Chapter 881 Mu Jia home (5)

His gaze, once again looked at the boy who stood above the water, his throat was so heavy, with a light that people could not understand...


Above the gazebo.

Xiao Qinghan raised his small head on the wind like a tilted thigh, looked up, and looked at Suyi with a sneak peek.

"Muyi grandma, cheaper, why do you know that the mother is here? The mother-in-law clearly does not want to let him know, so he did not tell him."

Su Yi stunned.

The wind is like a dump, telling Nanxian where she is going? Why is the South String clear?

"Green Han, you don't have to ask, I already know."

The wind slid slowly and closed her eyes, and at least she was open, and she opened her eyes.

No wonder...

No wonder when she was in Fengyun, she would sleep so hard.

I can't know the South String, she is sleeping, and she doesn't feel anything.

Originally, she thought it would be too much to miss the South Strings.

Think about it now...

Should the national teacher keep track of her?

Su Yi looked stunned and couldn’t understand what was going on.



Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted all the words of Suyi.

Her momentum gradually sank, with a chill that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"Suyi, you really... come back?"

Time has passed into the evening.

In the courtyard, except for the sound of the evening wind, there is nothing else.

Mu Ling’s eyes were always wrapped around the body of Su Yi, with a delight at the bottom of his eyes.

Somehow, Su Yi always felt that this joy, too hypothetical, makes people sick.

"There is no such thing as a master of the family, who is not good at the people's house without the consent of others." Suyi's mouth sneered and stood up.

The wind looked calm and waveless, and she got up and gently grasped the cold hands of the plain clothes.

From the very beginning, the wind is like a dump, knowing that once the clothes are returned, they will inevitably be entangled in the home.

It is for this reason that she does not want Suyi to participate in these things.

After all, Mu Jia is still looking for it!

"Suyi, you come back... Why don't you say it?" Muling's brow wrinkled. "If you say it, I can send someone to pick you up."

Suyi looked indifferently and looked at it: "I am giving you a small donkey, are you not satisfied enough? If you are not satisfied, I don't mind sending more to you, oh, yes, I forgot, you are now It is no longer human."

Muling’s face sank and he clenched his fist: “This is what you did, plain clothing! You were not such a person before, why can you become so vicious now?”

Originally, Muling came here to talk to Suyi well, but now Suyi poked his pain in a sentence, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"Suyi, don't forget, you are the lady of the family!" Muling's eyes were angry. "What do you do to benefit you?"

Suyi smiled lightly: "Do you not continue to install?"

"You..." Muling was angry and screaming, "Suyi, can you learn with contempt! You have always felt that you are not as good as you, but she will manage the well-organized, up and down, who does not appreciate her? You When I was in the family, whether it was an uncle or a subordinate, what did anyone praise you? Which one is not a complaint?"

Suyi tightly clenched his fists, his face pale and ugly.

At the beginning, the father's body had always been uncomfortable, and he taught the family to manage her.

(End of this chapter)

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