The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1461: Will not protect the short world? (two)

Chapter 1461 will not protect the short world? (two)

That group of people is too weak to be his opponent forever.

If it is not for the sake of black dragons, Feng Tianyu and Nalan smoke have already been cold.

Tianya no expression, coldly looking at He Xin: "You just said the couple... what is the name?"

He Xin smashed it, some unclear so looked at the horizon, he was silent for a while, still replied: "Wind Tian Yu and Nalan smoke, they and the little lady of Mujia... It seems to be called Suyi, It is a family."

"You say it again, what is their name!!!"

The tone of the world could not help but bring a bit of heavy, asked one word at a time.

He Xin is stupid, is there a problem with the ears of this world?

He has already said it twice!

"Wind Tianyu and Nalan smoke..."


The end of the world punched a punch, right in the chest of He Xin.

He Xin quenched and hit the wall, and a blood spurted out. His chest hurt so badly that he looked up at the horizon.

"Do you repeat their names again?"

He Xin was dull: "Wind Tian Yu and..."


The end of the world is on the face of He Xin. He used a lot of strength on this foot. He Xin’s nosebleeds flowed out continuously, and his face was red and purple.

"You continue to say, what is their name?" Tianya facelessly approached He Xin.

He Xin was smart at this time, and he didn’t dare to talk more.

Even if he didn't know why Tianya was so angry, he understood that if he continued to talk, the old man would definitely kill him!

Even if he once insulted the cats of the end of the world, the end of the world is not as violent as it is now, as if he wants to send him to hell!

Tianya raised his hand and grabbed He Xin’s clothes, dragging him to the front, and his face was cold: "He Xin, tell me, the Muhua of Mujia... Why do you want to shoot these two people?? Immediately tell me, otherwise I will kill you now!"

He Xin’s body trembled, and he felt the rage to the end of the world, and his entire face was white and white.

"I don't know. It seems that because of the clothing of Nansu, the daughter of Fengtianyu is the daughter-in-law of Nansuyi. The mother of Muhuan is the little sister of Mujia... The general of Tianya, I am wrong, I am really wrong. Now, please spare me, I will not bully your cat anymore, I will not dare to escape."

He was afraid that the end of the world would continue to be violent, crying and crying down, holding the legs of the end of the world, tears mixed with nosebleeds.

Tianya’s foot stepped on the back of He Xin’s head and stepped him on the ground.

"Where is the little monk called Mu Huan?"

He Xin cried and screamed: "The moon is on the mainland."

"The housekeeper, who has lost his strength and left the mainland of the moon, let him inform the Muslims... and the little sister, these two monks must give me a good life, waiting for me to go back and take their dog lives! ”

The old butler is also a bit embarrassed, but also does not understand why the end of the world is so angry.

"General... that couple... do you know?"

The world looked coldly at He Xin, who was stepping on his feet: "I am from the mainland of the moon. It is unfortunate that the one called Feng Tian Yu is my son."


This sentence, like a blue sky, slammed into the head, and the whole brain of He Xin almost burst open.

Feng Tian Yu is the son of Tianya? !

No... impossible!

There is such a coincidence.

Why is Feng Tian Yupi the son of Tianya!

(End of this chapter)

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