The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2479: Can't fight back

"What ..." Elder Howling was surprised.

I can't sense anything in front of me, how can I bump into it?

It was in his surprise that a scene that made his eyes widened.

A magnificent formation method lay in front of his eyes.

That was the huge formation that just stopped him from leaving.

But hasn't this array of force been broken by him forcibly?

And, it was crushed into dust in its last hit.

Why is it still there?

Looking behind him, the elder howling demons completely choked.

The satellite city below was intact.

The spirits, houses, and streets in it persuade the unharmed.

The Quartet's heaven and earth are incomparably complete, without any change at all.

The nine authentic Taoists did not seem to be dying, but were attacking themselves with all their strength.

Elder Howling feels like he is dreaming.

Is everything just a dream impossible?

But the weakness of the body tells the elder howl that everything is true.

He performed the copy, losing one third of his strength.

However, nothing has changed.

"Phantom?" He suddenly remembered the fact that Su Yu successfully deceived his eyes with 10 billion fake Jiuyou crystals.

Are all the phantoms that Su Yu just made?

If so ...

Howling Elder can't believe it, he launched Demon at all costs, and the destruction was all a fantasy?

Of course, from an outsider's point of view, the elder howling monster rushed to the front of the formation, and snarled there, then shouted to himself, and performed a copy.

Then somehow raised their palms and said they would pay them.

In the end, it looked relaxed.

As if he was acting alone.

Understood, the elder of the Demon Demon blasted with blood, almost furious, and bleed.

"His surname, you ... you ..." He shivered with anger.

I was tricked into sacrifice one third of my life!

In the courtyard of the city, Su Yu came out with a hand and stood in the air.

He stared at the Elder Howling: "It doesn't matter to me, who makes you lose your breath?"

Such a big illusion can't last for long.

At most half a cup of tea.

However, the elder Xiaoxiao used Magic Pro from the beginning, and lost a third of his life.

"I destroyed you!" The elder howl still maintains the state of the demon at this moment, and the fierce power is undiminished.

Su Yu's head did not return to Jiuzun authenticly, "You should understand the shortcomings of Demon Pro, don't you attack too hard, otherwise he will be absorbed by him."

The nine authentic masters were astonished.

Without Su Yu, he forced the other party to cast Demon Pro ahead of time, spying out the power of Demon Pro.

They really want to talk.

"In this case, try to capture it." The nine tunnel masters changed their fierce attacks and attacked with close force.

In this way, the elders of the howling demons in the state of magic will have a hard time drawing their power.

Howling elders roar again and again.

He was caught vulnerable, and he had no power to fight back, and was beaten repeatedly.

"Go!" The elder Xiao howl shouted loudly, his physique swelled again.

The nine authentic masters hurriedly backed away, dignified.

"Second demons, his strength is going to skyrocket, be careful!" Jiu Zun authentic master yelled.

For the first time, you can draw on enemy attacks.

In the second demo, it can soar its own strength. It is said that it can rise at least one level.

He is now in the late stage of Kong Nirvana, but with the help of Demon Pro, he can directly become an authentic owner.

It may even be stronger than the nine authentic masters.

Sure enough, the strength of the Elder Screaming Demon surged, and he truly surpassed the nine authentic masters.

"All for me!" Elder Howling roared endlessly.

In the second demo, he sacrificed another third of his life.

This made Elder Howl's eyes dazzled.

He didn't have much life at all. Two demons came down and there was little left.

He roared loudly, erupting from the unique talents of Elder Howling ...

The roar of the nirvana realm does not have much power at all.

However, the roar at this moment is terrifying!

The nine authentic masters were shattered and shattered with blood on the spot.

Su Yuren was in midair, caught off guard, shattered by a demon roar on the spot and became a blood mist!

Of all the elders howling the most hated, no doubt is Su Yu.

As soon as he died, the Elder Howling Devil cut in half.

Looking at the nine serious Taoists who have been seriously injured, they ran out to kill Su Yu.

The elder howling demon's reason calmed down, and suddenly hesitated.

No, this is a fantasy, right?

"Probably not, how could illusions be so easy to create ..." Elder Xiaomo talked to himself.

But the world before him suddenly fluctuated a bit.

Like a mirror, the dust on it has been wiped off, revealing the essence.

As a result, Elder Howling was unbelievable that Su Yu, who had clearly died, stood in front of himself, maintaining the posture of talking to him.

And the nine authentic masters stood behind Su Yu and did not come forward to attack.

"Second Demon Pro, his cultivation will reach the realm of realism, and the power of Demon Roar will also increase greatly. Make a record and prepare." Su Yu said indifferently.

How could he come out of the yard for no reason?

The purpose is to arrange a second fantasy for the elder howl at a short distance.

And he did not disappoint Su Yu, and once again came Demon Sacrifice, directly sacrificing one third of his life.

His life has been deceived by Su Yu by 60%, leaving less than 40%.

The elder howling monster stunned for a while before accepting the reality at hand.

He was so angry that he felt like a monkey being played: "Su Yu!"

The roar was about to start.

The nine authentic masters snorted, opened their mouths and made sounds.

Nine people's voices joined together to counteract the fierce roar from Elder Howling.

Collided with each other in the void, annihilated each other.

However, the nine authentic masters joined forces, and the power was obviously better. The elder Xiaomao spit out blood.

In addition, the nine authentic masters bullied themselves and attacked with strength at close range.

The Elder Howling Devil is in pain, and yells in anger: "Devil ..."

He was ready to sacrifice a third of his life again to launch the third demons.

Once launched, Su Yu they really have no place to bury themselves.

I just looked not far away, and I looked at Su Yu with a smile, and the elder Xiao Xiao's eyes rolled.

Is it also a fantasy?

definitely is!

Su Yu is deceiving herself to show the third Demon Pro ~ ~ to let herself kill herself.

Thinking of this, the elder howling monster tolerated the pain, he told himself silently in his heart.

Hold on, hold on for a while.

The illusion will break free.

However, insisting on a cup of tea, he had been bombarded with body injuries by nine authentic masters and was dying.

That illusion has not been lifted.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood that it was now true.

"Magic Pro ..." With this in mind, the elder of Xiao Demon roared and launched the third demo.

But the nine authentic masters had already prepared, and they shot it together.

Jiudao's fierce strength hit the elder Xiao Xiao from the sky to the ground fiercely!

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