The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1629: Ice Soul

Purple smoke dazzled under Su Yu's feet, and a cloud sky boat emerged.

Yuntianzhou was extremely fast, and it was flying tens of millions of miles in an instant.

Tuobaying laughed a long time, like a hunter chasing his prey, full of excitement: "You can't run away, I have summoned people nearby, and whenever they receive the news, they will come over the first time!"

It seems that he is confirming his words, and he runs in three directions.

In one direction, Su Yu remembered it fresh.


"Xue Yu!" The roar of Master Jian Xuan shook through the clouds, full of murderous anger and anger.

Because of Xue Yu, the stone dragon sword was stolen, and he was also blamed.

Accompanied by Hong Lei, Jian Fei flashed and intercepted Su Yu's way, staring at Su Yu with a faint expression, straightening his sword, "Can you escape?"

Hong Lei on the one side was silent and looked helpless.

He thought about notifying Su Yu, but there was no chance to summon Su Yu.

There is Tuobaying in the back, swords in front of him, and powerful enemies on the left and right. Any one can cause Su Yu to die.

He cannot escape today.

There are also the Baihua family, the Lu family, and the Xue family.

Su Yu calmly said, "Is Xingshi mobilized to intercept Xue, is it okay?"

Jian Fei Lengheng: "What do you say?"

Shrugging, Su Yu said, "I owed you a **** a long time ago?"

"Presumptuous!" Jian Feifei long sword trembled, a dreadful horrible sword gas penetrated the space, passing by Su Yu's cheek.

Tuobaying chased after him and said, "Xue Yu, you're dead! You can't save you if you dare to move Jianxuan's stone dragon bone sword."

咻咻 ——

After he finished speaking, an electric flash came, and behind Su Yu, five fingers turned into claws and captured Su Yu.

However, just before the five fingers touched Su Yu's shoulder.

Tuobaying drew back his hands suddenly like an electric shock. At the same time, the figure retreated eagerly, "Who is it? Come out?"

I saw, Tuoba Ying's palm, surrounded by a layer of lilac frost, cold and bones.

Seeing this, Tuobaying's pupils shrank: "Purple Ice Cold Frost! This is the stunt of Bingmo Xian'e, one of the top ten strong players in Jianxuan!"


A slight freezing sound fell into everyone's ears.

The temperature around it drops sharply,

The sea of ​​stars under their feet quickly condenses at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Snow flakes are falling.

For a moment, the wind returned to the snow stream, and the middle-aged woman in the purple gown wearing a purple gown wobbled. She walked out of the snow.

The style is like a fairy in the snow.

Tuobaying's pupil shrank into a needle: "Bingao Xian'e !!!"

The heavenly pride girl who sensationed Jian Xuan that year defeated the mysterious woman of more than one thousand island masters with her own strength.

Afterwards, she landed at Jianxuan and challenged Jianxuan's strongest. None of the people of that year were rivals.

From the ordinary child, to the elite, to the church owner, no one is her enemy of three tricks.

Until Jian Xuan dispatched a peak leader, ranking ninth to the most powerful, possessed the strength of Xinghe overlord level.

In this way, they defeated Bingmo Xian'e.

Overnight, Bingmo Xian'e jumped from an unknown generation to become one of the top ten in the Jianxuan sea area.

Jian Ruoxiong, the master of Jian Xuan, personally invited her to open up the Eleventh Peak, and asked her to join Jian Xuan as the master of the Eleventh Peak.

Xingmo Xian'e refused to leave the sea and disappeared without a trace.

After thousands of years, many people thought she was dead.

Unexpectedly, she even appeared here!

咻咻 ——

Not far away, a few people flew by, and the repairs were uneven, all under the honor of the Three Heavens Caves.

Their strength is not inconspicuous, however, it is impossible to ignore, and even frightening, that they hang a striking black waistband card with them.

The bright stars are carved on it, carrying the rich fragrance.

No one knows this kind of token in Jianxuan waters.

That's ... Xingchen Pavilion!

Tuobaying was taken aback by the fact that the sword was fateful, and he could not help but change his color, and stared at him, "Xingchen Pavilion?"

Then there was a scene that shocked everyone.

The four Star Pavilion members came to Bingmoo Xian'e and respectfully saluted: "See the Star Messenger!"

Tuobaying was shocked and lost his voice: "Star Herald, Bingmo Xian'e, you ... did you join the Star Pavilion?"

The so-called Star Messenger is another kind of person recruited by the Star Pavilion, the strong, the true strong.

Xingchen Pavilion can deter the sea area. It is far from possible to rely on word of mouth. The biggest reliance is on force, absolute force.

Armed forces rely on soliciting peerless powerhouses.

The recruited warriors are collectively referred to as Star Messengers.

Enjoy all the resources provided by Xingchen Pavilion, and only shoot for Xingchen Pavilion when necessary.

Unexpectedly, when Bingmo Xian'e rejected Jianxuan, he joined Xingchen Pavilion.

After ten thousand years, her breath is far stronger than that year, and her strength is unfathomable.

However, Tuobaying didn't understand, and asked: "Bingao Xian'e, I remember the rules of your Xingchen Pavilion and never interfere with the affairs of the sea. Did you break the rules by doing this?"

As the name suggests, Bingmu Xian'e is as cold as an iceberg.

Not only did he not answer, he did not even look at Tuobaying. He came to Su Yu coldly and reached out to block his chest.

The meaning of asylum is at a glance!

Jian Fei Ming's brow frowned deeply, how can he not taboo in the name of Xingchen Pavilion?

But if you just give up the stone keel sword, it is impossible.

