The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1460: Will not protect the short world? (One)

Chapter 1460 will not protect the short world? (One)


Dark and damp.

He Xin’s body curled into a ball and shivered. His eyes were full of panic, and his pale face was like white paper.

at this time……

The door of the dungeon was opened, and a group of light came in from the door, reflecting the body of He Xin.

He Xin looked up. When his gaze looked at the old man standing at the door of the dungeon, his body trembled, his eyes flashed a panic, and his body moved back a few times.

Why is he behind him a cold wall, so that he can not retreat.

"What do you want to do?"

Even his voice was trembling, and it was obvious that the experience of these days made him unforgettable.

The figure of the world like a ghost has already floated to the front of He Xin. He raised his hand and smashed his sleeves. His old face has no expression, and even the mood swings no longer exist. I can't see what he is thinking.

"The time you disappeared was to go to a place called Haoyue mainland?"

He Xin swallowed his horror and shivered: "Yes."

"What have you been doing there?" Tianya was cold with an old face. "All told me, otherwise, I will make you unforgettable today!"

He Xin stunned a bit, and he did not understand why Tianya was not so interested in his behavior these days.

Can face this old thing, He Xin did not dare to have any concealment, trembled: "I just went to a place called Tianshen House."

Tenjin House?

He Xin picked up his eyes and his eyes flashed through a cold mans.

This day Shenshen... seems to be still alive, but I don’t know if the old thing in Tianshen was still alive.

"and then?"

"I have been there for many years. If it is not for the sake of Mu Jiamu, I will not be able to come out."

When he mentioned the name of Mu Huan, He Xin hated to gnash his teeth.

If it weren't for this **** monk, how could he appear? Not even dragged into the place by the black dragon.

"Mu Huan?"

The world is frowning, but there is no impression of this name.

"How did you get to that place?"

In the past few years, he has used countless methods. There is no way to go back. The world seems to have a seal, and everyone will be sealed on this continent.

He Xin carefully looked at the horizon: "Yes... I gave up all the strengths before I can go to the mainland."

Give up all strength...

Tianya suddenly vented his breath. If he abandoned all his strength and went back, wouldn’t the group of people peel him up?

No, no!

He must remember his way, and he must return to Haoyue mainland intact!

"The last question, how did you get back?" Tianya continued to ask.

He Xin has a hate in his eyes: "All of them blame that Mu Huan, I have always been pity and jealous, she was bullied, I naturally would not sit and watch, to be honest, the enemy of Mu Huan is too weak, only Mujia The old man... Oh, there are a couple, what is Fengtianyu and Nalan, these two people are a little stronger."

"But... this is only for the world, it is definitely not enough for me."

When he said this, He Xin was somewhat proud of his lips, and he forgot his current situation and did not see the black face.

"If it wasn't for the black dragon that broke the void, I wouldn't be able to get it in. The couple had already died, and I wouldn't even fall into this end!"

(End of this chapter)

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