The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 157 - Confessed Their Crimes

Patrick glared at her in anger as he understood she was having her revenge. 

"Ems this is wrong, you are being unfair" Patrick looked like he was wronged by her.

He meant she was wrong in taking this revenge which she understood but she ignored it and pretended like she didn't understand his underlying words.

"No Pat I am not wrong, let me explain it in a better way, for example if we talk about something that is awkward for us, then we might just jump on to each other and have sex, we might go for rounds and rounds of sex until we are tired then we will fall asleep and we won't complete our discussion and we would avoid it altogether, which I don't want, we should rather face the awkwardness and try to get over it instead of ignoring it. Now you understand what I mean?"

Patrick couldn't help but smile hearing her words, "How could you remember everything I said so word to word?" He was surprised and impressed with her.

"Have you forgotten? I am a medical student and whenever I talk to you Pat, I pay utmost attention to each and every word of yours, all these years I missed talking to you and I missed your voice so when you talk to me now, subconsciously I remember everything you say."

Patrick got emotional and he caressed her cheeks and gave a peck on her lips, "I am so sorry for wasting all these years Ems" He told her while touching his forehead with hers.

"It was my fault so please don't apologize"

"At times I feel you love me more than I love you" Patrick smiled.

"Which is true"

"No it is not, I love you way more than you do"

The two then argued for some time on who loves whom more and slept after having dinner.


Next Day [Friday]

As soon as Patrick woke up he called the forensic team and they confirmed the fingerprints they found on the utensils match with Robert's and Jonathan's murderers confirming that the two people they followed were Andrew and Sophia, they already knew it but now they had concrete proof against them.

Patrick called his other team who were at the motel keeping an eye on Sophia and Andrew. They told him that they didn't leave the motel and are still there.

Patrick instructed his team to follow Andrew when he would go to The Eminent Club and he would be soon sending a backup team to stay at the motel to keep an eye on Sophia

He quickly dressed up and headed to arrest them with the arrest warrant.

Emily wished him luck and continued sleeping as it was still early in the morning.

Patrick went to The Eminent Club and this time as Andrew approached the security to clock in his attendance, Patrick and his team quickly arrested him.

Andrew was shocked as he was not sure what was happening.

"You are under arrest for killing Jonathan and for being involved in Robert Nowak's murder" One of the policemen informed him and handcuffed him.

Andrew couldn't fight them back and he was taken away in the police van.

Patrick promised the higher officials of The Eminent club that he would ensure Andrew won't set his foot in their place the next day and just like he promised he arrested Andrew before he went in.

Just at the same time, Sophia was arrested by female police officers as Patrick sent a female team there to avoid any resistance or backlash and with female officers around they can force Sophia if she resists which male officers cannot.

With his foolproof plan he arrested the two murderers.

He went to the police station and after ensuring everything was fine and the two murderers are locked up in the cell, he sighed in relief and messaged Emily about their arrest.

He called Rachel first to share the good news with her but her phone was switched off as she was in the flight.

Next he called Daniel to give him the good news and asked him to come to the police station to identify Andrew as he knew what Andrew looked like.

Next he called James to inform him everything that happened as James was not aware of Bob's murder and other information.

Then James, along with Michael and Anthony came to the police station where Patrick told them everything that happened and how they finally arrested Andrew.

"Wait, you said he works at The Eminent Club?" Michael asked in surprise.

"Yes" Then Patrick showed them Andrew's photo and the three men shouted in shock.

"What happened?" Patrick got worried seeing their expressions.

"Pat, this bastard was our personal manager at The Eminent Club, we all met him around a week back there." Michael still couldn't believe this killer was with them all the while and they were treating him so nicely.

James blood boiled thinking he was treating the man who attacked his granddaughter so well.

He was furious and wanted to kill him with his bare hands.

Patrick understood his emotions and tried to calm him down.

After questioning Andrew they got to know Andrew had no idea who James was and he helped his girlfriend take care of Robert's body so that he could join this club in his place and trap other old men.

Andrew and Sophia had no choice and confessed their crimes as there was clear evidence against them.

What Sophia was fearing came out to be true and she was already very scared so it became easier to get out information from her.

Since she confessed everything Andrew too had to confess all the crimes they committed till date as the punishment for these two murders and all the murders were the same.

All of this happened in the next few hours.

Then Rachel landed in London and she immediately got the news of Andrew and Sophia's arrest so she headed to the police department. 

The rest of the bodyguards assured her they would take care of Sam and Frank so she was escorted by the other bodyguards and went to meet Patrick quickly.

The other people responsible for her security and stayed back safely captured the driver and took him to a place which was only known to James, Michael, Anthony and Patrick.

It was a huge bungalow with tight security, it was located in the outskirts of the city. This bungalow was only used by the three old men to hide someone as this house is not exactly registered under their name and no one can trace them back through this house.

This place is used by them when they do something illegal. Patrick once followed them and got to know about it but he decided to keep this a secret only after getting a promise from the three old men that they would never kill anyone and neither would they take law into their hands but only use this place to solve a certain purpose and would let Patrick handle the rest of it, which the three old men had to agree having no choice.

The bodyguards safely brought the driver who attacked Rachel in Italy to this house and tied him up properly to a chair.

They also tied his hands and his legs and there were always two guys who were keeping an eye on him and they also monitored the guy with the security cameras which were placed in every corner of every room. 

Two of the guards took over the responsibility of looking over the house.


Rachel was still in the shock of the attack that happened earlier, she was not thinking about the driver who attacked her but her mind was revolving around the man in black clothes who suddenly came to her rescue, she couldn't stop thinking about that man.

As soon as she landed, she wanted to make a phone call but the bodyguards who came to receive her informed her about Andrew and Sophia being arrested and that she is required to come to the station to identify them as she too filed a case against them few months back for being attacked by them in a small town called Peebles.

She was also the only person alive who saw both of them, Daniel only met Andrew but not Sophia. So, Rachel didn't go back home and directly headed to the station but there was one thing she wanted to do as soon as she lands in London but because of this sudden news she couldn't do it which was to go to Daniel's workplace, St Christian City Hospital but as she couldn't she called him instead.

The call went through and Daniel answered it.

"I am so sorry dear, I have been busy with surgeries so couldn't answer your calls yesterday." He quickly informed her as soon as he answered the call.

"Oh you were really in the hospital since morning?"

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