly, "Who are you? When did you attach to my subordinates? Before he left my eyelids recently, it should be two days ago, right? Then you attached him. ? "

Shengzi said: "It doesn't matter who I am, and when I possess it is not important! What's important is that I sent you this big gift of Su Yu! If you capture or kill him, what a reward ? "

Bian Wenyan, Guo Cheng's eyes flashed with wisdom: "What do you mean?"

"I mean it very simple! The chaos that you are seeing now are all our bureaus. The defensive forces in the seven directions were not killed by the regiment at all, but were blocked by special means by us! They are all good Yes, there are no absolute masters! "

Guo Chengcheng showed all his eyes and believed most of his heart.

Combining previous rumors from the southwest, the shot down Witch Phoenix found only the body of Witch Phoenix, but could not find the rider.

I can see that it was a temptation!

If there is really a power to easily exterminate them, what temptation is needed? Isn't it straight to force it?

"Su Yu and two companions, as well as a puppet I secretly controlled, are coming at you. Whether you can seize this rare opportunity is up to you!" The gray color in the soldier's eyes gradually receded, and his possession was now Gradually loses effectiveness.

But before the end, the Son finally said, "Remind you that today Su Yu is not what it used to be. You may not be your opponents alone!"

After speaking, the appendage was completely lifted.

At the same time, the rumors of the Seven Party Guards came late, saying that the enemy would retreat with a single blow, so that the south must not be fooled.

Guo Guocheng was so determined that he looked at the four figures coming from the sky.

Among them the young man with long silver hair is the focus of Guo Cheng's attention.

人 This person is a wanted criminal jointly wanted by the four dynasties. If he is captured, the reward will be extremely rich.

He was so hot in his eyes that he devoured Su Yu alone.

But he won't forget that a few days ago, Lao Huang's end, because he failed to swallow Su Yu alone, ended up being killed by himself.

"I failed to encircle him alone, and must be considered by the commander to be incapable of swallowing it. If Su Yu still flees if he joins the rest, then Su Yu is too powerful, and the commander does not blame us." Many years of experience in the army told Guo Cheng, the opportunity Although it is large, it is best not to choose to swallow it alone, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

As soon as the heart moved, he immediately contacted the nearest Southwest Army and Southeast Army.

"I found the wanted criminal Su Yu. He is breaking out towards the south of me, and you are speeding up! I try to stop him and wait for your assistance."

In another paragraph of Pu Yupei, stability is a wanted criminal Su Yu. The two defending generals are jealous. That is a big reward for one step!

"But we have a duty to do, what if we assist you and cause us to slip away here?" The General of the Southwest Army hesitated.

"General Guo, Lao Huang's end is near, we dare not repeat the same mistakes!" The General of the Southeast Army was also full of sorrow.

Looking at Su Yu getting closer and closer, Guo Cheng's eyes became redder, and anxious: "Okay! If Su Yu escapes from me, I will certainly die, but if you refuse to support me, I will die. You must also explain to the commander! You should know that the commander ’s heart for Su Yu is to let everyone in the station stop, and never let Su Yu go! "

最后 His last words moved the two defenders.

Indeed, the commander-in-chief's assassination of Su Yu is well known in the world.

If they know that they have delayed the killing of Su Yu, they cannot survive alone.

I sighed, and the two armies said, "Well, hold on, we will lead the army immediately!"

Wu Wenyan said, Guo Cheng was calm in his heart, and he cried, "You all heard? The visitors are not terrible! The Southeastern Army and the Southwestern Army are on the way of support, and will soon come to help us!"

The soldiers are indeed a morale masterpiece, as long as the comer is not the one who can easily exterminate one of the defenders, and they have the weapons of ancient civilization, they will have a battle!

"Preparation for extermination gun!" Guo Chengmu glowed and issued an order.

A group of soldiers immediately launched four 30-foot high extermination guns, a group of 20 people, instilled divine power into them, and replenished the energy of the four high-definition guns.

There is a huge amount of threatening destruction energy, which is uncertain in the extermination gun. As long as Su Yu enters the attack range, they can launch a deadly attack!

At this time, the defenders in the southwest and southeast each dispatched half of their troops.

Among them, the garrison in the southeast, and even the garrison general rushed in person.

The southeast garrison hurried away. At the foot of the mountain, a shadow of a black robe appeared in the shadow of a tree. It was Zhao Tianyin.

