The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1630: Back to the strait

"If the Mu Canghai is close, the sword owner still doesn't want to score three points, but what are you?" The sword as the male stared like the electricity, the left palm swung away, and suddenly there was a mighty power in the dark.

Yan Bingmo's Xian'e's expression changed abruptly, and the purple frost froze all over, turning into an eight-sided prism.

吭哧 ——

Above the prism, there was a muffled sound at the moment, and I saw a few chain shadows flickering.

There are cracks, densely over the prism.

"Ziqing Ice Sword!" The ice soul Xian'y drunk, and the prism disintegrated on its own, melting into a cold long sword.

The sword body is long and narrow, and the cold air of Ling Ling is revealed.

Even more amazing is that the grade of this sword is not low, reaching the rank of emperor!

The sword Ruxiongmu Rusisi was surprised: "Oh? I haven't seen it for a long time, and you have already reached the level of bronze overlord? You can instantly generate the royal soldiers. Yes, if you challenge Jianxuan again, believe in the ninth peak master, no Your opponent again! "

但 "But ..." Jian Ruxiong's eyes snapped: "So what? In front of the sword master, what is it?"

Blow him with **** and a sword, and hit a gap: "Xuanzong Seven Kills the Sword!"

实质 A substantive sword spirit, containing unmatched will, 恍 If ancient floods came.

Yan Bingmoo Xian'e looked dignified, and she drank, "Three types of ice!"

She also exuded a powerful overlord momentum, a icy sword, radiating in all directions in order to freeze the trend of eternity.

When the two sword energies meet in public, the ice sword qi is like a fog, and a gap is opened by the sword qi.

Xun Bingpi Xian'e hurried to drink: "Take Master Xue!"

"Yes!" Four members of the Star Pavilion, performing a total skill, transformed into a golden tower, protecting Su Yu in the center.

The golden tower flashed, and a flash was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Wu Tuobaying and Jian Fei were caught off guard. How did they expect that the members of the seemingly ordinary Xingchen Pavilion also concealed anti-sky magic?

With narrow eyes, he couldn't catch up, Jian Ruxiong said lightly, "I can't run away."

He looked at Xian'e, an ice monster, and she wiped out the incoming sword's qi with a sword, and lay across in front of him, delaying time for Xue Yu.

Jian Ruxiong's eyes gradually became cold, and slowly pulled out the big yellow sword behind him, slowly said: "You seem to be very proud of your identity as the Angel of the Star Pavilion, but the owner of this sword will tell you that when you move, the Star Pavilion is not What will you do to me! "

噌 ——

He uttered a sword groan through the universe, uttering through the sky.

The faint yellow nine-foot ancient sword was held in his palm.

Wu Bingmo's fairy Eton suddenly felt the crisis, and stared, "Sword as a male, do you think you already have the power to fight against the Star Pavilion?"

From the words of the other party, she noticed the expansion of Jian Ruxiong, and she no longer respected Xingchen Pavilion as before.

However, there are countless messengers in Xingchen Pavilion, and she has lost one. Xingchen Pavilion may not really be like Jian Xuan.

After all, I really want to use Jianxuan, and Xingchen Pavilion must do its best. Recently, Xingchen Pavilion is concentrating on preparing another thing. It is impossible to be distracted.

A silent sigh in her heart, the cold eyes burst into unyielding warfare, pointing Jianyao to: "Is the Mahayana sword, the true treasure of the Emperor Zhenzong from the Emperor Purple Dream? Yeah, well-dead."

The sword stabbed like a male sword, and instantly, like a sunset at dusk.

The faint yellow cloud, the red blood sun, the **** sky, weave into a desolate and tragic scene.

Xian Bingmoo Xian'e never regressed, her mouth bloomed with a proud smile, like a snowdrop swaying in the snowy field, and blended into the dusk.

"Peerless Promise Sword."

In the faint and yellow setting sun, the puppet Xian'e's puppet echoed, but Fang Ying disappeared.

铿 ——

He pulled his sword back into the sheath, and dispersed at dusk, leaving only long white clouds, and no ice ghost Xian'e.

Wu Jianruo shook his head: "I can't help it."

He shook his chest, a trace of the purple cyan frost, and stepped out.

Yuan Yuan Tian Yu, four Xingchen Pavilion personnel, escorting Su Yu constantly teleport.

The combined attack they perform is called anti-sky.

However, Su Yu was keenly observing that their morphology changed. In just a few breaths, they were ten years old.

He casts a magical technique that does not fit his practice, at the cost of life.

"Stop it." Su Yu sighed, "No need to waste my life."

Twenty-four Xingchen Pavilion staff members said blankly: "Master Xue, I have waited for Xingchen Pavilion cultivation, and I have already prepared for today. Please do not embarrass us."

Qi Su Yu shook his head and said, "The sword master shot it in person, you are just meaningless waste of life."

They looked resolutely: "Master Xue, we will protect you and die. Xingchen Pavilion will take care of our loved ones. If you flee, you will have nothing. For you and for us, please continue."

Qi Suyu was touched, because he was weak, willing to sacrifice for others to live, only to reproduce for future generations.

I may be sad, or I may respect him, but I do not agree with Su Yu.

拔 He pulled out the beauty under the moon, swept across the sword, sharp sword awns, and made a fine slit in the golden tower from the inside out.

Twenty-four popular machines were immediately disordered, and Jinta broke through.

"Master Xue, you ..." the four Star Pavilion personnel were surprised.

Qi Suyu stood with a sword, looked around at the four, and said, "Let's go and tell the host, I told you to leave, and she won't embarrass you."

