The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 880: Mu home door (four)

Chapter 880 Mu home door (four)

"What about the South String kid? He only told me that you are here, where did you go?"


Suyi found her, is it said by Nanxian?

Nanxian knows that she is coming to the Tenjin House?

At that moment, the face of the wind was dark: "Oh, he may have lived with Xiaoqing."

Su Yi Emei: "The snake is not a good snake at first glance, but also turned the South String. You can rest assured that you will see the two of them next time. I will help you to give the snake a soup, together with Phoenix Soup. Just to give you up."


At this moment, Xiaoqing, who was far away from the Tenjinfu, couldn't help but sneezed. It stretched out the small head and was confused in the snake.

"Is there someone who is chanting me? It must be the charm snake! Master, are you sure that the charm snake will not chase me to catch up here?"

The south string was calm and swept away.

Xiao Qing suddenly closed his mouth and never said a word.

Immediately, the look of the South String looked at the boy standing in the water and a white phoenix, his eyes light as light.

"Before...Is there a water snake princess like you?"

If Xiaoqing is a cat, I am afraid that it will be fried after hearing this.

It is a pity that it is a snake. It can be fried without hair. It can only erect the whole body and be in a state of defense.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Qing’s voice is crying.

It is a warlike snake, only selling art does not sell, this time, it is determined not to hook the snake.

"Well, you go to the hook - lead it, so that the people of the aquarium are not allowed to find a way for him."

"..." Xiaoqing really cried. "Master, the water snake princess is better than the charm snake, but it is too fierce, I am afraid..."

The gaze of Nanxian is more and more quiet.

"Master, why don't you do it yourself, why?" Xiaoqing's voice trembled. "You can do it yourself, why should you sacrifice my virginity? I don't do it!"

The southern string is clear and windy: "After letting you know, you need someone who has a back pot."

The implication is that Xiaoqing is the one who backs the pot.

At that time, if the wind is angry, it will push all the responsibilities to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing was shocked, and looked at the South String, and even forgot to forget.

The owner didn't want the enemy to go to the princess, so in order to stop him, he pushed it out of this poor snake.

"The princess will take me to the soup, really."

"Well," Nanzi's eyebrows are cold, "I have always remembered the snakes, so that I will let her fill the body this time."

Xiaoqing instantly exploded. Since she knew the princess, the master was no longer the master he knew.

There is no bottom line.

"Master, I just made a joke, really," Xiaoqing’s dog legs seem to be on the arm of Nanxian. "You are my most respected master, let alone let me go to the water snake princess, you just let I am going to hook up the mud and I agree."

The eyes of Nanxian sank and seemed to be thinking about something.

The light in his eyes made Xiao Qing suddenly tremble, and it suddenly remembered that there was indeed a muddy muddy that wanted to hook it up.

No way, who makes it the most attractive snake in the snake family, there are spirit beasts everywhere to think about it.

"Actually, my sentence is also a joke."

The southern string is calm: "I remember."

Xiaoqing is crying sadly, master, are you not a seven-second memory? Please forget this sentence, when it says nothing?

The South String pulled Xiaoqing from his arm and left it with a blank expression.

(End of this chapter)

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