The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1412: Angry Huqing (2)

Chapter 1412 Angry Huqing (2)

Even though the wind does not know what this rune is, but... In this rune, she feels infinite power.

This power is a bit horrible and even more shocking.

Tear off!

Under the gaze of everyone, the night slammed the rune, and his mouth was hung with a terrible smile.

"Ha ha ha, this continent is the world of our spiritual gods," he turned and looked at the people who were scared. The voice was mild. "But you don't have to worry too much. Our spiritual door What we have to deal with is the country of extinction that is a human being! If you don’t do anything that misses the world, we will not execute you!"

Because this marriage is the son of the **** of the gods, and the lady of the Fengyun House... Yes, the forces of the hidden world are all coming.

There are also many forces that did not participate in the recent Pharmacological Congress.

Of course, for the hidden world, many forces have only interests and no feelings.

They will not let themselves fall into a land of annihilation for a wind and cloud.

and so……

When they saw the rune that was torn off at night, their hearts were filled with fear, but they finally suppressed the inner panic and began to echo his words.

"It’s true that the elders of the night are right. He came to advocate justice."

"The Spirit Gate has never been indiscriminately killing innocent people. It is not like this Fengyun government...and the Yunyun country... It is simply extinct humanity, it is terrible, and the number of innocent people who die in their hands is countless!"

"What is terrible is that because of a woman's guilty heart, it has killed countless people. Why do women suffer from a woman? I really don't know why Nanzi Gongzi has received such a hegemony?"

"Tan girl, you don't have to be afraid, today, let's make the Lord for you! Since you are happy with the Nanxian son, we will naturally be the master of you, this woman can't get any wind..."

Anyone who is hidden in the world can perceive the unusualness of the rune.

Even if there are so many people on the wind, they know where they should stand!

The legs of the basaltic monarch were soft and almost fell to the ground.

When he is finished, he will know that there is no good end to the relationship with the wind.

He knows it, and the wind is obviously that he knows that he will have today, so... she will want to take him back as a back.

Now he also understands what the meaning of the most poisonous woman's heart is!

Compared with these people, Tan Shuangshuang’s eyes clearly show a hint of hope.

She did not dare to come to the way of fear of the wind.


If the wind is defeated?

Then she can be ashamed of snow and ride on her head!

Maybe I thought about everything I was going to get, her face improved a lot, and there was no initial panic...


at the same time.

Above the mountains.

There was a loud noise.

The powerful force leaped into the body of Jiuyi. His body suddenly fell backwards, and a blood spurted out. His beautiful face was pale.

Hu Qing sneered: "Sure enough, you have used the secret method to improve your strength. It will become so powerful at the beginning. Now you are simply vulnerable, even the South Changfeng kid is not as good!"

Jiuyi did not know who the South Changfeng was, but he did not ask for the exit. He only wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Even if I am not as good as people, I will not let anyone... destroy her wedding!"

(End of this chapter)

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