He sneered ruthlessly: "Su Yu ah Su Yu! Smart as you, still fooled! My plan is complete and there are risks after all. I don't want to run the risk of being bombarded by civilized weapons. Break in! "

Looking at the slackness of the guard force, almost equal to the absence of the Southeast Army station, Shengzi was proud of his face: "When you Su Yu appear, you can distract the remaining guards. My real plan is to make you a bait and use Your sacrifice fulfills me! "

As early as two days ago, when he explored this place, he captured a scout who went down to detect the mountain and set up an possession on him.

This book was used at a critical time to give Guo Cheng an unexpected back shot.

But the appearance of Su Yu made Guo Cheng change his mind and borrow Su Yu to lead the defenders in other directions. The hope of such a breakout is undoubtedly greater.

With a sneer, Shengzi jumped to the garrison where the defense was lax.

At the same time, the three of Su Yu, together with their uncle's uncle, finally attacked Guo Cheng's garrison.

Guo Cheng commanded the four exalted artillery guns and locked the four of them firmly and said, "Su Yu! I already know that you are attacking the West, trying to cause us to panic, and then ran away! Your spooky, this general already knows, No more pretending! Surrender immediately, or you will never survive under the Extermination Cannon! "

However, no matter whether Su Yu, Xue Ying, or Cai Lin, they are all different, rushing to the south, desperately, looking at the posture, they are actually preparing to storm!

Guo Cheng was so calm, he said, "Since that is the case, then blame me for staying alive! Destroy guns, fire!"

Bang bang bang bang

The four thunderous roars rang through the world.

The hills shook, the streams boiled, and the weak creatures within 100,000 square meters were stunned and killed by the energy erupted from the giant artillery.

The four Su Yu who faced the four Exalted Cannons were blasted into pieces without any accident, flesh and blood, and spilled to the ground!

The main criminal wanted by the four major dynasties was so easily beheaded. Guo Cheng was stunned. Doesn't it seem that he is not as difficult as it is rumored?

Alas, for security reasons, he still led the soldiers to go to their fall to check.

When I reached the area, I saw flesh and blood everywhere, with a pungent **** smell.

Guo Guocheng then relieved, and said, "Gather all the flesh and blood, and separate Su Yu separately, and give it to the commander!"

Looking at the busy soldiers, Guo Cheng was in a good mood and quite excited.

大 This great opportunity was won by him alone.

"I knew it was so easy, why should I inform the two defenders? Let them have a share!" Guo Cheng regretted a bit.

At this time, the defensive forces in the southwest were long overdue. Under the command of Guo Cheng, he was busy packing up Su Yu's flesh and blood.

Twenty-five hours passed, the flesh and blood on the ground were collected almost, especially Su Yu's. It was leak-free and contained in a vessel.

大 "Master, no corpse of the man in black robe was found!" The soldiers said.

Guo Cheng secretly said, the man in the black robe really was a tadpole!

"Don't have to find it, I have something in my mind." Guo Chengdao smiled and praised the Southwest Army with a few words, "Tell you the generals, the credit for killing Su Yu is indispensable."

But, till now, the Southeastern Army has been missing for a while!

Guo Cheng couldn't help sneering: "It's better not to come, take a few shots!"

"Come here, give the vessel to the commander ..." Guo Cheng ordered.

However, at this moment, Yu Guang glanced at the vessel, feeling a bit strange, and fixed his eyes, Su Yu's flesh in the vessel was quickly dim, transparent, and finally completely empty.

The entire vessel, soon empty!

郭 成 愣了愣 ~ ~ The complexion changed immediately, taking out the flesh and blood of Xue Ying and Cai Lin, but it turned out to be nothing!

Those blood-gathering soldiers, the blood in their hands disappeared for no reason!


Suddenly, Guo Cheng seemed to feel something. Looking up at the sky, a huge eye hidden in Jiuxiao was slowly disappearing.

The strange light emitted from those eyes has a subtle psychedelic effect!

Looking at the scene, Guo Chengxin suffered a thunderbolt and said, "No! We're fooled! Southwest Army, you return immediately!"

Of course, the prince is a puppet, but Su Yu and the two puppets are also phantoms! !!

巨大 That huge eye, releasing a vast range of illusions, extremely realistic, everyone was fooled!

Su Suyu and the two companions did not appear in the south direction at all!

At this moment, the defenders in the southwest and southeast are the weakest moments!

Those two places are the real breakthrough points of Su Yu! !!

Southeast Guard Point.

With a few points of success, Su Shengzi calculated Su Yu's contentment, jumped up the mountain, and was about to take off.

But he just jumped up. To his surprise, on the top of the mountain, there were four nemesis guns full of energy, neatly aligned with the holy son who jumped up!

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