Is the Underworld's change for him?

The ruthless woman who was alone and pursuing martial arts laid down for him, changed herself for him, and silently paid for him.

For a moment, Su Yu felt that if the evil girl did not meet him, it might be better.

"Why are you here?" Nie Nu looked at her side and said.

Su Yu hesitated, holding her shoulder in the other hand, and the latter's calm eyes trembled and her body stiffened.

For the first time, a blush appeared on the white cheeks.

She wanted to talk, but her head was blank.

The heart even throbbed, as if something was pounding inside.

This feeling was very strange and strange, she had never encountered it in her life.

Su Yu whispered in her ear: "I want to see you."

It was said that Nie Nu's pupils shrank, and her heart seemed to be held by a powerful hand, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Want to see me?

Probably, this is the most emotional word that the evil girl heard from Su Yu's mouth.

Although there are only three words, it is a shock to the evil girl.

"Then, I'm sorry." Su Yu apologized.

The insidious woman who is usually indifferent and concise, does not speak fluently at the moment: "No ... nothing."

She looked into Su Yu's eyes, but found that Su Yu was actually looking at herself.

With my eyes touching each other, they were there.

Su Yu's feelings for her should be the most complicated, from the original enemy of life and death, to the same station later, to friends, and finally to the hazy relationship now.

Have to sigh fate.

"Do you sell?" The second treasurer slumped, interrupting the tacit communication between the two.

The wicked woman turned to God, looked away, and said, "Listen to him."

The second treasurer looked at Su Yu, who said without hesitation: "No sale!"

Speaking, Su Yu stowed the space container and embraced the **** the shoulder, saying, "Let's go, change another house."

The second treasurer was suddenly anxious.

Although it was just a quick glance, I still found a few treasures worth hundreds of millions of soul stones. If they were deceived, it would be a huge windfall.

"Wait! The price can be negotiated." The second treasurer stood up and stopped.

The evil girl turned to look at him and asked, "Did you just say that you only accepted me if you did well? Now say that the price is negotiable?"

The second treasurer gave a dry cough: "I think about it now and find that there are some valuables in the space storage, but they are not too high."

"I don't know if the two have sold in good faith?" The second treasurer said.

Su Yu stood still and looked at the space container, and said, "Are you sincere to accept it?"

The second treasurer proudly said, "That is of course. I do business with sincerity and sincerity."

Su Yu stretched out a finger: "That being the case, then sell this number to you."

"One hundred million soul stones?" The second treasurer hesitated, wasn't this the price just now?

He realized it was not, and calmly said, "Don't you want to say, one billion?"

If it is a billion, there is still a lot of money to make. It is only a rough sweep. The total value of several things is far more than a billion.

"No, I mean 10 billion soul stones." Su Yu said lightly.

The Skull Squad has searched Xinghe's resources for many years. Ten billion yuan is assessed in Xiaoli. Guangtian Pavilion still has money to make.

"What, ten billion? Are you crazy?" Er Treasurer laughed angrily.

What is the concept of 10 billion soul stones?

The annual income of each of the three great holy families is just that.

How about 10 billion transactions at a time?

The man in black robe in front of him really wants money and is crazy?

Without saying a word, Su Yu took out the treasures one by one from the space container and put them on the table.

"Taihe Yulong, worth at least 100 million soul stones."

"Tian Yu Coral is worth less than 500 million soul stones."

"Seventh-order path device, Black Dragon Broken Sword, 200 million soul stones."


Su Yu took out dozens of relatively precious things in the space container one by one.

"These add up to ten billion." Su Yu looked at the pile of things on the eye table, and shook the space container in his hand: "In addition, there are some precious things that have not been counted out. "

"Now tell me again, who is crazy and wants to buy these things with 100 million soul stones?" Su Yu asked in return.

The second treasurer said, "It's the old man's eyes are clumsy. I didn't see so many valuable things for a while."

The wicked girl looked in her eyes and sighed in silence, she really was not suitable for bargaining with the little ones.

Hundreds of billions of things were almost deceived by a hundred million soul stones, which is ridiculous.

"So, do you accept or not?" Su Yu asked.

The second treasurer hurriedly said, "Please wait a moment, we have to ask our big treasurer to take the decision."

He hurried to the backyard. In the courtyard, an old goatee was leisurely feeding the goldfish in the water tank.

"Big treasurer, there is a big sale, and you still have to make a decision."

The goatee looked at the fish tank and said, "How old?"

"10 billion," said the second treasurer.

The goatee had a palm of his hand, obviously a little surprised, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "Give up! Recently, you need to invest a lot of money on another thing."

give up?

The second treasurer was particularly painful, and said, "Big treasurer, this sale is definitely very profitable. At present, 10 billion-level things have been counted ..."

He listed all the dozens of treasures that Su Yu had just taken out one by one.

Originally, the elder goatee was untouched and had no desire to trade.

Gradually, the goatee's eyes gradually sharpened, and he patiently listened to the description of the second shopkeeper.

"What is the origin of this person?" The goatee narrowed his eyes.

The second treasurer shook his head: "I don't know. They are two people, but they are all masked in black robes. They can't detect their identity."

He looked at the old goatee in amazement, at first he looked at his attitude and thought he was buying and selling soup.

Unexpectedly, it was unexpected that the big treasurer had changed his mind.

After a long groan, the old man with goatee put down his fish food and came to the front hall with his hand.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately pulled away the gloomy face, squeezed out a warm smile, and hugged his fist: "In the shopkeeper of the Xiaguang Tiange, the two noble guests came here and came to welcome us!

Su Yu simply nodded her head, which was a response.

The big treasurer said with a smile: "Come here, serve tea for two distinguished guests!"

Then he asked, "Where do the two distinguished guests come from?"

Su Yu's eyes flickered, and she said lightly: "We are just here to sell things and have no time to chat. If the big shopkeeper thinks that the sale is not appropriate, we will find another seller."

It's too naive to think of his origins.

"We are willing if we are willing, but rather than goods, we want to be a friend with you." The shopkeeper smiled.

Without saying a word, Su Yu put away the space container and said, "Let's go."

It's strange in the Underworld ~ ~ Isn't it for sale?

Or is this the way to bargain?

"His Excellency, slow, we are willing to make this deal with you." The treasurer quickly said: "The price is as you said, 10 billion soul stones."

However, Su Yu didn't look back and said decisively: "Sorry, I won't sell it."

The treasurer immediately said: "The price can be even higher!"

Su Yu said lightly: "I said, don't sell!"

After speaking, he left Guangtian Pavilion.

Outside the shop, the evil girl said, "We can sell for a higher price, why not sell?"

Su Yu eyes exposed a trace of light, and said deeply: "Don't you think that this big treasurer is far more interested in us than these resources?" (Https :)

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