The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 158 - She Saw Another Side Of Him

"Oh you were really in the hospital since morning?" 

He chuckled at her question and replied, "Yes of course, where else will I be in?" 

"Hmm, did you know about…"

"Andrew and Sophia?"

"Yeah" She was surprised that he already knew as according to her theory he should be unaware of it.

"So, you are at the police station?"

"Not yet, I had surgeries lined up in the morning, but I just got done with my work, I'll be heading to the station soon."

"Fine I'll meet you there."


Rachel had an urge to use her contacts and get the information on Daniel and wanted to check if he was really at the hospital but the next second she decided against it and took a decision to give him a chance to explain himself first.

Since the moment she saw the man in black clothes who saved her, she felt weird. After a point she started feeling like that man was Daniel.

Then during her flight journey when she started thinking clearly, she realized Daniel didn't answer her calls the day before, now her doubts were only being stronger that the guy who saved her was Daniel himself.

If it was really the case then today she saw another side of him, the violent side, she couldn't forget how Daniel hurt the driver by piercing a knife into his skin.

She tightly closed her when she remembered what she saw.

After the man who saved her left and her bodyguards were back, one of the bodyguards quickly treated that man's wounds on the neck after tying him up and in the plane he informed Rachel that the man who attacked him was very careful to not kill him and only attacked the vital points which would give him pain but won't kill him.

The fact that Daniel was a doctor only proved that he would be aware of such points in the human body.

If her theory was right then Daniel too must have landed in London just now and should not be aware of Patrick capturing Andrew and Sophia as he was never officially involved in this case and she was the one who filed the case against them and not Daniel, it didn't make any sense for Daniel to know about it.

Now she got even more confused.

There were a lot of thoughts going on in her mind and she had to meet Daniel and clear everything.

But right now she had to visit the station and understand the situation of how suddenly this Andrew and Sophia got caught.

When she reached the station, Patrick was already at the entrance instructing some subordinate and then he saw Rachel.

He happily hugged her, "Rach, we finally caught them"

"That's great Pat"

Patrick could see, although she smiled at him, it didn't reach her eyes and she didn't look that happy.

"What happened Rach? Is something bothering you?"

She continued smiling at him, "I'll tell you later."


He then took her to his office where the three old men were still discussing in shock about Andrew who was their personal manager at The Eminent Club.

"You remember how nice and politely he behaved the time he guided us to the swimming area when we were lost?" Anthony asked the two.

"Oh, yeah, who could think that gentle guy was a murderer?" Michael too shared his thoughts.

"What is happening here?" Rachel questioned the three men as she couldn't understand their conversation.

James quickly went over and hugged her, "Those two bastards are caught dear, now there is nothing to worry about." He gladly smiled at her, he knew the danger was still there but in the moment he was happy that at least those two monsters who attacked her were caught.

"Yeah grandpa and also there is something I need to tell you."

Rachel decided to tell him everything as last time she promised him that she would never hide anything from him.

She asked the bodyguards to not inform James about the attack and she would tell him herself in person.

If he would know what happened he would panic and will be worried until he sees her but if she is in front of him while informing of what happened then he might react less worriedly.

"What happened?" James got worried as Rachel looked pale.

"Sit here grandpa" She pointed at a chair and asked Patrick too to be present here.

"Well, today morning when I was on the way to the airport.."

There was a knock on the door interrupting her.

Patrick opened the door to find Daniel there.

"Good you came on time, come in"

Daniel was surprised to see everyone being already there, "Oh, you all are here." He cheerfully said and he turned back at Patrick, "How did you catch them?"

Patrick was about to say Rachel had something important to share but Rachel interrupted him, "Yeah Patrick first you tell us how did you catch them. My information can wait."

"What information, Rachel?" Daniel asked casually like he would do if he had no idea what it was about. 

"Nothing serious" She coldly answered him.

All the four men present in the room except for Daniel were surprised as she would never talk so coldly to people close to her and that too especially with Daniel.

Daniel smiled at her and was unaffected to her coldness, "Sure, if it is nothing serious then, I guess it can wait." Then he faced Patrick, "You tell me how did you catch them?" 

Patrick then explained everything on how he got the clue, following those clues how he caught them. He also informed them that they confessed their real names to be Mason and Mia.

"Wait who is this Robert?" Michael asked him.

Then Patrick and Daniel looked at each other as Daniel requested Patrick to hide it from James and Patrick promised him that in a week if he fails to catch these two criminals then he will have to inform James but he successfully arrested them in a week.

Before Patrick could explain, Daniel chimed in and told them what happened last week.

How Patrick found a dead body and informed him on Saturday about it as an article of Rachel was found in the victim's pocket, he also confessed he requested Patrick to not inform them of the truth as he did not want James to get worried.

Rachel now understood why Daniel looked lost and worried last week, she did ask him what happened but he promised to share the truth with her later.

James didn't say anything for some minutes and then he finally spoke, "I am glad they are caught but next time please don't hide anything from me."

"Sorry grandpa" Daniel apologized to him and James just nodded his head.

Then Patrick asked Rachel and Daniel to identify Andrew and Sophia just as a formality. 

They quickly identified Andrew but only Rachel saw Sophia that too vaguely but she heard her voice before, so after hearing her voice, she too confirmed it and now with Jonathan and Robert's murders, an attempt to murder on Rachel too was another case filed against them.

After everything is sorted, Patrick informed them they can leave and Daniel thanked him.

Rachel had been observing the interaction between these two men since Daniel came so she coldly asked them, "Since when did you two know each other?"

The three old men were shocked as they realized Daniel and Patrick were not supposed to know each other according to Rachel. 

Patrick and Daniel too just realized what a huge blunder they committed by calling Daniel here.

Patrick was too excited after arresting the two criminals and he forgot he is not supposed to know Daniel and similarly Daniel kept on thinking  about the attack in Italy so he too forgot that he was not supposed to be here.

Rachel coldly looked at the two men and continued.

"Now you all will explain this to me. I was the one who filed the case against Andrew and that woman. I did tell Patrick that Daniel knows him but calling Daniel here immediately doesn't make sense. Also, last week when that guy Robert died, why did Patrick call Daniel and inform him everything? If they never knew each other all of this should not make any sense but the only plausible reason is you two know each other.. If you two already knew each other why would you hide this from me? What the fuck is happening here?" Rachel almost shouted at all the five men after voicing out her thoughts.

Daniel and Patrick were silent and were cursing themselves for being so stupid.

"Are you all going to be silent or would bother yourself to explain what is happening?" Rachel questioned all the five men who were standing there guiltily.

No one knew what to say so they all kept quiet and finally James decided to answer her as it was for his sake that everyone shut their mouths.

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