The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2884: Invite to invite

Oh? The wicked woman pondered carefully and said, "It seems to be the case, and has been knocking side by side to speculate about our origin."

Su Yu looked back at the plaque in Yanguang Tiange, and then looked down at the space container in his hand: "Perhaps, these stolen goods have some origin with them."

When the Skull of the Skeleton Group was killed, the other party had previously revealed his identity before dying, from a holy family of Jiuxing civilization.

Presumably there are things that are unique to the family in the space storage so that they are recognized.

However, this is the end, and Su Yu has no regrets.

He and Nie Nu came to another business and sold it easily at the price of 10 billion soul stones.

"All the money is kept by you." Su Yu gave her all the soul stones she received.

The wicked girl stunned, and said, "Are you not afraid that I will take it all away?"

Ten billion is not a small number. Su Yu is too relieved about her?

"Just rush you to take care of the king of fairy feather county, 100 billion soul stones, it's no problem if you want to take it away." Su Yu looked into her eyes.

In the indifferent eyes of the wicked woman, there was a sudden panic, and it was obvious that Su Yu's words caught her heart.

For no reason, what purpose did she run to take care of Su Yu's father-in-law?

Su Yu took out another jade bottle, which contained ten drops of original energy.

"Come with me!" He strode over, and took the evil girl back to the back room of the site: "Serve."

This time, Su Yu personally supervised the use of the evil girl.

In desperation, the evil girl can only be served on the spot, and Su Yu is behind her to help her quickly resolve the medicine.

And Guangtian Pavilion.

The big treasurer still stood at the door, his face changed uncertainly.

"Have you bought it?" He asked indifferently when the second shopkeeper returned.

The second treasurer held a jade box in his hand and brought it to him: "Three billion, I bought it from Haoran Building."

The big treasurer opened the jade box, a white crystal lay inside, and a golden yellow liquid flowed inside.

"Sure enough, it is Tianliu Yunjing," the big treasurer murmured.

This thing was one of the things in Su Yu's space store just now. Three hundred million was sold to Haoran House. Obviously, they wanted to buy it back. Haoran House naturally opened its mouth and the price was 3 billion.

The second treasurer is extremely painful. Well, it took billions of soul stones.

This sale is a big loss!

But the shopkeeper called to buy it back, and said that at any cost, he could only let Haoran Building make an offer.

"Big treasurer, if we knew that we were spending so much money, what would be good?" The second treasurer was worried.

The big treasurer looked indifferent, and said, "If you know above, Tianliu Yunjing is here, but we have turned a blind eye, which is really a big trouble."

He packed Tianliu Yunjing and put on the bucket: "To look after the shop, I'm going to build the Heavenly Holy Family and see the master."

Hearing that the second treasurer looked very serious.

The Gaotian saint, which is a super saint, is different from the ordinary saints in Tibetan Tianshan.

In such saints, there may be several super saints of extreme strength at any time.

Although it is worse than the famous sword saints, it is definitely not weak.


The news that the Huang family ’s site was occupied by outside forces was so loud that in just a few days, it spread throughout the Tibetan Mountains.

Many great forces in the mountains were alarmed.

Especially the ghost saint and the saint saint who are two of the three saints.

Ghost Holy Tribe.

A great saint ancestor, nearly twenty ancient saints in the clan are secretly behind closed doors.

"How is the investigation of the foreign forces at the Panjia Huangjia site?" In the middle is a child, with a simple grey robe and a very immature face, but his eyes are vicissitudes.

He is the ancestor of a well-known saint, the Great Holy Saint, who is good at manipulating ghosts and dead bodies, which is quite powerful.

"The comer is a small, inaccessible force called Ding, which is unheard of." Asked Gu Sheng, who was in charge of the investigation.

"As far as I know, the strongest is their leader, whose strength is only the first stage of the middle stage of the Heavenly Lord, and even the ancient sage level has not been reached."

Is this low-level?

Another dozen ancient saints have been discussing.

"The Huang family site lives alone in the central area of ​​the Tianshan Mountains in Tibet. For the sake of those who have a surname in their family, we have been giving up for so many years. Now that all their families are missing, how can the site fall into the hands of outsiders?

"Old man, it's time to take back the Huang family."


Many ancient saints are suggesting them, but the ghostly ancestors are always silent, and it is a long time before they ask: "What about the Aoki saint and the Tatar saint?"

The surveyed Gu Sheng pondered for a moment, and said, "This ... the two saints have not done anything yet, probably they haven't had time to shoot yet!"

The ancient saints proposed again.

"Patriarch, before the two saints have reacted, be sure to win the site in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, ancestor, opportunity!"

However, the ancestor of the nether world was extraordinarily quiet, and the vicissitude in his eyes was full of wisdom: "How do I think this is a trap?"


Many ancient saints are meditating. The ancient saint who is responsible for the investigation: "The ancestor was worried, because the two saints were slow to move because they knew something in advance?"

In this regard, the ancestor of the Nether nodded slightly: "The sacred tribe is afraid to say that this tribe is obsessed with refining and is not enthusiastic about the expansion of the size of the site.

"Huang family site, the Aoki saints have paid a huge price. Now that site is no longer in danger and has been picked up by a group of small forces. Is there any reason to say nothing?"

The ancient Holy Path responsible for the investigation: "Will it be the Aoki Saints who have not yet received the news?"

In response, the ghostly ancestor laughed: "How is it possible! The Aoki saints are proficient in wood-based ancestry, and everything can be turned into the woods of their Aoki saints, and become their eyes and ears. Do you have no idea?"

"It is not even an exaggeration to say that when we spy here, the Aoki saints all know clearly!"

Speaking, the ancestor of the ghost suddenly stared, staring at an ancient saint who was attentively attending the meeting.

He squeezed his palm, twisted his neck and pulled out a jade box from his chest.

Inside is a seed that has germinated.

The sprouts from the seeds are abnormally green, and there is a strong light flashing.

The ancient saint was startled and said, "Ah, this is a seed that has been dead for 100 years. When did it germinate?"

The nether ancestor pinched the seed and sneered: "Aoki saint, don't go too far!"

As soon as he squeezed his palm, the seed shattered with a bang, and smoke burst out from it.

Apparently ~ ~ is the Aoki saint who revives the seeds, and then uses the seeds to detect every move in the secret room.

The nether ancestor sat back again and calmly said, "So you saw it? The Aoki saints are indifferent, it must be the Huang family site ... No, it is the small force named Ding, which has a big problem!"

This time, no one questioned.

"So, how should we treat that little power?" Everyone asked.

Nether ancestor Capricorn's forehead, his eyes flickered: "Send an invitation, I will meet their leader in person!"

However, the voice has just fallen.

Suddenly there was a spatial fluctuation above their heads, and then a red invitation fell down.

"Dacheng space?" Pupils of the Nether Ancestor shrank sharply! (Updated at 8pm) (https :)

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