The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2480: Inverse Demon Void

The elder howling demon roared again and again, more sad and angry.

The grand elders were even applauded in applause.

It is ridiculous that he just mistakenly thought that he was in a fantasy and suffered so many attacks in vain.


Lying on the ground, the elder howling demon spit blood again.

A bit of magic blood transpired on the ground, exaggerating the magical energy, and set off the face of the Elder Howling Demon with evil and evil.

"Su Xiaoer, the old man won't let you go!" The elders of Xiao Demons quickly blurred their features, and the entire body was also expanding into a huge black mist in the dark magic.

Once the life is given, the demons will begin and cannot be interrupted.

Although the nine authentic masters shot in time, the elder Xiaoxiao successfully launched the third demo.

But at the speed visible to the naked eye, the elder seeing the demon lost his body and turned into a huge and incomparable magic mist.

The magic mist rises to the sky and turns into a huge face.

"Forcing me to this point, none of you want to survive." The big face growled.

He only had the last 10% of his life, and he couldn't live long.

How can he be reconciled if the surname Su is not allowed to be buried?

In the roar, Giant Face opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.

Suddenly, the whole world started to twist.

Visible to the naked eye, layers of folds appear in the space.

Like a piece of flat white paper, it was severely twisted.

And with constant exertion, the white paper is more wrinkled, and there are faint signs of cracking.


A crackling sound, a corner at the end of the sky, was torn open, revealing the nine-color array.

Then, everywhere in the world, the sound of blasts came from one after another.

"Inverse demon sky!" The huge face transformed by the elder Xiao demons frantically.

The whole world is twisted and broken at a faster rate.

With only half a cup of tea, everyone is in ruins.

Nine authentic masters shot in succession.

They all exhibited what they learned in life.

Realm, Taoism, Treasure Art.

Colorful attacks, bombarded into the huge magic mist.

However, instead of reducing the magic mist, the magic mist has continued to grow.

That was the effect of the second demo, able to absorb the attacks of others and use it for their own purposes.

As a last resort, the nine authentic masters could only attack with a scrupulous approach.

However, at this moment, the elder howling demon is invisible, ordinary attacks, if hit in the air, will not hurt her.

Instead, the Elder Howling Demon kept throwing out atomized tentacles, blasting the nine tunnel masters from time to time.

Soon, the nine natives were wounded.

They clenched their teeth and felt tricky.

What is happening now is that Elder Howling can attack them, but they cannot attack Elder Howling.

I can only watch the elders of howling demons continue to launch the inverse demonic vault, causing the whole world to become distorted.

After a long attack, they had to retreat.

"Queen, retreat, there is no other way to do it." Nine authentic masters were extremely dignified.

They have a chance to escape while the distortion of space has not reached its limit.

Queen Xingyu was especially reconciled.

Just give up?

In order to act today, she personally supervised the layout and spent countless hours.

The resources in the Queen's Hall are even more numerous.

But it turned out so cruel-everything was done.

Her heart was dim, and her eyes could not help but look at Su Yu.

What made her look bright was that Su Yu was standing against her hand, her expression was dull, she didn't panic.

Instead, there is a feeling that everything is under control.

At this point, space distortions had reached a very serious level.

The entire city of satellites can be heard everywhere.

Below the earth, there are sounds of earth vein faults everywhere.

Maybe there is no need for half a cup of tea, everything will be ruined immediately.

唰 ——

Outside the world.

Two figures arrived at this time.

They were not bystanders, it was the Mingxin Emperor and Zijun who came to capture the elder Xiaoxiao.

The two stared at the distorted world in front of them, and looked at the horrible magic mist.

The Emperor Mingxin couldn't help shaking his brows.

A trace of tremor spread in his heart.

"Elder Mormon is really so terrible?" The Great Emperor Mingxin was startled.

With the constant approach, Zi Jun's eyes have thoroughly determined the identity of the other party.

The elder at the bottom of the magic gate, howling.

This person's strength is the lowest among the elders of the magic gate.

It is said that the authentic owner has not yet been broken.

However, the scene in front of it really subverts imagination.

Actually relying on one's own strength, to compete against the full nine lords, destroy the world.

No wonder then that the elders of the Golden Devil could turn around and be alone, against many dominating descendants.

Zijun swallowed a spit, and his eyes were full of awe.

Her heart trembled, and she didn't even have the courage to resist in the face of that existence.

The Emperor Mingxin sighed, "No wonder the elders were captured!"

He couldn't help but dispel the attention of Elder Demon Gate.

Unless he is in Dongming City at this moment, he has countless authentic masters.

But even so, there must be psychological preparations to sacrifice a lot of authentic strong.

"We stepped back so as not to be affected." Mingxin Emperor resolutely said.

Zijun nodded and was about to step back. Suddenly, a tiny eye in her eyes reflected an unusual scene.

In the sky falling apart, a silver-haired man with long hair flutters.

He twirled his fingers, pointing at the mist that swallowed the sky.


With an order, there was a long singing voice between heaven and earth.

The sound was beautiful and beautiful, as if the nine-day goddess was singing.

Just listening to it, I feel that the entire soul has been sublimated like never before, and that the past is pale, but only now is eternal.

So are the beings above the earth.

The same is true of the nine Taoists.

Queen Xingyu never avoided it.

Even the Mingxin Emperor and Zijun, far away from the end of the heavens and the earth, heard the sound of Tianyi.

Zijun heard the first time, lost consciousness on the spot, his eyes became blurred and dull.

The Great Emperor Mingxin was also lost in the beginning.

However, the defensive magic weapon on his body issued a harsh alarm, which awakened Mingxin Emperor in time.

"Time freezes!" He hurriedly settled to prevent himself from falling into singing again.

He decisively pulled his son back and ran back, his eyes filled with deep shock.

What kind of song is that, in the realm of Nirvana, he actually recruited on the spot?

If this is the battlefield ~ ~ the enemy suddenly comes, he can hardly imagine the consequences.

I am afraid that before the defense magic weapon awakens it, it is already killed by the enemy.

Twisted world.

The magic mist transformed by the elder howl can devour all attacks.

But it is impossible to devour the attack from the soul.

Hearing the song, the group of magic mist immediately stopped swallowing and kept shrinking.

Finally it re-contracted into the form of howling elder.

His eyes were dull, he stood motionless and had lost his ability to think.

The elder Howling Demon is so easily subdued.

In this way, Su Yu retracted her finger, and the space container on her finger closed slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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