The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1413: Angry Huqing (3)

Chapter 1413 Angry Huqing (3)

"Kid, can you deserve to save a rival?" Hu Qing picked up his eyes. "You obviously are not my opponent, why should you help him to leave?"

"Because..." Jiuyi picked up his lips. "He needs to go to the wedding ceremony and give her an account."

So he came...

In order to replace him.

Only in this way, the South String can be rushed back.

It is a pity that... her wedding ceremony, he has no way to watch it.

Also can't... see her happy smile.

"Hey, do you think that you will be very infatuated? In my opinion, you are at most an idiot. Since this is what you are looking for, don't blame me!"

Hu Qing’s eyes were filled with anger, and suddenly he rushed to Jiuyi, and his eyes showed his killing.

This kid can't be kept!

Anyone who is so infatuated with the Nine Emperors will not let go!

Even if he first gave up the South Changfeng, he must first kill this kid...

Jiuyi’s lips still had a smile, and he slowly stood up.

His body is awkward, and it seems that the strength of standing still disappears.

But he...the body is still standing like a pine bamboo, and like the wall of the stalwart, blocking the enemy in front of him.


Another punch fell.

Jiuyi raised his hand to block, but his power was meager after all, and the powerful force of the child made him fly out again, and the blood flowed from the mouth.

Hu Qing sneered.

This time, he gathered all his strength in his fist.

And Jiuyi has not had much ability to resist. If this fist falls, he will inevitably be disabled if he does not die...

On the face of Hu Qing, she showed a crazy smile and swooped toward Jiuyi with lightning speed.

"Bad boy, this is how you help the Nine Emperors!"

Those girls who like the nine emperors... he can’t bear to start.

Face the man... Oh, do you think he will be merciful?

Hu Qing seems to be able to see the wind as sorrowful, and he can't help but laugh out loud. This smile is arrogant, and it has been echoing in the mountains for a long time.

Nine cockroaches looked up and stared straight at the night. He had no emotions in his cold shackles and his face did not change. He seemed to be indifferent to his attack.

And his expression made Hu Qing even more angry, his fists violently squatting, and even the boxing style was arrogant.


Just at the moment when his fist was about to fall, a black mist instantly wrapped his body, and suddenly disappeared without a trace...

Jiuyi was a sigh, and immediately, the infinite panic caught his nephew, and his hand slammed into the ground and climbed up from the ground.

"Small, I have to go back and look for a little bit, cough..."

He coughed up a bite of blood, and his footsteps just moved twice, and he fell to the ground and fell to the ground.


Inside the hall.

Along with the arrogant laughter of the night, a group of black fog gradually condensed.

In the dark fog, an old-fashioned old man came out of the dark fog, with anger and murder in his eyes.

"Night one!!!"

A roar, let the night laughter come to an abrupt end, sobbing in the throat, not up.

Looking at Hu Qing at night, I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, and the owner was so angry.

It is obvious that he said that if he can’t kill the wind, he will call him...

He just listened to the words of the doorman...

Ps: I made up yesterday, and I am still going today.

(End of this chapter)

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