"Xingmo Xian'e, you really want to be an ant and fight against my Jianxuan? I believe that if Xingchen Pavilion learns that you want to destroy the rules of Xingchen Pavilion, you will be punished!" Jian Feiming said.

He winked and winked at the besieged man, ready to forcibly catch Su Yu.

At this moment, Bingmoo Xian'e finally spoke. As soon as she spoke, the temperature near the cliff fell again, as strong as Tuobaying. She also felt cold and cold, and had to use her divine power to protect herself.

Those four or five heavy heaven cave dwellers were condensed into ice sculptures.

Bingmoo Xian'e gave them a faint glance, and said indifferently: "If Xingchen Pavilion learns, it will punish you Jianxuan for the first time! It has never been a good ending for Xingchen Pavilion Jianbao Master, and Jianxuan is no exception!"

The crowd trembled, and Jian Fei said, "Are you still a Jianbao Master? Well, I don't intend to hit you, but a jumble of your hands!"


Unexpectedly, when the words just fell, Bingmo Xian'e stared sharply at Jian Jian.

A ray of ice turned into a crystalline palm, drew his sword against his face, and his ears were loud.

His voice was even colder: "Insult Xingchenge Jianbao Master, seeing that you are the master of Xuan Xuan, slap your face and learn from others, die!"

The furious sword was frightened, suddenly sober, staring at Su Yu with a grim look, his face was incredible.

Even though Tuobaying staggered for a moment, he said dumbly, "He, is he a treasure master of Xingchen Pavilion?"

How does the Xingchen Pavilion exist? It is Jian Xuan who has to bow his head.

Even if the wings of the feather gods are stiffer than King Kong, they cannot withstand the understatement of Xingchen Pavilion!

"What do you say?" Bingmo Xian'e stared at Tuobaying and said, "I read that you don't know his identity. Just now, apology can be resolved. If you try again, it will be regarded as a provocation against Xingchen Pavilion, even if You Jianxuan can't afford the anger of Xingchen Pavilion! "

Jian Fei's heart became cold, he knew deeply how terrible the Star Pavilion would be!

He arrested Xingchen Pavilion Jianbao Master, he really did not have the courage and look.

"Did you hear me? Apologize, apologize!" Bingmo Xian'e stared at Jian Fei and said indifferently, "I don't want to repeat the third time, if you have to force me to pay with your blood!"

I heard that everyone was clever in their minds.

Hesitating for a while, repairing to a weaker group, forced themselves to bow their heads, apologize, and provide resources.

After thinking, Tuobaying gritted his teeth and chose to compromise.

He was grieved inside, and at this moment, he would apologize to the murderer of the miserable son!

"Xue ... Master Xue, sorry, please forgive me. Be careful not to pay tribute, hoping to make up for the master." Tuobaying took out a valuable spiritual fruit called Yu Shenguo.

Su Yu has now understood.

Want to come is the Mu Canghai arrangements to prevent Su Yu from accidents, ordered Bingmo Xian'e and the four Star Pavilion staff to protect secretly.

Not surprisingly, the four Star Pavilion personnel should have entered Wanlong Cave to protect Su Yu from afar.

In this case, Su Yu is not polite, accepts the indemnity, and looks to the sword to die.

Bingmoo Xian'e looked over, and the cold between the eyebrows was getting heavy.

Jian Feifei was gloomy, gritted his teeth, and took out a good spiritual fruit: "Master Xue, it was just a misunderstanding. Offering this spiritual fruit, I hope that Master Xue will never blame it."

Hard tastes, awkward expressions, come together, as ugly as eating flies.

"Oh, an island owner used Linguo to make a gift, and the young master of Xuan Xuan also used Linguo to make a gift. Isn't he afraid of losing his identity?" Su Yu said.

Jian Fei's heart-warming action, such as a suppressed volcano, is about to erupt, and he sinks down, "I don't know what Master Xue fancy."

"Dragon pulp!" Su Yu responded without hesitation and hesitation.

Yep? Jian Feifei raised his head, revealing fierce light.

Dragon pith is the key resource of Jianxuan, second only to the stone dragon bone sword, Xue Yu even asked for it!

However, after being glanced at by the ice spirit Xian'e, Jian Feifei had to be angry, and took out a bottle of refined dragon marrow.

Pure and energetic, equivalent to 20% of the dragon's remains.

Su Yu's eyes were clear and she took a photo.

Adding the 40% obtained before is enough to fully train the remaining one thousand Shinto.

Become a god, just around the corner!

"Master Xue, come back to Xingchen Pavilion with me, stay here, and being with these vulgar people will only insult you." Bingmo Xian'e said.

Su Yu has this intention.

Xingchen Pavilion is the best place to leave the Xue family.


The snowflakes flew, and the ice spirit Xian'e led Su Yu to the sky, rushing into the sky.

As she was about to leave, Bingmo Xian'e frowned suddenly ~ ~ Stopped the sky, her face was cold, and she overflowed with jealousy: "How long have you been here?

Su Yu's face changed, looking up.

But at the end of the snowflake, a middle-aged man in a purple shirt stood tall.

Carrying a nine-foot long ancient dim yellow sword, looking down indifferently.

He is the master of Jian Xuan, Jian Ruxiong!

Sword-like males step on the void, stepping down repeatedly. Each step made the whole world dull and dull, and the heart of all living chests jumped for no reason.

Words and deeds affect the vision of heaven and earth, which is a sign of approaching the law of the avenue.

Bingmo's Xian'e Huarong changed drastically and solemnly: "When you touch the law of the avenue, you are no longer far away from the emperor of heaven and earth."

Jian Ruxiong stepped down and said indifferently, "A little Angel of the Star Pavilion, we might take ourselves too seriously."

Add a chapter tomorrow morning.

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