The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2481: Mountain peak water turn

Not bad.

He used the Nine Phantom Queen.

With her singing, she successfully defeated the Elder Howling.

Looking at the sluggish Elder Demon Sorcerer, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief and swept the four sides with her soul power.

Wake everyone up except Elder Howling.

Queen Xingyu regained consciousness and shook her body.

The blurry sight is leisurely and clear.

When he saw the elder howling near him, he screamed subconsciously.

When the rest saw the elder Xiaoxiao, they were frightened and retreated.

Until Su Yu said, "No need to panic, this person is already under my control."

In this way, they calmed down slightly.

Look carefully, don't you?

Elder Howling Demon's eyes are dull, clearly a sign of loss of self.

The Queen Xingyu's pale face returned to ruddy, with some blame: "Brother, you have such a powerful means, why not show it earlier?"

She didn't quite understand.

Now that the Elder Howling can be easily controlled, what is the significance of the previous arrangement?

Control it right from the start, isn't it all good?

As a result, many methods of hard work have not been effective, and they themselves are almost in danger.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he slowly said, "Because there is another powerful method on the Elder Xiao Demons that has not been used yet. He doesn't move. How dare I use it rashly?"

"Really? Elder Howling?" This sentence, he said to Elder Howling.

Queen Xingyu froze: "Brother, who are you talking to?"

The rest of them also choked.

Su Yu seems to be talking to Elder Howling, but isn't he controlled?

Almost at this moment, the elder Xiao who was clearly under control suddenly shot a terrible light with his eyes.

His thin claws, with a terrifying sound of breaking through, grabbed Su Yu.

"Su Xiaoer, if you are deceitful, you still can't escape!"

It turned out that the Elder Howling Demon was indeed affected by the song at first.

However, he had a defensive magic weapon given by the Lord.

At that time, he made a marvelous feat, and was taken as a registered disciple by the demon master.

With that item, he could wake up in time.

It was just that he remained calm and pushed the boat down the river to give Su Yu a severe blow.

With this attack, he thought he was suddenly and fiercely. No matter how cunning Su Yu was, he could not escape.

However, Su Yu had anticipated it and wrote lightly: "Aren't you afraid of a fantasy now?"

The elder howl demons slows down a bit, but then speeds up abruptly: "Regardless of your illusions, just kill them."

Anyway, it is a single blow, even if it is a fantasy, it will not affect anything.

His palm penetrated the defense of Su Yu's three feet and struck his chest.

That true touch settled the elder howl.

Su Yu, doomed!

However, the moment he touched Su Yu.

A fierce black current suddenly emerged from Su Yu's eyebrow.

After the black current rushed out, he felt like an arrow, and instantly fell into the body of the elder howl.

As a result, the Elder Screamer made a very crisp sound.

Surprisingly, the defensive magic weapon given by the demon Lord broke.

The elder howling monster was horrified.

The defensive magic weapon was made by the Lord himself, and the level is unimaginable.

Even the attack of the authentic master's peak can resist one or two.

It just shattered.

What is that black current?

"Wait! That magic ... is ..." Elder Xiaoxiao horrified.

He didn't know the black current, but wasn't the magic energy contained in it?

But without waiting for him to say, the remaining black current, without any hindrance, instantly destroyed the elder howling demon into a cloud of blood, floating in the sky.

But he is not dead!

Drops of blood mist, as if there were independent lives, quickly gathered together and reunited to become the elder of howling.

It just looked exceptionally weak.

Less than one tenth of normal.

The magical effects of one body were all dispersed because of the destruction just now.

It is conceivable how a fateful body will be.

He cannot escape today!

However, the elder howling monster took out the wine gourd.

I don't know what to put in the gourd.

He squeezed the gourd and warned sharply: "Don't move! Otherwise we all die together!"

Everyone looked at their gourds, not without dignity.

At this moment, the elder howling demon is already fighting with the trapped beast. If there is any danger, he will come up with a dangerous killer.

"Then go to the same place." Su Yu smiled lightly: "Isn't it just a pot of time?"

He not only speculated that the elder howling demon had something from the demon owner, but also that the elder howling may be a slave with two surnames.

It is not only the people of the magic gate that may collude with another force.

Because of his tens of billions of people, he couldn't explain it anyway.

The ten elder elders, except for the elders of the bone demons, nine other elders could not have such a huge value.

The only possibility is that he has another source of money.

And the entire Dream Disaster, few are able to hand over to the Elder Howling Demon crystallized by billions of time.

The most likely thing is nothing more than the one who thinks he is good at layout planning?

He buys people around, Taiyi is an example.

Therefore, Su Yu was bought, and Su Yu was not surprised at all.

The time domain in this gourd now confirms Su Yu's speculation.

He has taken refuge in Shaohao.

"You ... how do you know?" The elder Xiaoxiao was startled, his eyes flickered with confusion.

Step by step, Su Yu calmly said, "I still know that Shaohao gave it to you."

The psychological defense of the elder howling monster collapsed suddenly, snapping sharply: "Who are you?"

It is incredible that a human race has infinite wealth.

He can also know his secret!

This made the Elder Howl feel terrifying. What kind of existence is he against?

"I? Hehe!" Su Yu's feet rushed into the space, moving the two of them instantly elsewhere.

Looking at the unfamiliar area nearby, Elder Howling's face turned wildly: "Space Sphere!"

He looked at Su Yu in astonishment ~ ~ as if thinking of something.

Su Yu smiled, and slowly took off the dipper on top of her head, revealing a face that still remembers the elder Xiaoming.

"Ah! It's you, space rules the descendants!"

That year, he accidentally found that Su Yu, the space-dominated descendant, launched two crazy hunts for it.

But he escaped.

The elder howling monster never dreamed that the junior who was chased like a bereavement dog became the pillar of Queen Xingyu in a blink of an eye.

And he has countless powerful cards that suffocate him!

"It seems you still remember that it is an honor." Su Yu smiled slightly.

In that year's extremely dangerous two pursuits, Su Yu is still unforgettable.

There are quite a few factors in his choice to do something with Elder Howling.

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