"But ..." The four Star Pavilion personnel hesitated.

Xu Suyu said, "This is an order!"

So, the four bowed down and fled in four directions.

"Master Xue insisted, we immediately circulated to Xingchen Pavilion and asked for support."

Qi Suyu smiled slightly bitterly. How can I persist in Xingchen Pavilion to come to the rescue when it meets here for months?

I'll save myself!

He looked at the Quartet, his heart moved, he leaned towards the northwest, and galloped away,

Soon after, where he stood, Jian Ruxiong led the army to chase.

Glancing at his thunderbolt, he fixed his eyes to the northwest and said, "Chasing!"

The flint keel sword is not to be missed!

After half an hour.

There was a sea of ​​dark water, as if a group of wild and beasts were lurking in the sea, rushing out of the sea at any time and devouring the creatures flying above.

Invisible, it is extremely stressful.

Wu Jianruxiong stared slightly down and said, "Where is this?"

No one responded.

Wu Jianruxiong drank softly: "Who is responsible for this sea?"

唰 ——

Two figures came out, one was Hong Lei and the other was Tian Zhenyuan.

They are the special envoys in charge of this place, and they are no longer familiar with it.

Hong Lei arched his hand: "Master Uighur, this is the evil strait which is 10 billion away from Shuangxing Island, and it is a famous ferocious land."

"Evil Strait?" Jian Ruxiong murmured, staring at the dark water, and intuitively told him that there was indeed some unknown existence underwater.

He groaned for a moment, and said, "Divide troops in all directions and besiege the evil strait. Don't even try to escape a shrimp!"

"Yes!" No one dares to despise.

Wu Jianruxiong continued: "How many people in Xingchen Pavilion have been caught?"

咻 ——

An old man in a blue shirt walked on the wind and walked with four **** heads in his hand and said, "No."

"What about their message?" Jian Ruxiong asked.

The old man in the blue shirt stretched out the palm of his other hand, and the four twinkling stars glowed with uncertainty.

He accompanied him with five fingers, and the light faded.

"Very good!" Jian Ruxiong reassured: "Although I may not be afraid of Xingchen Pavilion, but before I get the stone dragon bone sword, it is better to attract Xingchen Pavilion."

At this point, all personnel in the Star Pavilion were eliminated.

No one knows that Jianxuan is brave and confronts Xue Yu, a treasurer of the Xingchen Pavilion.

Wu Jianruxiong fixed his eyes and stared under the dark sea, and said, "Qing Ying, go down and catch that kid!"

The old man in the blue shirt bowed his head, and the force of surging space suddenly disappeared.

的 The Shinto he cultivates is truly the Way of Space!

Wu Qingying appeared in the dark evil ghost strait, his old and sharp eyes glanced around.

In his eyes, he also contained the force of space, passing through it at a glance, piercing objects at the substantial level of the four sides.

Suddenly, his eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were a little taunted: "Boy, in front of Ben Feng, do you have the right to escape?"

He stared at a seemingly solid stone wall, blinking.

Suddenly, the force of the turbulent space near the stone wall.

The stone wall exploded.

咻 ——

A figure, like a clever fish, fled from the stone wall.

Who is Xue Yu's body?

"Still wanting to escape?" Qingying sneered: "space cage."

He yelled, and Su Yu's space shrank sharply, trying to restrain him.

Strangely, Xue Yu seemed extremely sensitive to the force of space, and when the cage of space had not yet taken shape, he got out of a vacancy.

"咦?" Catching the air in one fell swoop, Qingying was slightly surprised.

As a bronze-level hegemon, the use of space and Shinto is truly amazing, and he was surprised to catch the air in one fell swoop.

Squinting to see Su Yu slip deeper into the canyon, Qingying's body space is diffused, and space teleportation is used again.

The next moment, no sign appeared in front of Su Yu, cutting off his path.

At the same time, a chain of space forces, such as the silver snake flying around.

Pu Suyu's pupils shimmered and she stabbed somewhere in the chain with a beauty under the moon.

He was originally a force of invisible space, but was slightly bent by the beauty under the moon.

Seized the opportunity, Su Yu's body twisted, avoiding the tangled chains of space.

Wu Qingying was really surprised: "I can identify the weak point of my husband's space power? Could you also be a space Shinto?"

Wu Suyu said nothing and continued to drill down.

Tong Qingying snorted softly: "My husband would not believe it, you can escape!"

"Sen Luo Vientiane!" Qing Ying shouted, gathered from his feet into a giant net compiled by the force of space, shouted over.

The range is extremely wide, and Su Yu is inevitable, so he has to dodge back and forth in the mesh like walking on thin ice.

Tong Qingying sneered, his index finger on his right hand ticked, and the mesh was undulating.

Su Suyu was accidentally caught in her right ankle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the entire big net quickly contracted ~ ~ and wrapped Su Yu in it.

Xun Su Yu's secret way is not good, if caught, he will never turn over!

Looking at the beauty under the moon, Su Yu gritted her teeth and Yang Jian cut off her right foot.

Suffering from severe pain, Su Yu just frowned, then she slipped expressionless, and escaped at the moment when the giant net contracted.

唰 ——

Xu Suyu quickly slipped down, along a steep cliff, onto a very flat boulder.

The dense starlight grass growing on the tadpole appeared to be incompatible with the surroundings and was very abrupt.

However, Sanfan failed to capture Su Yu twice. Qingying was already angry. He never looked around calmly, and did not realize what was wrong with the flat land.

"You're enough!" Qing Ying sighed angrily, took a deep breath, and gathered countless bubbles all over his body.

Sorry, it's late.

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